5 / 4 / 3 / 2
Focus / Response is sharp, distinct and controlled. Followed all directions. / Response is clear. Followed most directions. / Response is attempted, but unclear. Had difficulty following directions. / Response does not relate to the directions provided.
Content/Info / Sophisticated, substantial, and well-developed idea. It is clear the student analyzed the facts.High-level of vocabulary is used throughout the brochure. All information is accurate. / Adequately developed ideas and essentially accurate information. / Ideas are scattered and need further development; only basic information is provided. / Needs more information.
Organization / Information is presented in a sophisticated, logical order. Student used text-features that enhance the organization of the brochure. / Information is presented in a logical order. Student may have used text features. / Details show inconsistent organization. / Details are presenting in a confusing manner; information is hard to follow.
Neatness / Labels and titles are effectively used. Size and style of text enhances the visual and engages the reader. It is clear the student tried his/her personal best! / Labels and titles are appropriate to the media layout. Size and style of text is well-suited for the reader. / Sufficient labels and titles are used. Size of text is adequate for the reader. / Few labels and titles are used. Size of text is inappropriate for the reader to understand.
Teacher Comments:
Name______Heart Brochure
Date assigned: January 18, 2017
Due Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Overarching Goal: Create a tri-fold brochure that promotes healthy heart living.
You must include, but are not limited to:
- front page must include a brochure title, your name, picture, and date
- one page must include a description ofhow blood flows to deliver oxygen, nutrients, etc. to all parts of the body (you might include information about the blood vessels, blood cells, etc. in this section)
- one page must have a diagram of the heart with its proper labels and address the dangers of heart disease
- one page must have healthy heart foods and/or recipes and links to kid-friendly websites that contain information about the heart, etc.
- I expect you to give me this sheet with your brochure on the 25th.
My Plan