“The Outsiders”: Summative Task Differentiated Choice Board Rubric
Assessment Focus/Specific Expectations: Reading & OralReading 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex texts by summarizing important ideas and citing a variety of details that support the main idea.
Reading 1.6 Extend understanding of texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts, by connecting the ideas in them for their own knowledge, experience and insights, to other familiar texts, and to the world around them.
Oral 2.1 Identify a range of purposes for speaking in a variety of situations
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
(Reading) / Demonstrates limited understanding of the text by: Selecting and describing few similarities and differences in limited detail, in their finished product that might not always be relevant. / Demonstrates some understanding of the text by:
Selecting and describing some simple, but relevant similarities and differences from the text in some detail in their finished product. / Demonstrates considerable understanding of the text by:
Selecting and describing relevant and appropriate similarities and differences from the text in adequate detail in their finished product. / Demonstrates thorough understanding of the text by:
Selecting and describing the most relevant and appropriate similarities and differences from the text in extensive detail in their finished product. .
(Reading) / Shows limited effectiveness by:
Making minimal or simple connections from the text to their finished product in the context of the selection. / Shows some effectiveness by:
Making partial connections from the text to their finished product in the context of the selection. / Shows considerable effectiveness by:
Making significant connections from the text to their finished product in the context of the selection. / Shows a high degree of effectiveness by: Making complex connections from the text to their finished product in the context of the selection.