Draft V1
Cynllun IaithGymraegWelsh LanguageScheme
Knighton and District Community Centre
Knighton and District Community Centre
Bowling Green Lane
Knighton, Powys
Registered Charity – Charity Number 1092603
- Introduction3
- Statement5
- Planning and deliveringservices5
- Communicating with the Welsh-speakingpublic6
- Corporateimage8
- Publications9
- Pressreleases10
- Websites and InformationTechnology10
- Implementing theScheme11
- Implementation andmonitoring12
- Advertising the Scheme and raising publicawareness13
- APPENDIX 1 -Timescales and ImplementationPlan14
Knighton and District Community Centre (herein referred to as the Centre) is a registered Charity with Company Ltd by Guarantee.
The Centre is the biggest Community Centre in Powys and is working towards becoming a thriving Community Hub.
The Centre Management Committee currently have 4 clear outcomes:-
- Outcome 1
To create a environmentally friendly facility both internally and externally that is aesthetically pleasing, substantially reduces its impact on the environment, and has a sustainable long term future
- Outcome 2
To reduce the impacts of poverty and support people to improve their quality of life, feel less isolated and more able to meet their own health, social and economic needs.
- Outcome 3
To provide and enhance an asset to generate revenue and facilitate improved economic opportunities to both develop and sustain the Centre and the wider community.
- Outcome 4
To provide opportunities for people to gain new skills and confidence through volunteering, training, advice and guidance.
The Values of the Organisation are:-
•Leading by example- We lead by example and are role models for excellence.
•Results driven -We go that extra mile to achieve results.
•Community focused- Our community are the reason for our existence and we therefore always seek to meet their needs.
•Care and respect for others -We foster diversity, value people and their contributions, and treat them equitably, fairly and with dignity, care and respect.
•Excellence -We strive for excellence in all we do.
•Teamwork -We take joint responsibility through teamwork.
•Integrity- We adhere to the highest standards of conduct and moral behaviour, and maintain the highest level of ethics in all our actions.
The Constitutional Objects of the Charity are:a)To further benefit the residents of Knighton in the County of Powys and surrounding districts (hereinafter called the ‘area of benefit’), without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions by associating together the said residents and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in common effect to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of health and social welfare, for recreation and leisure time occupation with the objective of improving the conditions of life for residents.
b)To manage Knighton Community Centre (hereinafter called ‘the Centre’) and to maintain and manage the same in co-operation with any other person or body, in furtherance of these objects.
The Management Committee shall be non-party in politics and non-sectarian in religion.
Legal Duty
Knighton and District Community is not a public body as defined by the Welsh Language Board Act 1993. There is no legal requirement for us to have a Welsh Language Scheme however we as an organisation are committed to working to ensure language choice.
We have followed the basic structure template of the Welsh Language Commissioners template and this document should be seen along-side the Equal Opportunities Policy.
As a small scale voluntary organisation with limited resources the scheme will be dependent on what we are able to afford.
Welsh Language in Knighton
According to the 2011 Census 498 (17%) members of the population speak Welsh in the Knighton area compared with 24% in 2001.
We wish to treat the English andWelsh languages on the basis ofequality.
Knighton and District Community Centre has adopted the principle that in theconduct of its business in Wales it will treatthe English and Welsh languages onthe basis of equality. We believethat offering services which respectan individual's choice of languagecan make a significant difference tothe experience of the individual. We wishto encourage people who havedealings with Knighton and District Community Centre to feel comfortable using theirpreferred language. We will provide ourservices bilingually wherever it is practicaland appropriate.
A Welsh language service willbe considered an essential part of Knighton and District Community Centre's activities.Our procedures for identifying spendingand resources will reflect this. We will aimto ensure that spending andusing resources on a Welsh languageservice is normal practice so that itbecomes natural to offer a service in Wales'stwo official languages wherever thatis suitable, reasonable andpractical.
This Scheme sets out how Knighton and District Community Centre will put intoeffect this principle when providing servicesto the public. Theenclosed implementation plan will explainhow and by what date theorganisation hopes to achieve itsobjectives.
Learning from experience will bea feature of this Scheme, and wewill endeavour to ensure continuousand regular progress to offer thebest possible service to ourusers
3 PlanningandDelivering Services
We will consider Welsh at all times inplanningservices across theorganisation.
