Albion Park Crows Junior AFL Club – Committee Position Statements.
- Give public recognition and show appreciation for all good work and help received
- Make no statement contrary to the policy of the Club
- Have general supervision of the affairs and business of the Club
- Be ex-officio at all committee meetings
- Represent the Club at public community events/occasions and at Regional meetings
- Organise & maintain sponsorship
- Attend, as required, by local AFL authority, GSJ or Shellharbour City Council, meetings relevant to the operation and future plans relating to the Club
- Give a report at Club monthly meetings
- Inform the Secretary if unable to attend any meeting, so that a representative can be appointed.
Vice President:
- Act on behalf of the President at regional & local meetings as held from time to time and Chair club meetings in his/her absence or disability
- Assist in recruitment days and community events relating to the promotion of the club
- Assist members in performance of the day to day running of the Club as assigned by the Executive Committee
- Set agendas for Club meetings in accordance with Clubs constitution and By-Laws
- Ensure action points are actioned & accurate minutes are produced in a timely fashion.
- Encourage & collate portfolio reports to distribute to members prior to Club meetings
- Ensure all meetings of relevant, affiliated bodies are attended by the Delegate(s) / representatives (s) of the Club when required
- Be ex-officio at all committee meetings
- Collect & sort in coming correspondence and organise outgoing correspondence by liaising with relevant members that mail pertains to (Collect mail / organise to have mail collected)
- Inform the President of any ‘urgent’ correspondence or matters
- Attend to all matters relating to ‘incorporation’ as laid down by the Department of Fair Trading ie Organise AGM after 1st October of each year
- Issue notice to members, at least 30 days prior to AGM, calling for all Executive and Management Committee positions
- Keep an accurate record of;
Constitution and By Laws
Correspondence File
- Liaise with President/Vice President regarding booking of council grounds
- Organise club finances and keep monthly records of all income & expenditure undertaken in the duties of running the Club.
- Deposit all funds into bank account(s) in the name of the Club & maintain internet banking options
- Ensure other members provide receipts in a timely manner.
- Issue cheques, co-signed by signatories (President & one (1) other Executive member)as required to run Clubs day to day financial responsibilities
- Liaise with Canteen Manager to organise canteen stock, float and banking of takings after home games.
- Liaise with Secretary regarding arrival of bills & pay accounts as required before due dates.
- Liaise with Registrar with regards to payment of players registration & Club membership fees
- Present a monthly financial report at Club meetings.
- This report shall include
- Total income
- Total expenditure
- A list of all debtors
- A list of all creditors
- Account(s) balance
- Submit all books and records to the Clubs Accountant for audit prior to AGM
- Prepare comprehensive ‘statement of financial affairs’at Club AGM
Canteen Manager:
- Organise canteen stock and price all goods to be sold and restock as required
- Arrange for the delivery or pick up and storage of Canteen stock
- Open and set up canteen or organise nominated assistant to do so.
- Liaise with Treasurer regarding payment of stock and forward match day takings.
- Keep a monthly record of stock & inventory of goods, providing a report at monthly meetings.
- Liaise with Coaches Mangers regarding the use of game day volunteers for the season and develop a roster of assistants. Keep a record of volunteers.
- Ensure volunteers turn up and arrange for substitutes if any volunteer is absent.
- Liaise with Ground Manager regarding restocking & cleaning of amenities block before training & home games
- Ensure a clean and healthy operating environment that complies with all Australian Health Standard regulations.
- Assist and train teenage volunteers in all aspects of Canteen operations and keep a record of such training*
- Prepare end of season Financial Statement for Treasurer for inclusion in any audit and financial report.
- At end of season hand back keys to Registrar
Note: * Training policy on food handling, cash handling, customer service & operations to be developed.
Ground Manager: (AM & PM)
- Liaise with Coaches Managers for volunteers to set up and pack up the ground, ensuring the field is correctly marked and prepared (incl safety) for games.
