A.Risso. Elenco delle pubblicazioni scientifiche.

1 M. Ferrarini, Tonda G.P., Risso A. e G. Viale (1975) Lymphocytes membrane receptors in human lymphoid leukemias. European Journal of Immunology 5, 89-93

2 G. Corte, D. Ricci, A. Ferraris, G. Damiani, A. Risso and M. Ferrarini. (1975). Membrane immunoglobulins on mouse myeloma cells: discrepancies in the detection of membrane Ig by two different methods. Italian Journal of Biochemistry 24, 360-368.

3 G. Corte, A. Risso, M. Ferrarini e A. Bargellesi (1976) Membrane Ig on Mpc 11 myeloma cells: correlation between the expression of membrane Ig, a receptor for Ig and the process of secretion. European Journal of Immunology 6, 3-7.

4 Corte G, Risso A, Damiani G, Tonda GP, Bargellesi A.(1976) Proceedings: Characterization of membrane IgD on human lymphocytes. Ital J Biochem. 25:172-3.

5 M. Ferrarini, G. Viale, A. Risso, B. Pernis (1976). A study of the immunoglobulin classes present on the membrane and in the cytoplasm of human tonsil plasma cells. European Journal of Immunology 6, 562-565.

6 G. Viale, A. Risso, M.L. Durante (1976) Metodiche per evidenziare le immunoglobuline di membrana dei linfociti per mezzo dell'immunofluorescenza. Argomenti di immunologia clinica "Il pensiero scientifico" Ed. "Il pensiero scientifico" (Roma), 453-460.

7 A.Bargellesi, G. Corte, R. Sitia, G. Damiani, G. Viale, A. Risso, M.E. Cosulich, M. Ferrarini.(1978) Comparative studies on surface IgD in mouse, monkey and man. Developments in clinical Immunology. Ricci, Fauci, Arcangeli, Torzuoli ed. Academic Press (London),13-20.

8 A. Bargellesi, F. Calabi, G. Corte, M.E. Cosulich, G. Damiani, M. Fabbi, D. Ramarli, A. Risso, E. Zocchi, A. Moretta, M.C. Mingari, L. Moretta. (1982). The application of monoclonal antibodies to the biochemical and functional analysis of human lymphocyte antigens. Monoclonal antibodies. Progress and Perspectives. Eds. Dammacco, Doria and Pinchera (Venice), 45-59.

9 Fasce L., Cosulich M.E., Risso A., Buoncompagni A., Rimini A., Cordona G. (1983). Le sottopopolazioni linfocitarie T ad attività regolatrice nel sangue perifierico di pazienti con artrite reumatoride giovanile. Gaslini, 15, 48-53.

10 W. Canonica, M. Caria, G. Torre, A. Risso, M.E. Cosulich, M. Bagnasco (1984). Autoimmune thyroid disease: purification and phenotypic analysis of intrathyroid T cells. J. of endocrinol. Investigation 7, 641-645.

11 G. Piaggio, A. Bacigalupo, F. Frassoni, M. Podestà, M. Repetto, A. Risso, M. E. Cosulich, A.M.Marmont(1985). T-derived colony-inhibiting activity: partial characterization and mechanism of action. Acta Haematologica 74,195-199.

12 E. Cosulich, A. Risso, W. Canonica and A. Bargellesi.(1986). Functional characterization of a regulatory human T cell subpopulation increasing during autologous MLR. Immunology. 57, 265-273.

13 G.A. Rossi, O. Sacco, M.E. Cosulich, B. Balbi, A. Risso and C. Ravazzoni (1986). Different expansions of T lymphocyte subpopulations in the lung and corticosteroid-induced changes in patients with active pulmonary sarcoidosis. Tenth international conference on sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 465,130-139.

14 G.A.Rossi, O. Sacco, M.E. Cosulich, A. Risso, B. Balbi, C. Ravazzoni. (1986). Helper T lymphocytes in pulmonary sarcoidosis. Functional analysis of a lung T-cell subpopulation in patients with active disease. Am.Rev. Respir. Dis. 133, 1086-1090.

15 Balbi B, Cosulich E, Risso A, Sacco O, Balzano E, Rossi GA. (1987) The interstitial lung disease associated with rheumatoid arthritis: evidence for imbalance of helper T-lymphocyte subpopulations at sites of disease activity. Bull Eur Physiopathol Respir. 23: 241-7.

16 M.E. Cosulich, A. Rubartelli, A. Risso, F. Cozzolino and A. Bargellesi. (1987). Functional characterization of a new antigen involved in an early step of T cell activation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 4205-4209.

17 A. Risso, M.E. Cosulich, M. R. Mazza and A. Bargellesi (1987) Functional and biochemical characterization of a human T cell antigen related to the T3-Ti activation pathway. Cell.Immunol. 110, 413-424.

