East Hanover Township, Lebanon County

Municipal Building

1117 School House Road

Annville, PA 17003

January 30, 2017

The Board of Supervisors met here in regular session at 7:30 pm.

Chairman -Matt Hetrick Present

Vice-Chairman-Edward HeagyPresent

Secretary/Treasurer-Dennis GrubbPresent

The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Matthew Hetrick. Hetrick led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The minutes of the December 19, 2016, Township Meeting were presented for approval. Heagy motioned to accept the minutes as presented, Grubb 2nd the motion and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the minutes were approved.

The January 3, 2017 Organizational Meeting Minutes were also presented for approval. Grubb motioned to accept the minutes as presented, Heagy 2nd the motion and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the Organizational Meeting Minutes were approved.

Payment of Bills

The following payments were presented for approval:

Township checks #5832 through #5877in the amount of $19,320.32 Automatic withdrawals in the amount of $6,150.41

Ono Sewer Fund checks #2715 through #2721in the amount of $16,591.05

Ono Sewer – Capital ExpenditureNo Checks were written from this account in January

Recreation checks#1144 through #1152in the amount of $5,452.24

Recreation – New Dev. checkNo Checks were written from this account in January

State checkNo Checks were written from this account in January

Fire Tax Account check#170 in the amount of $20.20

Gaming Revenue checkNo Checks were written from this account in January

On a motion made by Heagy, 2nd by Grubband with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the afore-mentioned bills were approved for payment.

Solicitor’s Report – Attorney Sam Weiss Reporting

Re. David Ober–Attorney Weiss indicated that Attorney Matt Karinch has advised him that he is still waiting for a hearing date from Ober’s attorney in this matter.

Re. Midland Asphalt–Attorney Weiss advised that Attorney Karinch hassent a letter to Midland Asphalt management demanding the overage payment that resulted from Midland’s refusal to honor their current road material contract. This matter is still pending a response.

Re. Bill Forney - Canal Drive

Forney has submitted a request for approval of a small flow sewage treatment facility on his Canal Drive property.

A memorandum has been prepared/provided for the Board’s consideration on this matter. On February 8tha meeting is schedule o discuss the issue, at which time, the Board will be able to ask questions of the Engineer. Former Township Supervisor, Tom Donmoyer, was invited to attend that meeting(requested by Forney), as he was the one who initially assisted Forney with this matter and could be able to provide some helpful insight into the process.

Road Foreman’s Report – Howard Lerch Reporting

Lerch advised that the Road Crew has been busy with the following:

-Cindering and plowing roadways

-Working on signage to bring it into compliance

-Patching holes in the dirt roads

-Placed cold patch along Old Jonestown Road berm

Road Foreman’s Report Continued…

Lerch has been in contact with the Karl Kerchner, of the Lebanon County Conservation District, regarding the proposed road improvement project for Cold Spring Road. This project will be funded through the Dirt and Gravel Road Program. The County can’t spend the money, they have to spend the money through the Township. Therefore, we would be the middle man. All costs would be reimbursed to the Township, as we would be required to pay up front. This would be a 2 year project. Lerch has reviewd the plan. It will be 100% reimbursement to the Township.

The project will redirect run-off and work on the road surface in order to stabilize the dirt portion of the roadway of Cold Spring Road which runs up to the Hawk Watch. Lerch indicated that the Board will need to let Kerchner know soon if they would like to participate in this project, or the money goes away. They will use a contractor for the work. Our road crew won’t need to do anything.

Kerchner advised that at this time, he just wants to know if the Board is interested. If so, then he will draw up the agreement.

The Board indicated that they are interested in the project…..they would like to review the agreement and plans before the next meeting and then they can take official action at next month’s meeting. Lerch will set up the meeting for the Board to meet with Kerchner.

Fuel Bids for 2017

As the anticipated amount to be spent on gasoline and diesel fuel for 2017 is below the amount that requires official bidding, Lerch contacted area providers to gather information on their current rates. The results were as follows:


Kreiser Fuel 2.539 per gallon

Funck’s Mini Market2.559 per gallon

Heagy moved to name Kreiser Fuel as the provider the Township will use for gasoline purchases in 2017, Grubb 2nd the motion, and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the motion passed.


