robert n. mullin collection
This file is made up of the following Series plus other files
Biographical files
Introduction and unsorted sheets
Abercrombie, Jim
Abraham, Louis
Adams, Chas.
Adamson, Carl
Aguayo, Jose M.
Aguayo, Juan
Aguayo, Juan Maria de
Aguayo, Manuel de
Aguila, Cebriano
Aguila, Reymundo
Alcock, A. J.
Aldos, Manuel
Allison, Robert Clay
Alsemdros, A.
Amador, Martin
Anala, Lojino
Analla, Miguel
Analla, Pedro
Anaya, Paco
Anderson, David L. (see Wilson, Billy)
Anderson, William W.
Angel, Frank Warner
Animal, The
Annalla, Pablo
Anthony, Chas. M.
Antrim, Frank
Antrim, Joe
Antrim, William Henry Harrison
Apadoca, Faustin
Apodaco, Agopilo
Appel, Daniel Mitchel (Dr.)
Aquila, Juan
Aragon, Nicolas
Aragon, Ramon
Aragon, Sefarin
Archuleta, Canobie
Archuleta, Cruz
Archuleta, Jesus
Archuleta, Lucilla Lucio
Archuleta, Tomas
Armijo, Perfecto
Arms, Henry W.
Armstrong, Nelson
Ascarate, Crostobel
Ashby, Sam
Askew, Joe
Aultman, Perry
Axtell, Samuel Beach
Baca, Benito
Baca, Bonnie (Bonifacio Jose)
Baca, Capt. Saturnino
Baca, Cipriano
Baca, Jose
Baca, Juan
Baca, Marcus (Mark)
Baca, Martin
Baca, Sara (Mrs. Sara Salazar)
Baca, Will
Bail, John D.
Baird, James A.
Bais, Ylario
Baker, "Dutch"
Baker, Frank
Balazan, Lucio
Baldy, Louis H.
Balensuelo, Gregario
Balensula, Ricard
Ballard, Andrew J.
Ballard, Charlie
Balos, Augustino A.
Baragon, Antonio
Baragon, Juan
Baragon, Otero
Baragon, Ramon (Roman)
Barber, George B.
Barber, Mrs. George B. (see McSween, Susan, Sue E.)
Barber, Sue E. (see McSween, Susan)
Barela, Gregorio
Barela, Jose
Barela, Santos
Barncastle, John D.
Barnes, Sidney M.
Barrier, A. P.
Barros, Gregario
Bartlett, Charley H. (Sam)
Bass, Sam
Bates, Sebron (Zebron, Sebrian)
Beam, J. W.
Beaver, Smith
Beck, Herman
Beckwith, Camilia (Carmel, Mrs. Olinger)
Beckwith, Harvey
Beckwith, Hugh M.
Beckwith, John M.
Beckwith, Robert M.
Beckwith, Robert W.
Beckwith, William H.
Beckwith-Johnson Families
Beeton, H. C.
Bell, J. W. (Charlie or Long Bell)
Bell, Montgomery
Bell, Oregon
Benevidos, Santiago
Berkshire, Bob
Bermudes, Ramon
Bernal, Refugio
Bernstein, Morris J.
Bias, Rainbolt
Black, Robert
Blair, George
Blair, Thomas (aka Thomas Blair Nichols)
Blake, Rockwell
Blakely, Jim
Blanchard, William T.
Blazer, Dr. Joseph Hoy
Block, John B.
Blow, George
Bollinger, A. R.
Bollinger, John
Bolton, John R.
Bond, Ira M.
Bonney, C. D.
Boone, Pat
Boseman (Bozeman), Louis (Animal)
Bostick, ------
Bowdre, Chas.
Bower, Emil
Bowers, Joe (Tom Cullins)
Bowman, George D. (R.)
Bowski, Philip
Boye, (Bowie) Rube
Boyle, Andy
Bragadon, Ramon
Braidfoot, George
Brazil, M. S. (Manuel)
Breece & Sons
Breeden, Wm.