18 A. Bacigalupo, G. Corte, M.T. Van Lint, F. Frassoni, E. Cosulich, A. Risso, G. Piaggio, O. Figari, P.A. Pittaluga, D. Occhini and A.M. Marmont (1987). T cell depleted marrow transplantion: high relapse after removal of a small helper T cell subset. Serono Symposia Review 13,157-161.

19 G. A. Rossi, R. Felletti, B. Balbi, O.Sacco, M.E. Cosulich, A. Risso, G. Melioli and C. Ravazzoni (1987). Symptomatic treatment of recurrent malignant pleural effusions with intrapleurally administered Corynebacterium parvum. Am. Rev. of Respiratory Diseases 135, 885-890.

20 S. Mihm, A. Risso, M. Stoer, F. Oberdorfer, W. Droege. (1989). Down regulation of T cell growth factor production by ornithine decarboxylase and its product putrescine: D,L a -difluoro- methylornithine suppresses general protein synthesis but augments simultaneously the production of interleukin 2. Experimental cell research 180,383-398.

21 A. Risso, M.E. Cosulich, A. Rubartelli, M. R. Mazza and A. Bargellesi.(1989) MLR3 molecule is an activation antigen shared by human T, B lymphocytes and T cell precursors. Europ. J. of Immunol. 19, 323-328

22 M.E. Cosulich, A. Risso, M.R. Mazza, D. Smilovich, M.C. Capra, A. Massa, S. Costanzi, I. Baldissarro, W. Droege and A. Bargellesi (1989) Functional and biochemical characterization of the activation antigen defined by MLR3 mab. Leukocyte typing IV. Eds. Knapp, Dorken, Gilks, Rieber, Schmidt, Steim, von den Borne. Oxford University Press (Oxford), 432-435.

23 A. Risso, I. Baldissarro, M.R. Mazza, D. Smilovich, M.E. Cosulich (1989). Meccanismi di attivazione cellulare. "Colture cellulari" Ed. Scuola Superiore di oncologia e Scienze Biomediche (Genova) 231-236.

24 A. Bargellesi, E. Cosulich, A. Risso, D. Smilovich, I. Baldissarro, Gu Yan. (1990). Anticorpi monoclonali. Advances in cytometry "Immunologia e trapianti" Ed.Edi-Ermes (Milano) 1-13.

25 A. Risso, D. Smilovich, M.C. Capra, I. Baldissarro, G. Yan , A.Bargellesi, M.E. Cosulich. (1991). CD69 in resting and activated T lymphocytes: its association with a GTP binding protein and biochemical requirements for its expression. Journal of Immunology 146, 4105-4114.

26 Gavioli R., Spisani S., Giuliani A.L., Cosulich M.E., Risso A., Traniello S. (1991). CD 16 and CR3 receptors distinguish between the two mechanisms of tumour cytotoxicity in neutrophils. Br. J Haematol. 1991,79: 170-178..

27 R. Gavioli, A. Risso, D. Smilovich, I. Baldissarro, M.C. Capra, A. Bargellesi and E. Cosulich (1992). CD69 molecule in human neutrophils: its expression and role in signal transducing mechanisms. Cellular Immunology: 162, 186-196.

28 Cosulich M:E:, Risso A, Smilovich D., Baldissarro I., Capra MC., Bargellesi A. (1992) CD69 activation molecule: requirements for its expression on T cells. Pharmacol. Res. 26, 136-138.
29 Volpatti D., Galeotti M., A. Risso (1994). Analysis of membrane antigens on in vitro activated bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes. Proceedings of the XVIII World Buiatric Congress, 523-526.

30 R. Gennaro, M. Scocchi, P. Storici, A. Tossi, B. Skerlavaj, L.Bagella, A. Risso, D.Romeo, M. Zanetti (1995) Chemical synthesis, structural features and biological activity of novel mammalian antibiotic peptides identified through amplification of homologous cDNA sequences. Minerva biotecnologica, 67-73.

31 M.Tiso, R. Gangemi, A. Bargellesi Severi, S. Pizzolitto, M. Fabbi and A. Risso. (1995) Spontaneous apoptosis in human thymocytes. Am. Journal of Pathology 147, 434-444.

32 Skerlavaj B, Gennaro R, Bagella L, Merluzzi L, Risso A and Zanetti M. (1996) Biological characterization of two novel cathelicidin-derived peptides and identification of structural requirements for their antimicrobial and cell lytic activities. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 28375-28381

33 Risso A., Zanetti M. and Gennaro R. (1998) Cytotoxicity and apoptosis mediated by two peptides of innate immunity. Cell. Immun. 189,107-115.