Meyer Oil1.764 per gallon

Talley Petroleum1.764 per gallon

Countryside Fuel1.889 per gallon

Heagy motioned to name Meyer Oil as the provider the Township will use for diesel fuel purchases in 2017 as the Township employees have appreciated Meyer’s efficient business practices in the past. Grubb 2nd the motion and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the motion passed.

Planning Commission Report – Dennis Grubb Reporting

The Committee had no plans to review and their monthly meeting.

2017 Election of Officers was held. The results were as follows:

Chairman -Ken Moyer

Co-Chairman-Gerald Long

Secretary – Marvin Smith

Grubb advised that a Workshop has been tentatively set for March 13th at 6:30 p.m., for the Planning Commission Members and Zoning Hearing Board Members.

Property Maintenance/Zoning Violations

Re. 11 Appalachian Drive Property – A report has been filed alleging that farm animals are being kept on this property, which is a violation of the zoning ordinance for this location. Grubb has spoken with personnel at the Lebanon County Planning Department regarding this matter and they will be investigating this matter.

NL Emergency Services

Matt Hetrick attended a meeting at Union Township re. Workman’s Comp matters under the new NL Emergency Services Organization. He advised that the merger of the Fire Companies continues to take shape and be finalized. Regarding the Workman’s Comp, it appears that for East Hanover, we could see a savings of $4,000-$5,000 if/when the Workman’s Comp is purchased through the Jonestown Borough policy for the NLES. The Fire Company representatives continue to work out the details, and seek final approvals from the State in order to make this happen. Hetrick will continue to follow up on this.

2017-2018 Insurance Coverage for Township – Dennis Grubb Reporting

Grubb and Sheila Seaman, Administrative Assistant, met with Toby Breon, from American Insurance Administrators, to begin the review for the new year’s insurance. Breon advised that last year he sent out our package for bids and obtained the most recent/accurate pricing for our insurance needs. Since that was just done and he doesn’t see any significant items that he feels would warrant the need for change, he will not be doing that this year.

Breon has recommended that the Board consider having a commercial appraisal done of all the township properties, as it doesn’t appear that that was ever done in the past.

Breon will work to put together a proposed package and will present it to the Board prior to their February 27th meeting.

MS4 Meeting – January 18, 2017

Howard Lerch attended this meeting to receive the updated information for the Board.

Our Township has received a waiver for this matter in the past and it is recommended that we continue to request a waiver going forward. Grubb advised that he has talked with Jason Smith, from Hanover Engineering, and he is working on a request to renew the waiver. Smith indicated that he doesn’t foresee a problem with us being allowed the waiver.

Murray School – Tom Donmoyer Reporting

Donmoyer was contacted by officials at Fort Indiantown Gapregarding the Murray School, because they were asking for a key to the school so that they could perform an inspection of the building for maintenance needs.

Dommoyer met with the FTIG official at the school. The individual that he met with, SGT Damian J.M. Smith, is in charge of Historical matters for the Gap.

A final list of things he suggests be done has been provided:

1. Mortar repairs to the porch/foundation corners

2. Fire Extinguisher

3. Solar Lighting for the door entrance

4. 1 to 2 cans of red paint

5. Historical Preservation material (Archival voxes, sheet protectors, signage, cleaning material, etc.)

Donmoyer advised that it appears that the military would be doing the work.

Donmoyer received a key from Lerch at this meeting that may be given to the military for the Schoolhouse.

Donmoyer will meet with the Gap officials to give the key.

It appears that they own/care for the building.

The Township owns/cares for the contents.

Donmoyer will try to determine who pays the insurance. Currently we are paying insurance on that building. It could be that we find out that both, the Gap and Township have been paying insurance.

Donmoyer also requested the Board’s permission to open the Murray School on May 6th for tours for a group to include in their route of tours. Donmoyer would take care of arranging for someone to be present to host the groups.

Grubb motioned to allow the group tours, Heagy 2nd the motion and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the motion passed.

Atlantic Sunrise Project – Correspondence Dated January 13, 2017

Hetrick advised that the Township has received correspondence from the Atlantic Sunrise officials advising that they are in the final stages of the project.

