Travel to Work Implementation Group
Minutes of Travel to Work Implementation Group
28th March 2007
Library, Royal FortHouse
Present: Present: David Clarke (DC) Chair, Parvis Partow (PP), Ceri Bishop (CB), Gill Robbins (GR), Amy Watts (AW), Alan Crowther (ALC), Helen Galbraith (HG), David Hook (DH), Lesley Faulkner (LF), Amanda Carmichael (AC), Marjorie Dunderdale (MD), Carolyn Picton (CP), Tania String (TS), Peter Adams (PA)
Apologies:Martin Wiles
Person/Department / Application / Appeal / Outcome
Med school /
- 2 Bays required one was granted
- Home Office guidelines to follow
- Could be required to attend any of 6 Units away from the precinct at short notice
- Emergency calls relating to Animal Welfare
Finance /
- Require 1 space
- 5 permits for Operational Use OFF precinct
- For visiting departments off precinct, Langford, Southmead, Student Residences, suppliers etc.
Child & Adolescent Health. (THOMP) /
- To discuss at meeting.
Health & Safety Office /
- Ignore previous application – reapplied with alteration
- 1 departmental vehicle
- 3 Emergency response spaces with 7 permits
- Response to accidents, fires, work place hazards “frequency upon demand”
Chemistry / Additional space and vehicle already allocated 1 dept bay. Convey equipment, material, staff and students, conducting experimental procedure, demonstrations and illustrated lecture to primary and secondary school and colleges. Part of a continuous programme of outreach activities. Visits to industrial sponsors by students. University vehicle / 1 extra bay granted
Conference Office /
- Previously had 1 bay and 1 permit
- Would like 2 bay and 3 permits for operational use off precinct by UOB leased vehicle and 2 private vehicles
- To attend meetings off precinct at short notice
- Flexible working hours to cover events.
- Represent the University off precinct
- UOB leased vehicle to transport clients, papers
(For discussion of some of above decisions, see below.)
Motorbikes / HG asked if their had been any further developments by MW for the replacement of lockable bike posts on the precinct. DC responded by saying that he had walked the precinct in the vicinity of Senate House and identified a possible area at the rear of the Arts & Social Sciences library, 2 Cat C spaces would be used for this provision. DC advised that HG and AW get together to discuss other suggestions. / HG/AWCouncil Members Parking / CW asked if the Council members car parking had been finalised. DC is to write a letter to selected council members before the next meeting. CW asked that they be reminded that they are entitled to apply for disabled bays if they are a disabled user. DC agreed to CW request. / DC/CB Draft letter already drawn up by DC (29.03.07)
Motorcycle Mileage rates / HG asked if anything further had been decided, AW replied that the topic had been discussed between herself and MW and they are investigating other Universities policies to allow universal pricing with other Universities. / AW
Finance / A long discussion took place regarding the decision to grant Finance a Departmental bay at Canynge Hall. DC felt that the original decision to put departmental spaces there had been made hastily. DC asked the committee if they felt Dept bays should be given as close to the department as possible, the committee agreed. With regard to the way in which Finance requested an appeal PA thought that each panel member should be included in the application process so that they may view the evidence themselves, aiding the committee members to make decisions on whether the dept should receive a bay or not. CW did not agree does not want to read all evidence that is submitted. CW stated that she was happy with the way evidence is standardised and presented to the committee with animosity and without emotion, making the decisions much easier. DH agreed with the standardisation and feels some of the information given in evidence can be inappropriate. HG felt she was ignorant to the system and that the information from the Finance office actually helped her and now felt that she shouldn’t be included on the decision based on having read the letter.
DC raised whether the committee still agreed with the way in which the evidence is submitted currently and the committee agreed. PP stated that the officer’s summary should be trusted; CB stated that only positive evidence is submitted to the committee and should the committee question anything CB can respond verbally. DC suggested that a standard letter be sent with the application form reminding applicants that they read all the information to make an adequate application and that CB should get in touch with the applicant if it is felt that more evidence is required before it is presented to the committee. DC also suggested that a new application form be drafted to make the process easier. CB and DC to discuss offline.
Child & Adolescent Health. (THOMP) / CB read a very detailed letter submitted by applicant stating such comments as “finding lifting and carrying of paperwork harder on my body” and “all lifting is kept to a minimum, but over the last year I have had a frozen shoulder which I believe has been brought on by carrying heavy weights from my car onto a trolley” DH stated that this is a good reason why all evidence is not given to every committee member. The conclusion was that the applicant reapplies (if she qualifies) as a Cat A disabled user. / CB to write to applicant advising of Cat A DU permit.
Health and Safety / During discussion, HG asked if individuals pay to park if they are in every day using a dept bay (for those days when not on departmental business). DC said no but this is something that was being looked into. CB stated that it would be very difficult to monitor whether the vehicle was parking for University Business or not and that a lot of trust would have to be put on the individual. CW thought that with all the problems that the Health and Safety Office have had to deal with the spaces should be given to them as requested. TS was concerned that members of staff are using their own vehicles to attend emergencies, DC asked that records be kept by the department of all calls that required an immediate response from April until July, the response must include where the person had to travel to, date, time and person attending. This will be presented to the committee in July. / CB to write to dept with request of records, and to find out availability for the pool car from AW
Any other Business / DC and HG requested that in the next meeting of July MW is to present figures for the year and anticipated budget for next year. AW stated that she and MW would be discussing the budget shortly.
Departmental Applications – DC considered that all department space users other than site services should hold a daily diary of who parks in the space and for how long as it is perceived that some users are parking for their own benefit. The diary should assist in determining how many spaces a Dept needs on renewal. Additionally, DC would like to invite people as a matter of honesty to apply for a Cat C permit in order to display coupons if parking in a dept bay but not on University Business. CP stated that thinking purely on her own department people are not highly paid to be able to do this (but, if parking in a B or C would have to pay). Departmental applications must be renewed in Aug 2008 and every three years thereafter. So AGREED the diary request would be made in Autumn 2007. / MW and AW to provide figures for next meeting.
Items noted in these minutes have been discussed considering the issues of both equal opportunities and race relation implications: YES/NO Signed: David Clarke
The next meeting will be held on 26th July 2007 12noon – 14:00 in the Drawing room of Royal Fort House. Please confirm your attendance in advance of the meeting.