Speech & Language Community - Adult Services
Magnolia Therapy Unit
St Michael’s Site, Gater Drive, Chase Side, Enfield, EN2 0JB.
Tel: 020 8702 5660 Fax: 020 8702 5661
NHS number:
Interpreter required?
Language spoken:
Tel: / Name:
Tel No:
Diagnosis and relevant medical history
Is there a history of chest infections?
Reason for referral
Is this patient under the ongoing care of a hospital consultant?
□ Yes (please refer to ECS referral criteria) □ No (please attach copy of consultant discharge report)
Aims of community input
Patients Mobility:
□ Requires Home Visit □ Able to attend as an outpatient □ Transport required
Any known risks/alerts identified for lone worker visits? □ yes □ No
GP Name: Address:
Phone No:Fax No:
Print Name of Referrer: ______Date of Referral:______
Please attach all relevant reports. Please note if there is not enough information provided the processing of this referral will be delayed and the referral may be returned for more information.
Quick guidelines for referring to the Community SLT team
We provide assessment, treatment and management of patients with acquired communication (speech, language, voice) and swallowing difficulties
All patients referred must have clear and realistic aims for community input.
Inappropriate Referrals:-
We will not see:
- Patients who have been discharged from hospital after a long period of rehabilitation with very little progress made e.g. patients with no potential for change following previous SLT input
- Patients who have been discharged from hospital and have been managing their recommendations, are stable and have not exhibited any change or do not have rehabilitation potential but are referred “just to check”
- Patients for whom amulti-disciplinary teamdecision has been made to risk feed with the acknowledged risk of aspiration.
- Patients referred for monitoring of long term conditions
- Patients who are not registered to Enfield GPs
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