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) – Ed Heagy Reporting

Correspondence was received announcing that re-enrollment for this program begins April 1, 2017.

Our current enrollment will expire September 30, 2017.

Heagy reported that he spoke with representatives for the program and in mid-summer they will come out and take a look at the area and the Board can decide upon renewal.

Ono Sanitary Sewer

Ono Pump Station Report Joshua Kreiser, Pump Station Operator

Kreiser’s report advises that, for the month of January, the pump station has been functioning properly.

Kreiser indicates that a future repair is needed at the pump station. The radiator for the generator motor has a leak.

An estimate for the repair was given by Cleveland Brothers of $3,462.

Heagy suggested they postpone a decision on the repair matter until next month, and get other quotes in the meantime.

All three Supervisors were in agreement to wait.

Fort Indiantown Gap Report - Mr. David B. Weisnicht, Deputy Operations Manager

No one was present at the meeting.

No written report submitted.

Recreation Report

H.M. Levitz Memorial Park – Ross Henderson Reporting

Henderson submitted 2016 Year-end Reports for the Board’s consideration.

Henderson advised that regular maintenance is on-going at the park. He continues to work on deep cleaning and repairs at lodge.

Henderson provided the Board of Supervisors with information on purchasing new bunkbeds and mattresses for the lodge at Levitz Park. He is asking them to give advice and guidance.

Estimate - $6,031.27 (8 bunk beds, 8 mattresses and shipping)

Henderson advised that there are currently 10 bunk beds (5 per room) in the lodge. He proposes reducing that to 8 bunk beds (4 per room).

Grubb motioned to allow Henderson to order 8 new bunk beds and mattresses at the estimated cost of $6,031.27. Heagy 2ndthe motion and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the motion passed.

Henderson advised that he has a lot of firewood available for sale. If anyone knows of someone interested in buying firewood, they should refer them to him. The wood will be sold at a cost of $100/cord to township residents

Henderson will continue working on cleaning up trees in the park.

Ono Fire Company Report – Andy Martin Reporting

Martin reported that for the month of December 2016 the Fire Company…...

Responded to 16 calls, requiring 115 man-hours

Participated in 2trainings, requiring 10man-hours

For the year 2016 the Fire Company….

Responded to 201 calls, requiring 669 man-hours

Participated in 48 trainings, requiring 921 man-hours

State Police Report

No one present at the meeting.

No written report submitted.

Resident’s Forum (Please state your name & address before speaking)

Tyler Spitler – 21 Trout Lake

In regard to the David Ober matter, Spitler asked Attorney Weiss, “What is the time table for getting back to him (Attorney Karinch) with dates for the hearing?”

Attorney Weiss didn’t know what the deadline was for this, as Karinch is dealing with the matter.

Spitler advised that Mr. Ober still has animals running around on the property, what can be done?

Weiss stated that Mr. Ober has appealed, so there is no fine right now. Now that it is in a new level of court handling, the result could be that they may order a fine and to get him to stop doing things, it will then be a contemptof court fine. It’s a bigger deal.

According to Weiss, the other side is dragging their feet. Weiss will talk to Karinch see what is happening. Weiss feels that the potential downside is greater for Mr. Ober at this level.

Tom Donmoyer – 222 Angle Road

Donmoyer indicated that he is aware that the Gaming Law that is currently in effect is going to be updated or revised. He expressed his concern to the Board that if no one is communicating with area legislators or others about this matter, that the Township may lose the funding that is received from the gaming.

Hetrick indicated that the Board has been advised to continue under the assumption that we will continue to receive the funds. But, indicated that they will keep following this matter.

Donmoyer also expressed concern that Weaver’s Wrecking Yard (Rodney Weaver) is out of compliance with an existing court order regulating the placement of junk cars on the property. Donmoyer acknowledged that Mr. Weaver had a fire at the property and that caused a set- back, but feels that there has been ample time since the fire to remedy the issue.

According to Donmoyer, the court order says no cars may be in front of the fence on the property…..but there are cars, etc. all around since the fire destroyed the barrier.

Also, Donmoyer stated that the footprint for the salvage area may only be 7.5 acres, but in his words, “it’s getting larger.”

Donmoyer says that a zoning officer may go on the property any time to make sure Mr. Weaver is in compliance.

