EquitableCompensationCommissiongrantsaretoprovidepastoralleadershipin congregationsengagedin anintentionalrenewalprocessandwhereresourcesarenot availabletoget throughthe transition.Thisgrantapplicationistobe completedby the Superintendentin consultationwiththe SPRC.Grantsaremadeonanappointment-­‐year cycle. The application will then go to the Equitable Compensation Commission for consideration.

A completed Clergy Compensation Report mustbe attachedas well as a CircuitCompensation Report (if applicable).

ChurchName:______Pastors Name:______

If your congregation has previously received compensation support, when was the last year you received support? ______

This application covers the period of: July 1, ______through June 30, ______

Describe the plan of thecongregation to move to a sustainable ministry:

Revised Feb 2018

Grant amount being requested:

$ permonth

$ total for period indicated above

Revised Feb 2018

Indicatethelevel of supportfor up to3years(Grantsareusually grantedonup to a 3-­‐year plan.)Congregationswillreceive areviewoftheir statusevery year andagrantmaybe discontinuedatthe endofanyyearwherethe congregationdoesnotseem to be making progress in itssustainability plan.

Indicate whether this is year one, two or three of the grant process: ______

Appt Year One ______ / ApptYear Two ______ / Appt Year Three ______
$ / $ / $

Date Prepared______Superintendent______


Revised Feb 2018



Revised Feb 2018

____ ElderFull Connection

____ ProvisionalElder

____ LocalPastor

Revised Feb 2018

Revised Feb 2018

Howmanyyears’experiencedoesthis pastor have? ______

Revised Feb 2018

Listall thecongregationsthispastor currentlyservesandtheproportionof time servedat each.


Revised Feb 2018







Revised Feb 2018


Revised Feb 2018

____ Ownshome


Revised Feb 2018


nameof congregationthatownstheparsonage

Revised Feb 2018

Whatwas last-­‐year’s averageattendanceinworship?


Revised Feb 2018

Revised Feb 2018

Whatpercentagedid this churchpayof past-­‐year apportionments?


Revised Feb 2018

(Please attachapast-­‐yearprofitlossstatementand completethefollowing)

Whatwasthetotal revenuelast year?


Revised Feb 2018

PledgesOfferings FundRaising





Revised Feb 2018

Whatwasthespendinglast year?





Net (Revenue-­‐Spending)





Revised Feb 2018

Ifthenet islessthan zero,wheredidthe churchget thefundsto pay thebills? (Forexample transfersfromreserves)

Revised Feb 2018