111 HILL ST. ORANGE, N.J.07050-3901

TEL 973/676-2900 FAX 973/676-4564



Liquid ice melter can be used on sidewalks, parking lots, roads, driveways, steps, ramps and loading docks. It can be applied using spray units, compressed air sprayers or pour bottles. It is fast acting (does not have to dissolve), environmentally friendly and economical (No mixing, no diluting, no heavy bags to lift). With the addition of a corrosion inhibitor it is less corrosive to steel than the snow and ice that it is melting. Anti-icing rate of 0.5 oz. per sq. yd. is gentle on vegetation.


Anti-icing is the newest snow and ice control practice. Liquid ice melter is applied just ahead of the storm to prevent snow and ice from bonding to the pavement. Relatively small amounts of a liquid chemical or wetted salt are applied before or immediately at the start of the freezing precipitation. This strategy either eliminates the need for further action or reduces the task of cleaning surfaces to bare pavement conditions. It requires smaller chemical amounts than would be required under conventional deicing practices. Approximately 10 times more material is required to melt from the top down. Applied at only 0.5 oz. per square yard will prevent the ice from bonding. Apply one gallon of Liquid ice melter at the same rate as 50 lbs. of salt.


Prewetting salt with liquid ice melter will enhance salt’s performance at all temperatures. It provides salt with the moisture it needs to form a brine and begin its melting action. Once the action begins, salt can then break the bond between ice and pavement, permitting more precipitation to be removed by plowing. Prewetting salt helps the salt work much faster and at lower temperatures where salt is not normally effective. Prewetting helps the granular deicer stay where it is spread. Because prewetted salt works faster and reduces bounce and scatter, prewetting can actually reduce the overall cost of deicing. Treating abrasives (sand) helps the particles imbed into packed snow and ice to provide traction more quickly and minimize application loss.


0.5 oz. per sq. yd. (30 gal. per lane mile) for anti-icing pre-storm treatment.

10-12 gal. per ton to prewet salt and/or abrasives for de-icing.

2-4 oz. per sq. yd. for de-icing depending upon the amount of snow (one gal. replaces 50 lbs. of salt).

30-70 gal. per lane mile (12’ x 5280’) for ¼” or less of black ice.

70-200 gal. per lane mile for black ice thicker than ¼”.

Liquid ice melter brine will always supercool significantly below their true crystal points. When these brines are stored or used in cold weather climates for long periods, there is a possibility for some crystal growth. The crystals can usually be dissolved by adding water.


Dense, clear, water-white to off-white liquid, free of suspended solids at point of shipment.


Specific Gravity 1.2 – 1.3

Density 10-11 lbs. per gal.