Memory for this week:

7-Tuesday: No Memory
9-Thursday: Joshua-2nd Chronicles
10- Friday: Genesis-2nd Chronicles / Religion:
Unit 1: God’s Early Family

* God created people in His own image, perfect and righteous, but sin destroyed that perfection. In love, God sent Jesus to bring us salvation and restore us to righteousness through His suffering and death.

(Genesis 3, Genesis 4:1-16)

This week we will continue studying Unit 1: Place Value. We will work on rounding numbers and comparing and ordering larger numbers.
Monday: No School
Tuesday: No Homework
Wednesday: pg. 11
Thursday: pg.12
Friday: No Homework / Reading:
Story: “Angel Child, Dragon Child”
Vocabulary: jangled, twittered, gleamed, darted, scrawled, margins
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Read 10 minutes & complete word search
Wednesday: Read “Angel Child, Dragon Child”
Thursday: Review story & vocabulary
Friday: Test over “Angel Child, Dragon Child”
Unit 2: below, something, thought, both, laugh, between
Extra words: friends, important, river, today, probably
Bonus: jangled, twittered, gleamed, darted,
scrawled, margins
Wednesday: Take Home Task assigned
Thursday: Word Study Strategy Due
Friday: Take Home Task due & Spelling Test / Science/Social Studies:
Unit 1: Life Science
In the upcoming weeks we will study Life Science. We will look closely at plants and animals. Throughout this unit your child will have the privilege of caring for their own mealworm.
Tuesday: Complete Study Guide
Wednesday: Study for Test
Thursday: Test over Chapter 1
*The link for the interactive study guide may be found on my website.
Praises & Petitions: Give praise for birthdays! Victoria Powell (Aug. 31st), Parker Horn (Sept. 15th), Megan Stallings (Sept. 30th)
*Wednesday, September 15, we have a scheduled 2-hour delay.
*Our field trip is scheduled for Friday, October 8. We will be visiting the Ohio Historical Society. Information will be sent home at a later date. / Contact Information:
*Cell phone: (937) 243-2136

Miss Cline’s Clues of the Week

Tuesday, September 7, 2010- Friday, September 10, 2010

Detective of the Week: Adeline Fitzwater