Hetrick indicated that the Board would address the matter.

Correspondence/Other Items

The following correspondence has been received and was available at the meeting for inspection by any interested party:

R.J. Hall Company, Inc.-Annual Service Review Completed

Lebanon Valley Conservancy, Inc.-Newsletter

DEP-Resolved Investigation, Landis Organic Farm

Phipps Anderson Deacon LLP-Syngenta Corn Litigation

Lebanon Co. Bureau of Elections & V.R,-Municipal Primary Election Verification

*This correspondence advised that the Primary Ballot will include available

positions of 1 supervisor, 1 tax collector, 1 auditor.

All three Supervisors were in agreement with the positions listed as


Upcoming Meeting Dates:

The next monthly Meeting of the Board of Supervisors will be Monday, February 27, 2017 @ 7:30 p.m.

Schedule Change:

Due to schedule conflicts, Grubb motioned to change the July 2017 regular, monthly meeting of the Board of Supervisor’s from July 24 to July 31.

Heagy 2ndthe motion and with all three Supervisors voting in favor, the motion passed.

January 2017 - List of Checks – General Fund

Date / Check # / Description / Amount
01/04/17 / 5856 / H.A. Thomson Co. / 1,529.00
01/04/17 / 5857 / Matthew Hetrick / 132.30
01/12/17 / 5858 / Jenny L. Arnold / 8.82
01/12/17 / 5859 / Bryan Blatt / 1,415.01
01/12/17 / 5860 / Howard Lerch / 1,554.31
01/12/17 / 5861 / Joshua Kreiser / 835.95
01/12/17 / 5862 / Sheila M. Seaman / 401.63
01/30/17 / 5863 / Howard A. Lerch / 100.00
01/30/17 / 5864 / Verizon Wireless / 273.65
01/30/17 / 5865 / Barnhart Equipment / 100.00
01/30/17 / 5866 / R.J. Hall Company / 1,250.00
01/30/17 / 5867 / PA One Call System / 23.56
01/30/17 / 5868 / Candoris Technology / 248.00
01/30/17 / 5869 / PA Chapter of the Assoc. of Planners / 102.00
01/30/17 / 5870 / Annville Equipment / 66.73
01/30/17 / 5871 / Crystal Springs / 2.00
01/30/17 / 5872 / Verizon / 194.65
01/30/17 / 5873 / E. Schamber / 400.00
01/30/17 / 5874 / CNH Capital / 1.00
01/30/17 / 5875 / Atlantic Tomorrow / 32.25
01/30/17 / 5876 / Market Street Auto Parts / 41.76
01/30/17 / 5877 / Light-Heigel & Assoc. / 68.25
01/30/17 / 5878 / Bryan Blatt / 1,494.60
01/30/17 / 5879 / Daryl Emrich / 31.75
01/30/17 / 5880 / Howard Lerch / 1,665.86
01/30/17 / 5881 / Joshua Kreiser / 1,157.88
01/31/17 / 5882 / Ross Henderson / 709.80
01/31/17 / 5883 / Ross Henderson / 106.72
01/31/17 / 5884 / Dennis L. Grubb / 118.23
01/31/17 / 5885 / Matthew Hetrick / 132.41
01/31/17 / 5886 / Sheila M. Seaman / 566.84
TOTAL / $14,764.96

January 2017 – “ACH Transactions” – General Fund

Date / Check # / Description / Amount
01/04/17 / ACH / PA Dept. of Revenue / 304.34
01/04/17 / ACH / Jonestown Bank & Trust Co. / 3,737.74
01/11/17 / ACH / PA UC Fund / 26.75
01/11/17 / ACH / Keystone Municipal / 388.23
01/12/17 / ACH / PA Dept. of Revenue / 164.35
TOTAL / $4,621.41

January 2017 – Ono Sewer Project – Checking Account

Date / Check # / Description / Amount
01/30/17 / 2719 / Verizon / 35.09
01/30/17 / 2720 / Hanover Engineering / 170.36
01/30/17 / 2721 / Cleveland Brothers / 575.86
TOTAL / $781.31

January 2017 – Ono Sewer Project – Capital Expenditure Fund

No Checks were written from this account in January 2017.