3.1 New policies andinitiatives
Any new or revised initiativesand policies which are adoptedwill promote and facilitate the useof Welsh wherever possible andtake the organisation closer toputting into effect the principle of equalityat all times. We will ensure that allstaff and volunteers are aware ofthe requirements of thisWelsh Language Scheme andany responsibilities placed onthe organisation by contractors orgrant providers.
When Knighton and District Community Centre plansand formalises policies or initiatives,we will assess the languageoutcomes, ensuring that they fulfilthe commitments of this Scheme.A check list will be available tostaff and volunteers which willinclude matters to be consideredwhen developing new policiesand initiatives. The head ofthe organisation will be responsiblefor ensuring that anydevelopments respect the commitments madein thisScheme.
This Welsh Language Schemewill not be altered without theagreement of the WelshLanguage Commissioner.
3.2Delivery ofservices
The aim is to provide a high standardofservice in accordance withour commitment in this Scheme.The standard of this bilingual service willbe regularly reviewed, with the aimof continuously improving thestandard.
As set out in the timescales, Knighton and District Community Centre will work towardsthe provision of a comprehensive serviceof the same high standard in Englishand Welshby:
- ensuring that all staff/volunteersare aware of the implications of this Welsh LanguageScheme
- providing training and guidanceforstaff/volunteers to facilitatetheimplementation of the Scheme.Freetraining packs andlanguageawareness DVDs are availablefrom the WelshGovernment.
- encouraging service users tofeelcomfortable using Welsh bymakinguse of the available resources,for example, Working Welsh badgesandposters
- finding reliable translation servicesofa high standard to ensure thatall relevant material is translatedquickly and reliably. TheCommissioner recommends usingprofessional translators.
4Communicatingwith theWelsh-speakingpublic
Where practicably possible we will organise our services in orderto communicate with the Welsh-speaking public in their preferredlanguage.
Written correspondence - includinge- mail:
- Knighton and District Community Centre welcomes written correspondencein English andWelsh.
- All letters received in Welsh willbeanswered inWelsh.
- We will endeavour to ensure thatall correspondence in Welshreceivesattention within the same timescaleascorrespondence inEnglish.
- We will work towards ensuring all standard letters will bebilingual.
- Knighton and District Community Centre's headed paper and e-mails willcontain a standard bilingualstatementindicating that correspondencein English and Welsh iswelcome.
4.2 Telephone Communications
All external calls will be answered witha standard bilingualgreeting:
‘Bore da Knighton and District Community Centre’
or ‘Prynhawn da Knighton and District Community Centre'
If a member of staff is unable toprovide a bilingual service, they will explainthe situation to the individual and offera Welsh language service fromanother volunteer/member of staff. If noWelsh speakers are available the callermay choose to have a Welsh speakerphone them back; submit the request inwriting (hard copy/e-mail); or continuethe conversation inEnglish.
Knighton and District Community Centrewill provide an internal directory ofWelsh speakers in the organisation towhom calls may betransferred.
Following a telephone conversationin Welsh, all subsequentcommunications, whether written or verbal, will bein Welsh or bilingually at the request ofthe caller.
The answer phone message will be bilingual.
Knighton and District Community Centrehas undertaken consultation to ensure that thosewho wish to have face-to-face contact witha Welsh-speaking memberof staff/volunteer will be able to do so.This may not be possible at all times, butwe will encourage Welsh-speaking staff/volunteers to make the most oftheir skills in order to offer as full a service as possible.
4.4 Public meetings and events
We will work towards ensuring that notices of all public meetings and conferences will be bilingual. Exhibitions and presentations will be bilingual and Knighton and District Community Centre will encourage everyone to uphold the principle of equality.
We will measure the need for simultaneous translation facilities by requesting delegates to indicatetheir preferred language on theregistration form. If at least 30% ofdelegates indicate they wish to communicatein Welsh then we willarrange simultaneous translation. If there areno available resources to arrangea translator, Welsh-speakingstaff members/volunteers willtranslate questions.
5 CorporateImage
The organisation will ensure that its corporate identityrespects bilingualism.
The corporate identity of Knighton and District Community Centre will becompletely bilingual including the name ofthe organisation, its address and logo andit will be visible on headed paper,fax paper, business cards,publications, premisesetc.
Both languages will be equal in termsof size, format, quality, clarityand prominence.
