Prose Passage Free-Response Question Seraph on the Suwanee rehash
I wish I had time to show you good examples that your classmates wrote. If you would like to see essays that scored 6, 7 and 8 or had other aspects I liked, go to the wiki to see good writing!
What I liked…
- I am seeing so much growth in your writing about literature. Good for you! I enjoyed reading your essays.
- I saw some really good introductions and thesis statements.
- Many of you are organizing by ideas and discussing how the techniques develop these ideas. Sophisticated writing is happening! Good.
- Topic sentences are looking good. Yes!
Things to work on for future essays:
- When writing about prose passages think back to your rhetorical analysis from AP 11: you are looking for patterns. Many of you zoomed in on the ONE simile in the piece and ignored the allusions that started and ended the piece
- For prose passages: point of view, syntax, diction and setting are biggies! Poetry, you can be nit-picky about details, prose should take into account the bigger picture…one time it is interesting, second time it is suspicious, third time DEAL WITH IT!
- Always write about literature in the present tense! ALWAYS!
- Rhetorical devices, literary techniques, literary devices: all these are the same in regards to poetry and prose passages. This will make the difference in a low and high scoring essay. Literary Techniques: diction,[1] syntax, imagery, figurative language, tone, symbolism, allusion, irony, use of detail, sound devices (alliteration, onomatopoeia, anaphora), point of view, setting, style, etc.
- With only 2 hours to write 3 essays (you are responsible for managing your time), you need to organize by your very BEST idea first. I know that in formal essay writing it is usually last, but for the AP exam, (or any timed writing really) you want to give the reader your best first so if you run out of time, you know you did a good job.
- Also, be specific when talking about imagery (I am tired of bringing this up) and figurative language
- Commit some good tone words to memory
Scoring rationale: See wiki for scoring rubric
3-4your literary vocabulary is lacking; vague ideas that weren’t supported with evidence from text; underdeveloped ideas; didn’t address entire prompt
5mostly superficial ideas. Answer the “so what?” For some, the organization made it hard to follow; had the start of some good ideas, but didn’t develop them thoroughly because of poor textual support or underdeveloped analysis. Also, the literary vocabulary wasn’t used effectively
6-7Good use of literary vocabulary; insightful analysis: this was the difference between a 6 and 7. Sevens were stronger in their analysis. Well organized and clean writing
8Made insightful observations that other essays may have only touched on; deeper analysis; stronger command of the language
If you got a combo score 5/6; 6/7; 7/8: you had some things that impressed me enough to think it could score the higher of the two, but on the other hand, it also had some things that could definitely grade you lower.
If you have individual questions about your essay, please feel free to see me.
Goals for next essay:
Better use of literary language
Answer the “so what?”
Don’t be so quick to look at the nit-picky stuff: look for patterns: think big picture
one time it is interesting, second time it is suspicious, third time DEAL WITH IT!