34 Skerlavaj B., Benincasa M., M. Scocchi, A.Risso, Zanetti M., Gennaro R. (1999) SMAP-29: a potent antibacterial and antifungal peptide from sheep leukocytes. FEBS Letters, 463, 58-62.

35 Risso A. Leukocyte antimicrobial peptides: multifunctional molecules of innate immunity. (2000) Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 68, 785-792.

36 Skerlavaj B., Scocchi M., Gennaro R., Risso A., Zanetti M. (2001) Structural and functional analysis of horse cathelicidin peptides. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 45, 715-22

37 Astori G, Malangone W, Adami V, Risso A, Dorotea L, Falasca E, Marini L, Spizzo R, Bigi L, Sala P, Tonutti E, Biffoni F, Rinaldi C, Del Frate G, Pittino M, Degrassi A.(2001) A novel protocol that allows short-term stem cell expansion of both committed and pluripotent hematopoietic progenitor cells suitable for clinical use. Blood Cells Mol Dis., 27, 715-24; discussion 725-7.

38 Risso A, Mercuri F, Quagliaro L, Damante G, Ceriello A. (2001) Intermittent high glucose enhances apoptosis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells in culture. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab., 281, E 924-30.

39 Risso A, Braidot E, Sordano MC, Vianello A, Macri F, Skerlavaj B, Zanetti M, Gennaro R, Bernardi P. (2002) BMAP-28, an antibiotic peptide of innate immunity, induces cell death through opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Mol Cell Biol 22, 1926-35.

40 Rapozzi V, Cogoi S, Spessotto P, Risso A, Bonora GM, Quadrifoglio F, Xodo LE. (2002) Antigene effect in K562 cells of a PEG-conjugated triplex-forming oligonucleotide targeted to the bcr/abl oncogene. Biochemistry, 41, 502-10.

41 Braidot E, Micolini S, Risso A, Macri` F, Vianello A. (2003). Immunochemical evidence for the presence of a lipoxygenase 1 in isolated plasma membranes from soybean cotyledons.

Plant Science, 164 ,9-16.

42 Risso A., Tell G., Vascotto C., Costessi A., Arena S., Scaloni A., Cosulich M.E. (2005) Activation of human T lymphocytes under conditions similar to those that occur during exposure to microgravity : a proteomics study. Proteomics, 5:1827-1837.

43 Adami V, Malangone W, Falasca E, Marini L, Risso A, Crini S, Toniutti E, Passoni Ferraro E, Del Frate G, Pittino M, Biffoni F, Rinaldi C, Degrassi A. (2005) A closed system for the clinical banking of umbilical cord blood.. Blood Cells Mol Dis., 35:389-97.

44 Risso A., Turello M., Biffoni F., Antonutto G. Red blood cells senescence and neocytolysis in humans after high altitude acclimatisation. (2007) Blood Cells Mol Dis., 38:83-92.

45 Risso A., M.Turello, G.Antonutto. Neocytolysis and Alterations of Erythrocytes over A short Term Space Flight. (2008) Journal of Gravitational Physiology 15, 61-70.

46 Risso A., M.Turello, G.Antonutto. Effects of spaceflight on erythropoiesis: a study on neocytolysis.(2008) Journal of Gravitational Physiology 15, 201-202.

47 Risso A., B. Santamaria, Pistarino E., Cosulich ME, Pompach P, Bezouska K, Antonutto G. Erythrocytes actin fragmentation in humans after exposure to hypoxia (2010) Acta Haematologica, 123, 6-13

48 Achilli C, Ciana A, Balduini C, Risso A, Minetti G. Application of gelatin zymography for evaluating low levels of contaminating neutrophils in red blood cell samples.Anal Biochem. ( 2011) 409: 296-7.

49 Risso A., Fabbro D., Damante G., Antonutto G. Expression of fetal Hemoglobin in adult humans exposed to high altitude hypoxia.Blood Cells Mol Dis 48 (2012) 147-153

50 G.Antonutto, A Risso. Neocytolysis of red blood cells after exposure to high altitude.Med Sport (2012) 16: 75-78. DOI: 10.5604/17342260.1001883

51 A. Ciana, C.Achilli, A.Risso, R.N Hannoush, G. Minetti. Palmitoylation of peripheral protein p55 is not responsible for the anchoring of lipid rafts to the membrane skeleton in human erythrocytes. A study with bio-orthogonal chemical probes. BBA 18 (2013) 924-31.

52 A. Risso, A.Ciana, C.Achilli, G.Antonutto, G.Minetti. Neocytolysis: none, one or many? A reappraisal and future perspectives.Frontiers in Physiology Membrane Physiology and Membrane Biophysics.(2014) 5: 1-10. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2014.00054
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