5.2SignageIn replacing signage, Knighton and District Community Centre is committed tothe provision of completely bilingualsignage and both languages will be equalin terms of form, size, qualityand prominence. This will includeinternal and external signage atoffices/centres. The signage will uphold the principleof equality, with the Welshappearing above or in front of theEnglish.
We will work towards developing our provision ofbilingual publications.
We will work towards ensuring that all printed public material suchas posters, forms, handbooks,annual reports and statements, will bebilingual by March 31st 2018 i.e. with both languages in thesame document, and in a suitable style forthe document e.g. side-by-side forposters and back-to-back for largerdocuments.
If it is not possible to publishdocuments in a bilingual format, Knighton and District Community Centre will ensure thatthe English and Welsh versions appearat the sametime.
Current public material will beproduced bilingually when revised orreprinted. When a charge is made for adocumentin a bilingual format, the price willnot be higher than the singlelanguage version of that document and theprice of the Welsh version will not behigher than the price of an English version.
Staff, consultants, designersand printers will be given writtenguidelines on how to deal withbilingual publications.
We will consider how to make thebest use of voluntary assistance inpreparing bilingual publications. At the sametime we will ensure that the Welsh text isof a high standard and in thecorrect register and is mindful of thetarget audience.
7 PressReleases
We will work towards ensuring that all press releases will be issuedbilingually.
8 WebsitesandInformationTechnology
The organisation will use InformationTechnology developments to offer more bilingualservices.
Members of the public will be ableto access some information via Knighton and District Community Centre's website inEnglish and Welsh. The website willindicate language choice clearly. Knighton and District Community Centre recognises thatthe best way to steer language is toinclude language choice on each page wherea corresponding version is available.Where resources will allow we will develop the website'sbilingual content over time and prioritise themost popular and static pages in thefirst instance. English and Welsh pageson the website will be revised andupdated at the sametime.
Over time we will work to ensure that all new web-based reports,documents and forms will be availablebilingually and all versions will be availablefor easy download. All material and provision in English and Welsh will be consistent, i.e. it will beup-to-date,accurate, and will enjoy thesame prominence and be of the samequality. All staff, consultants, designersand printers will be given writtenguidelines on how to deal with the designof bilingualmaterial.
When planning orredeveloping websites or any otherInformation Technology service, we will considerthe Welsh LanguageCommissioner's guidelines: ‘technology, websitesand software: Welshlanguage considerations’.
In order to help staff andvolunteers work through the medium of Welsh,ITsoftware such as the Cysgliaddictionary and spellchecker will be availableon computers. Welsh-language versionsof Microsoft Windows and Office willalso be available to staff and volunteerswho wish to usethem.
9 ImplementingtheScheme
Describe how the organisation will ensure that the Scheme's objectivesare promoted by the internal administration of theorganisation.
Knighton and District Community Centrewill assess what language skillsare necessary in each workplace andfor each core activity in order toimplement this Scheme. Job descriptionswill include a clause noting that the abilityto communicate in Welsh isessential, desirable or not required for the postin question.
Knighton and District Community Centrewill conduct a review of the languageskills of its staff and will includethisinformation in an internal contacts listin order to (a) make full use oftheir language skills and (b) recogniseany skills shortage within the team.Any language skills shortages will bedealt with by training current staff orrecruiting new staff as appropriate.Language awareness training will be offered toall staff andvolunteers.
Non-Welsh speaking staff willreceive training on how to answer thetelephone bilingually and how to referWelsh language enquiries as well as howto pronounce and spell Welshnames.
When recruiting new staff, directorsand volunteers Knighton and District Community Centre will takeinto consideration the linguisticrequirement of the post and the whole team inorder to allow the implementation ofthis Scheme. Knighton and District Community Centre will support staff who wish toimprove their language skills as part oftheir continuing professionaldevelopment
9.2 LearningWelsh
Knighton and District Community Centrewill endeavour to encourage andsupport staff who wish to learn Welshand support Welsh-speaking staff whowish to improve their language skills.Welsh- speaking staff and volunteerswill encourage other staff who arelearning Welsh to speak Welsh in theworkplace. Knighton and District Community Centre will seek funding to train staff and volunteers in Welsh and where practicably possible allow staffto attend courses during workinghours.
Copies of Welsh dictionaries willbe available in our offices/centres.Knighton and District Community Centre willalso encourage non-Welshspeaking members to use Welsh duringevents and will provide useful sentencesfor them topractise.