Brent, Jim
Brewer Family
Brewer, Richard M. (Dick)
Bristol, Warren Henry (Judge)
Broad, Frank A.
Broad, Wilmot A.
Brookshire, Bob
Brown, "Hoodoo"
Brown, Henry Newton (aka Frank Norris)
Bryan, R. L.
Bryant, Edward F.
Buchanan, A.
Buffalo Bill
Buford, Chas.
Bull, Thomas J.
Bullard, A. J.
Burks, Edward
Burns, William
Burt, Billy
Bushnell, S. B.
Buster, Charley
Bustillos, Crecencio
Byresca, Casemide
Cahill, Frank "Windy"
Calhoun, Bill
Calvin, Alex
Calvin, J.
Campbell, A.
Campbell, Bill
Campbell, Bob
Campbell, Jim
Campos, Tony
Candelario, Jose
Carbijal, Godocio
Carbijal, Hepomocino
Cardenas, Manuel
Cargijal, Daniel
Carillo, Albino
Carillo, Jose
Carillo, Jose Maria
Carlyle, Jim
Carmody, Pat
Carr, Ace (Bud?)
Carrol, Daniel
Carrol, Henry
Carter, George
Carvallo, Carlos
Casad, Orla S.
Casad, Thomas
Casada, Jose
Casey Family
Casey, Evelyn E. (Ellen)
Casey, Johnny
Casey, Lilly (Mrs. Lillian Klasner)
Casey, Robert
Casey, Robert Adam "Add"
Casey, Robert E.
Casey, Will
Catron, Thomas Benton
Caypless, Edgar
Chambers, Lon
Chapman, Frank
Chapman, Houston I.
Chaves y Baca, Jose
Chaves y Baca, Juanita
Chaves y Chaves, Jose
Chaves y Chaves, Juan
Chaves y Gallegos, Jose
Chaves y Montoya, Jose
Chaves y Montoya, Juan
Chaves y Pino, Juan
Chaves y Sanchez, Cleto
Chaves y Sanchez, Desiderio
Chaves y Sanchez, Jose
Chaves y Saniles, Jose
Chaves, A.
Chaves, Cleto
Chaves, Col. J. Francisco
Chaves, Desidero
Chaves, Esteban
Chaves, Eusbio
Chaves, Francisco
Chaves, Inocente
Chaves, Jose
Chaves, Jose Francisco
Chaves, Juan
Chaves, Martin
Chaves, Maximaino
Chaves, Maximiana
Chaves, Maximillian
Chaves, Paz
Chaves, Pedro
Chavez y Chavez, Jose
Chavez, Florencio
Chavez, Isadoro
Chavez, Jose
Chavez, Josecito
Chavez, Juan
Chavez, Maria
Chavez, Refugio
Chelson, Tom
Chisholm, Jesse
Chisum, "Nigger Frank"
Chisum, Frank
Chisum, James
Chisum, John
Chisum, John S.
Chisum, Pitzer H.
Chisum, Sallie
Chisum, Walter
Chisum, William J.
Christie, F. G.
Church, Mrs.
Clancey, Capt. J. G.
Clancy, F. W.
Clark (Brown), George
Clark, F. C.
Clark, George
Clark, John
Clark, Mrs. Ana
Clements Family
Clements, J. H.
Clements, John Gibson
Clements, M. L.
Clenne, Leopold
Clenney, Avery M.
Clifford, Frank (Big Foot Wallace)
Cline (Kline), Dan
Cline, -----
Clinton, James
Clive, A.
Cochran, Sam
Cochran, Tom
Coe Family
Coe, Albert
Coe, Frank S.
Coe, George Washington
Coe, Jasper
Coe, Lou W.
Coggens, C. M.
Coggin, S. R.