- Liaise with Canteen Manager to ensure dressing rooms and surroundings are clean and tidy, before & after games
- Ensure time keepers and timing equipment is available and arranged for each game.
- Ensure rostered Umpires turn up and all match day paperwork required by them is filled in correctly
- Supply and / or collect; (ensuring all is filled out correctly)
- Goal umpire score cards, goal flags, vests & team sheets
- Umpires Best & Fairest votes, match day documents, reports (if any) & other match day paperwork as required by Regional body
- File, post or fax relevant documents as required by Regional body in specified time frames.
- Liaise with team Managers to ensure goal umpires and boundary umpires are arranged for each game from both teams and are correctly attired.
- Ensure that all games commence on time. If any game is delayed, the quarters must be shortened to enable the following game to commence on time.
- All Match day footballs are available for each age group, are in good condition and returned by umpires
- Sort out any ground issues & match day issues and then inform President or any Executive committee member, if President is not available.
- Ensure match day environment is conducive and in line with the GSJ/ AFL / Club code of conduct by conducting regular rounds (at least once a quarter) of the ground during home games.
- Attend Regional training in regards to game day results management (footyweb) with Coaching Coordinator & Registrar
- Report necessary maintenance needs to the Committee. If urgent,
contact the President for immediate corrective action
- Provide a report at monthly committee meetings
- At the end of the season, return all equipment to the Coaching Coordinator.
- Where an appointed umpire does not show, appoint a substitute umpire in consultation with officials from both teams.
Coaching Coordinator:
- Assist members in weekly running of the Club
- At the seasons start, issue equipment (and list of) to each team manager.
- Attend regional training in regards to game day results management (footyweb) with Registrar & Ground Manager
- Ensure Coaches, team Managers & assistants are in place for each age group.
- List all Club equipment and maintain accurate record of such, noting any damaged/missing equipment or need to replace, informing the committee via monthly reports.
- Assist Coaches find volunteers to assist in training and managing a team and/or fill in short falls when these occur.
- Liaise with Coaches regarding training schedule & availability for training providing advice on; programs, times & match day information such as venue locations and fixtures etc.
- Act as delegate on behalf of Coaches at Club meetings. ie provide feedback from Coaches about fixturing, special requests and equipment issues.
- Inform Coaches of Best & Fairest voting procedure and ensure coaches supply winning names of all trophy winners to Registrar the Monday after last game of the season. This includes a full list of all registered players ensuring correct spelling for trophy presentations.
- At the seasons end, receive (for storage) all equipment (and written list) from each team Manager.
- Source quotations/advice from suppliers (sponsors & local businesses to be supported) of equipment and property and liaise with the Executive via the Secretary at general meetings (or by other means if urgent) to determine necessary purchases.
- Provide a monthly report at General meetings
- Maintain complete record of Club player’s registrations and check all birth certificate details are correct.
- Ensure database entry of player registrations is completed, accurate and maintained throughout the season and sent to Governing body and each team manager.
- Keep a register of Club annual general membership members
- Maintain a list of player’s games record and notify Executive of any players approaching game milestones ie 50, 100, 150, 200 games etc.
- Provide a report of new members / registrations / milestones at General meetings when appropriate.
- Liaise with the Treasurer regarding payment by players of Club Registration fees and General membership fees.
- Liaise with Coaches/ team Managers regarding player’s names for list management at seasons beginning and to organise trophies at seasons end.
- Attend (or organise delegate) Regional training in regards to game day results management (footyweb) with Ground Manager and Coaching Coordinator.
- Keep a key register of important keys such as canteen, amenities (Council) & storage and the distribution of them.
- Assist in the development of club information flyer for registration days.
- Attend and assist in Club recruitment days
General Members:
- Assist Club personnel in weekly running of the Club at training/match days
- Assist in Club recruitment activities & Club Community events
- Organise Fund Raising activities