The organisation will monitor the implementation oftheScheme.
The Chair of the Management Committee will be responsible for overseeing the monitoring and implementation of the Schemein accordance with the enclosed timescales and report to the Management Committee.
Knighton and District Community Centrewill review and revise the Schemeevery three years in consultation withthe Welsh LanguageCommissioner.
10.2 Complaints andfeedbackA question on the WelshLanguage Scheme will be included in questionnaires to clients.Official complaints and suggestions shouldbe sent to:
Any complaints received by Knighton and District Community Centre will be dealt withinaccordance with the currentcomplaints procedures andpolicies.
11Advertising the Scheme and Raising Public AwarenessThe Scheme will be publishedon Knighton and District Community Centre's website.
A section on implementationagainst the Welsh Language Scheme willbe included in our annualreport.
Timescales and ImplementationPlan
AREA OFACTIVITY / IMPLEMENTATION / BYWHOM / TIMESCALES / Progress3. PlanningandDelivering Services
3.1 New policiesandinitiatives / In line with the BIG REN Project and on the appointment of new staff / Committee Member – Dominique Jones
Staff Member – project Manager (when appointed) / March 31st 2017
3.2 Delivery ofservices / In line with the BIG REN Project and on the appointment of new staff / Committee Member – Dominique Jones
Staff Member – Project Manager (when appointed) / March 31st 2018
4. Communicating withtheWelsh-speakingpublic
4.1 Writtencommunication / Knighton and District Community Centre welcomes written correspondencein English andWelsh. / Committee secretary / September 2015
All letters received in Welsh willbeanswered inWelsh. / Committee secretary / September 2015
We will endeavour to ensure thatall correspondence in Welshreceivesattention within the same timescaleascorrespondence inEnglish. / Committee secretary / September 2015
We will work towards ensuring all standard letters will bebilingual. / Project Administrator (end of BIG REN project) / March 31st 2018
Knighton and District Community Centre's headed paper and e-mails willcontain a standard bilingualstatementindicating that correspondencein English and Welsh iswelcome. / Committee Member – Dominique Jones / March 31st 2016
4.2Telephonecommunications / All external calls will be answered witha standard bilingualgreeting / Committee Member – Dominique Jones
Staff Member – Project Manager (when appointed) / March 31st 2017
Providing a bilingual service and bilingual directory / Committee Member – Dominique Jones
Staff Member – Project Manager (when appointed) / March 31st 2017
Telephone answer machine bilingual message / Committee Member – Dominique Jones / September 2016
4.3Face-to-face communications / In line with the BIG REN Project and on the appointment of new staff / Project Administrator (end of BIG REN project) / March 31st 2018
4.4 Public meetingsand events / In line with the BIG REN Project and on the appointment of new staff / Project Manager / March 31st 2018
5. Corporateimage
5.1 Corporateidentity / Committee Member – Dominique Jones / March 2016
5.2Signage / In line with the BIG REN Project and on the appointment of new staff / Staff Member – Project Manager (when appointed) / March 31st 2018
In line with the BIG REN Project and on the appointment of new staff / Staff Member – Project Manager (when appointed) / March 31st 2018
7. Websites and InformationTechnology
In line with the BIG REN Project and on the appointment of new staff / Staff Member – Project Manager (when appointed) / March 31st 2018
8. Implementation oftheScheme
8.1Staffing / In line with the BIG REN Project and on the appointment of new staff / Staff Member – Project Manager (when appointed) / March 31st 2018
8.2 LearningWelsh / In line with the BIG REN Project and on the appointment of new staff / Staff Member – Project Manager (when appointed) / March 31st 2018
8.3 Services bycontractors on behalf oftheorganization / In line with the BIG REN Project and on the appointment of new staff / Staff Member – Project Manager (when appointed) / March 31st 2018
9. Implementationand Monitoring
9.1 Monitoring andreview / Committee Member – Dominique Jones / Annually AGM
9.2 ComplaintsandFeedback / Committee Member – Dominique Jones / March 2016
10. AdvertisingtheScheme
The Scheme will be publishedon Knighton and District Community Centre's website / Volunteer (Chris Plant) / September 2015
A section on implementationagainst the Welsh Language Scheme willbe included in our annualreport. / Committee Member – Dominique Jones / Annually AGM