Coghlan, Pat
Coleman, Charley
Collins, John
Collins, Sam
Collom, Virgil
Colvin, John
Conklin, Charley
Conner Family
Conner, James P.
Conner, Jonathan (see Conner Family)
Conner, Tillman (see Conner Family)
Conners, William A. "Uncle Bill"
Coons, Bill (William)
Coons, Jerry
Cooper, Tom
Copeland, "Johnny"
Copeland, Frank
Copeland, Jake
Copeland, Jim
Copeland, John II
Copeland, John N.
Copeland, Mary
Copeland, Mrs. Mae
Copeland, Roy
Copeland, Rueben James
Copeland, Sarah
Copeland, Tom
Copeland, Will H.
Corbet, Sam R.
Corbett, Teresita
Corbett, W. E.
Corbin, Mark
Cordova, Jose
Cordova, Juan
Cordova, Pablo
Corn, Martin
Corn, Pete
Corrojal, Nepomocino
Cosgrove, Mike
Cosgrove, William H.
Couts & Simpson
Cox Family
Cox, William W.
Crawford, "Lallacooler"
Cromton, Zacariah
Cronin, Mickey "Colonel"
Crothers, O.V.
Crothers, W. D.
Crouch, John S.
Cruz, Francisco "Pancho"
Cullins, Tom (see Bowers, Joe)
Cunuffee, Henry J.
Currington, Jim
Curry, George
Curtis, "Granpa"
Curtis, A. J.
Davies, Benjamin B.
Davis, Bob
Davis, George
Davis, Samuel
Davis, Washington
Dawson, Bryan
Dedrick, Dan
Dedrick, Mose
Dedrick, Sam
Delany & Terrill, Ledger
Delany, Capt. C. M.
Delany, John C.
Delany, Lt. Cyrus M.
Delany, William
Delfin, Juan (Delfino)
Delgado, Trinidad
Devine, Mat.
Dicken(s), Lewis
Diehl, Pony
Dillon, Jerry
Dirty Steve (see Stephens, J.M.)
Dixon, Bob
Dixon, Joe
Dolan, James Joseph
Domingo, Jose
Donahoo, Rufe
Donaldson, Jack
Dowlin, Paul, Capt. (and Will)
Dowlin, William (and Paul)
Dudley, L. Edwin
Dudley, Nathan A. Monroe (Augustus)
Duncan, Mr.
Dunn, Richard
Duran, Luis
Duvall, Alexander
Dyer, Bill
Eagle, Robert
Ealer, Jack
Ealy, Taylor Filmore (Dr.)
East, Jim
Easton, David M.
Eaton, E. W.
Eddy, Charles B.
Edwards Family
Edwards, Bob
Elkins, Stephen Benton
Ellis, Benjamin H.
Ellis, Ike
Ellis, Lesly
Ellis, W. R.
Ellis, Will
Ellison, Sam
Emory, "Poker Tom"
Enan, R. H.
Enriques, Francisco
Ervin, Robert,, "Rustling Bob"
Espalin, Jose
Estabrook, Marcus
Estabrook, Maria
Evans, (Hunter & Evans)
Evans, Albert G.
Evans, Jesse
Ewan, Burchard H.
Ewing, D. H.
Fall, A. B.
Fannin, Joe
Fannin, M.W.
Farmer, Henry
Farmer, James H.
Farris, John
Field, Dr. W. C.
Fields, Wesley
Fisher, Dan
Fisher, George
Fleck, W. N.
Fletcher, Quinino
Fletcher, W. S.
Flynn, Dr. William H.
Foor, Charles W.
Fornoff, Frederick
Foster, John R. P.
Fountain, Col. Albert Jennings
Fowler, Hoel
Fowler, Joel
Franklin, J. M.
