PNLA BOARD: The current officers of PNLA are listed here.

Honore Bray – President Della Dubbe, MT Rep

Kelsey Keyes, Past-President Michael Burris, BC Rep

Jay Peters, 2nd Vice President/Membership Chair Mary Jo Joiner, AK Rep

Gwendolyn Haley, 1st VP/President Elect Tim Mallory, WA Rep

Candice Stenstrom, Secretary Jeannie Standal, ID Rep

Annie Alger, Treasurer Jocie Wilson, YRCA Rep

Sarah Head, AB Rep

Mary DeWalt, LEADS

Leila Sterman – Editor PNLA Quarterly

Linda Fredericksen, Webmaster

Janelle Zauha - Editor PNLA Quarterly

Montana will elect a new representative this year, as will Washington.

PNLA membership income has shown a “bit of a drop” (from $8,565 in 2013 to $7,017 in 2014) according the treasurer, but the board elected to continue with the new dues structure for now. As of the beginning of conference PNLA showed 238 individual members and 28 Institutional members.

YRCA voting was up by 2,500 votes this year. They may add some form of electronic voting for next year and the possibility of one school or library winning a Skype session with an author.

The most recent meeting of the PNLA Board was held in person at the Dumas Bay Conference Center outside Federal Way, WA February 6 -7, 2015.


As a result of the discussion and revisions to the PNLA Manual of Procedures, the AkLA E-Council voted to accept a change in language for our handbook regarding travel expenses for the PNLA Representative to meetings.


Travel expenses for PNLA Representative to Meetings

5. The AkLA budget year is based on the calendar, while the PNLA representative term

is August-July. The AkLA monies for PNLA travel should be used in the election year

by the representative who serves from January to August.

Changed language:

5. The AkLA budget year is based on the calendar, while the PNLA representative term

is August-July. The AkLA monies for PNLA travel should be used in the election year

by the representative who has just been elected and will sit on the Board at their August meeting.


PNLA LEADS held a Train the Trainers session. This training was provided by the current leadership institute facilitators, Becky Schreiber and John Shannon of Schreiber Shannon Associates.

Eight current library leaders representing each of the six member states and provinces of PNLA and two at large representatives received intensive training in facilitating future PNLA LEADS institutes on October 19 -21, 2014. Representatives were chosen from the pool of past mentors:

The eight leaders selected from the pool of past mentors are:

AB – Louise Reimer

AK – Mary Jo Joiner

BC – Edel Toner-Regala

ID – Larry Almeida

MT – Jan Zauha

WA – Phil Heikkinen

At Large – Jennifer Fenton (WA) and Mary DeWalt (ID)

This training will assure reduced costs of future institutes resulting in future participant registration fees maintained at an accessible rate range of $500-600.

Phil Heikkinen notified the group that he would not be able to make the commitment to attend LEADS in October 2015. He will continue to aid the group with the presentation materials. David Ongley of Alaska will fill the mentor position that Phil vacated.

Samantha Hines who served as a co-coordinator with Mary DeWalt also informed the board that she would not be continuing in this role. Tim Mallory from Washington will aid Mary until a permanent co-coordinator can be found.

PNLA LEADS will be held in 2015 at the Adrift Hotel in Long Beach, WA. October 25 – October 30.


Recruitment for a new editor and direction for the PNLA Quarterly was conducted this year. The Board decided to restart publication with only two issues a year.

As a result of the RFP for an editor of the PNLA Quarterly, the board has chosen the application of Leila Sterman and Janelle Zauha to be co-editors of that publication.

The latest issue of PNLA Quarterly is now up and available at!

Alberta Library Association

Alberta has initiated a program that allows for a library card that can be used at any provincial library.

The Alberta Library Association annual conference will be held in Jasper April 30 – May 3.

British Columbia Library Association

The British Columbia representative noted that they have moved to a weekdays only conference which has boosted attendance and received overwhelmingly positive feedback from all sectors of membership.

British Columbia held 6 staff development workshops with 240 attendees on “Leading from Any Position.” The BC conference this year moved to 45 minute sessions and weekday only conference with no Saturday sessions. This got a very positive response.

The 2015 BCLA Library Conference will be held Mary 20 – 22. The previous conference activity called “pre-conference” is now called “Professional Development Opportunities.”

Idaho Library Association

The Idaho Library Association is now funding travel to the PNLA conference for its representative (they had been the only association that did not fund expenses for their representative) and has extended the term of office for their representative to 3 years.

Montana Library Association

Montana is looking at a shared catalog for academic, school and public libraries. The Montana Library Association Conference will be held in Bozeman April 8 -11.

Washington Library Association

The Washington Library Association has merged with the Washington Library Media Association (WLMA). At their next conference (April 15 -17, 2015) the WLA will have a full-day preconference .That conference will be at the Tulalip Resort & Conference Center.

PNLA Conference:

The conference in Helena was a success with final figures showing a net income of $16,614.98.

I participated in a panel presentation at conference on Reading the Region. I spoke about the Alaskana award book this year and the winner of the Forget Me Not Award from the Alaska State Literacy Association.

The 2016 conference will tentatively be held in Canada combining a rotation for BC and Alberta. It was agreed to try to have conference earlier in August. Some feedback from school librarians indicated that the late August date conflicted with back-to-school obligations.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Jo Joiner, PNLA Representative