Freeman, Frank
French, Jim (Big Jim)
French, Jim (James, Hamsell, Hansell)
French, William (Willie)
Frenchy (see Lalone)
Fresquez, Renaldo
Fresquez, Romuldo
Fritz Family
Fritz, Charles Phillip Frederick
Fritz, Col. Emil
Fritz, Emil
Fritz, Emil II
Frost, Max
Fulgum, George
Galbreath, Jack
Gallegos, Andres
Gallegos, Antonio
Gallegos, Juan
Gallegos, Lazaro
Gallegos, Lucas
Gallegos, Pantaleon
Gallegos, Severa
Gallogher, Bill
Galvin, John
Garcia, Anton Jose
Garcia, Francisco
Garcia, Iginio
Garcia, Jose
Garcia, Leandro
Garcia, Panteleon
Garcia, Patricio
Garcia, Prudencio
Garcia, Ramon
Garcia, Sostero
Garcia, Trinidad
Gardinas, Manuel
Gardner, Tom
Garrett, Jim
Gates, Miss Susan
Gauss, Godfrey
Gena, Ergua
Gentry, Billy
Gerhardt, John
Giddings, Guilermo
Giddings, Marsh
Gilbert, Robert M.
Gildea, Augustus M.
Gill, Billy
Gillilands, The
Giron, Gregorio
Glenn, Willis Skelton
Gobles, Reese
Godfroy, Frederick C.
Godfroy, Hattie
Godfroy, Lou
Godocia, -----
Gomez, Francisco
Gonzales, Angel
Gonzales, Juan
Gonzalez, Fermanuel
Gonzalez, Florencio
Gonzalez, Juan
Gonzalez, Luis
Gonzalez, Martin
Gonzalez, Savera
Gonzelez, Angel
Gonzelez, Fabinio
Gonzelez, Ignacio
Good, Tom (Thomas H.)
Goodlet, Wm. L.
Goodwin, Frank
Goodwin, Millard F.
Gordon, C.C.
Govera, Ignacio de
Graham, William Henry (Bill)
Grahams, The
Grahan, George
Grant, Joe
Gray, Eli
Greathouse, James (Whiskey Jim)
Green, Bill
Green, Charles W.
Green, Tom
Grey, Elias
Grezelachoski, Alexandro Griego
Griego, -----
Griego, Candelico
Griego, Francisco
Griego, Nicholas
Griggs, J. E.
Gross, August
Grulerres, Rafael
Guerra, Blas
Guerra, Julian
Guerrele, Tomas
Guersevalla, Juan Jose
Guevarra, Placielo de
Gueverra, Maximaino de
Guise, William Harrison (Buck)
Gulan, Lewis J. (see Guylam, Jack)
Gun, Dr.
Gunter, John
Gunton, Jack
Gurney, (Doc) D. H.
Gutierres, Rafael
Gutierrez, Apolinaria
Gutierrez, Celsa
Gutierrez, Gabal
Gutierrez, Jose Manuel
Gutierrez, Manuel Valdez
Gutierrez, Manurcia
Gutierrez, Pancho
Gutierrez, Savalla
Guylam, Jack, (Lewis J., Gulam)
Gwynn, George
Hackney, "Judge"
Hagen, Jim
Hall Brothers
Hall, Caleb (The Prowler)
Hall, Joe (Olney)
Hall, Lee
Hamilton, R. J.
Hansell, James (see French, Jim)
Hardeman, Dick
Hargrave, W. L.
Hargraves, Joe
Hargrove, Bob
Harlin, "Bud"
Harris, George
Harris, Jake M.
Harrison, Henry (Hank)
Hart, "Little"
Hart, John
Harwood, W. L.
Haskins, Joe
Hatch, Col. Edward
Havens, Ben
Havnig, Henry C.
Hays, Jack
Henriques, Francisco
Henry, Bill
Henry, Bob
Henton, Bill
Hernandez, Jose
Herrera, Fernando
Herrera, Herman
Herrera, Luis
Hervey, James M.
Heuviques, Ivan Simon
Hidalgo, C.
Highsaw, Jim
Highsaw, R.B. Bob
Hill, Joe
Hill, John
Hill, Sarah
Hill, Thomas Chelson
Hindman, George
Hinton, Bill
Hoag, Kelly (Hogue)
Hockraddle, Jerry
Hogg, George
Holguin, Romero
Holliman, Bill
Holquin, Nocolas
Holt, Jack
Horrell, Samuel
Horton, Louis
Hoskins, Joe
Howard, George J.
Howard, Joe
Howe, Albert H.
Howell, Amazon, (Cap)
Howell, Bennett
Hoyt, Henry
Hudgens, John N. (H.)
Hudgens, Tobe
Hudgens, Will
Hudgin, William N.
Hudson, Bell
Huff, Daniel
Huggins, Newt (Alexander)
Hughes, W. E.
Humphries, Henry K. (Jenry)
Hunter, Albert G.
Hunter, Col. R. D.
Hunter, Jim
Hurley, John
Indian, The
Irwin, Jim
Isaacks Family
Isaacks, Jefferson Davis
Isaacks, Will
Isaacs, J.
Jackson, Dave
Jaffa, Nathan
James, John
Jaramillo, Hiraldo
Jaramillo, Jose
Jaramillo, Telesfero
Jesus, Largo
Jirvio, Gregorio
Johnson, Camelia Beckwith
Johnson Family (see Beckwith)
Johnson, James L.
Johnson, William H. Jr. (Bill)
Johnson, William Harrison
Jones Family
Jones, Frank
Jones, Hart
Jones, Jim
Jones, John Allen
Jones, Mrs. Barbara "Ma'am"
Jones, Sam
Jones, Taliferro
Jones, Tom
Jones, W. T.
Jones, William Heiskel
Jones, William Marcus (Bill)
Joseph, Anthony
Joy, Elihu
Joy, Kit
Judia, Bert
Kayser, Lee
Kelly, Dick
Kelly, Edward M,
Kelly, Jack
Kelly, Pat
Kendricks, George
Kepler, Widow
Keton, Shannon
Keyes, C.H.
Kimball, A.S.
Kimbrell, George
King, Thomas
Kinney, John
Kircher, August
Kitt, George W.
Klasner, Mrs. Lilly (see Casey, Lilly)
Koch, Adolph
Koch, Deidrich B.
Koogler, J. H.
Kruling, Charles
Kuck, J.
Labadio, Lorenzo
Labadio, Tranquilino
LaPoint, Lawrence
Lares, Ignacio
Larremore, Larry
LaRue, J.H.
LaRue, Joseph Alexander
Lawson, Adna
Lawson, Alex I
Lea, Capt. Joseph Calloway
Lea, Frank K. (Judge)
Lease, Henry
Leath, Joseph C.
Leatherman, John W.
Lee, Craven
Lee, Ezra T.
Lee, Oliver Milton
Leiva, Mariano (Martino)
Lemmon, John
Leonard, Billy
Leonard, Harry
Leonard, Ira E.
LeRoy, Billy
Lesinsky, H.
Lesnett Brothers
Lesnett, Frank
Lesnett, Irvin
Lesnett, Milt
Leverson, Dr. Montague Richard
Llewellyn, Clint
Llewellyn, W.H.H.
Lloyd, Dick
LLoyd, Frank
Lloyd, Sam W.
Lloyd, Will S.
Lobato, Felipe
Lockhart, W. A.
Lohman, L. G.
Lohman, Martin
Long, Haniel
Long, John (Ridden, Frank Rivers, Jack)
Longillo, Patnen
Longwill, Robert H.
Longworth, Tom. S.
Lopez, Filipe
Lopez, Jose
Lopez, Juan Jose
Lopez, Telesforo
Lowe, Jimmy (see West, James)
Lucero, Adolfo
Lucero, Barbaro
Lucero, Felipe
Lucero, Jesus
Lucero, Juan
Lucero, Lorenzo
Lucero, Merced
Luera, Tony
Lueras, Jose
Lujan, Ramon
Luna, Miguel
Lynde, Major Isaac
Lyons, William B. McCabe, Abneth
McCabe, Frank
McCall, Bernard
McCall, Bill
McCarty, William
McClellan, R. Guy
McCloskey, Bill
McCray, I.T.
McCullough, Frank
McCullum, Frank
McCutcheon, John M.
McDaniels, Jim
McDonald, Mac
McDonald, William C.
McDonalson, Lobado
McGee, "Old Man Mac"
McGee, Bob
McIlroy, Oliver
McIntire, Jim
McKay, Dr. R. D.
McKenzie, Mac
McKinney, Thomas L. (Kip, Tip)
McKitrick, Felix
McKitrick, Frank
McMasters, James J.
McNab, Frances
McNab, Frank
McNew, Billy
McNulta, John
McPherson, John
McPherson, S.W.
McSween, Alexander Abraham (Alexander)
McSween, Sue E.
McVeagh, Mac
Madrid, Mariano
Madril, Jose
Madril, Santos
Maese, Anna (D. or C.L.)
Maguel, Jose
Maldonado, Eugenio
Manderfield, William H.
Maney, Michael (Mike)
Marcos, Salvador
Maria, Jose
Marquez, Gabriel
Marshall, Charley
Martin, Billy
Martin, Charley
Martin, Manuel
Martinez, Atanacio
Martinez, Juan
Martinez, Juanita
Martinez, Luis
Martinez, Pedro
Martinez, Romulo
Martz, Martin (Dutch)
Mason, Barney
Mather, D. H. (Mysterious Dave)
Mathews, Jacob Basil (Billy)
Maxwell Family
Maxwell, Deluvina
Maxwell, George
Maxwell, Joseph
Maxwell, Lucien B.
Maxwell, Luz
Maxwell, Odila
Maxwell, Paulita
Maxwell, Pete
Maxwell, Silas
May, John H.
May, Vincent
Mayberry, M.S.
Mayhill, John Frederick (Grandpa)
Meadows, John P.
Medina, Juan
Meranela, Jose
Meras, Niceo
Mercan, Bidal
Merrick, Charley
Mersobel, Romero
Mes Brothers
Mes y Trujillo, Santiago
Mes, Claudilla
Mes, Cruz
Mes, Felipe
Mes, Francisco (Pancho)
Mes, Jesus
Mes, Juan (Johnny)
Mes, Juanito
Mes, Leonardo
Mes, Pasqual
Mes, Paz
Mes, Pomposo
Mes, Ramon
Mes, Santiago
Mess, B.
Middleton, John
Miller, -----
Miller, Capt. Sam
Miller, Charles
Miller, Jacob
Miller, James M. (Uncle Jim)
Miller, Jim (James F.)
Miller, Sam
Miller, Will
Mills, Alexander Hamilton (Ham)
Mills, Maria
Mills, Melvin W.
Milnor, Rudolf
Miranda, Filipe
Miranda, Jose
Miranda, Pablo
Miranda, Patricio
Moleirana, E.
Mont, A. L.
Mont, John Long
Montano, Jose
Montano, S.
Montoya, Anastacio
Montoya, Benito
Montoya, Igancio
Montoya, Jose
Montoya, Lucio
Montoya, Martin
Montoya, Pabla
Montoya, Pedro M.
Montoya, Rafael
Montoya, Ramon
Montoya, Rosa
Moore, Charley
Moore, Governor
Moore, Scott
Moore, Tom
Moore, Winfield Scott
Mora, Zenon
Moreno, Hillario
Morley, J. Fred
Morose, Martin
Morris, Harvey
Morris, Tom
Morrison (Maxwell Family)
Morton and Baker
Morton, William Scott (Billy, Buck)
Mortrimer, Altenacio