Land Development Marketing Brochure

SECTION ONE: Marketing Abstract

This section should provide a positive and informative overview of the area, the land opportunity and its benefits in approximately one page. Language should be straightforward and upbeat – think of it as the advertisement or pitch for why investors should be interested in the opportunity.

The following components should be included:


This “headline” should be a short, succinct pitch or key message about the available property. It should catch the attention of potential investors and summarize the property’s primary benefits (e.g. strategic location, low energy costs, business improvement area). At maximum, the phrase should be one to two sentences and take up no more than two to three lines of text.

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Area Highlights

Provide a brief profile of the community/region (e.g. population, location, key industries). Information should be tailored to the type of investor who may be interested in this type of land opportunity. Include advantages of this type of development in the area, including: labour supply, operating costs, access to required resources (natural or built), growth potential of region or evidence of growth, low tax rates, low service costs (e.g. water, power), and existing resources or amenities that would support specific industries or initiatives. Keep in mind that investors may not be familiar with the B.C. context, so consider whether a map may be helpful and avoid acronyms.

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Profile of Parcel

Highlight the property’s features here, similar to a realtor listing (i.e. positive, emphatic language). Describe overall size and condition of property and emphasize suitability for target industries/investors (including zoning). Outline any unique features or advantages of the property and provide any positive notes about the terms of sale or conditions (e.g. partnership potential, flexibility, incentives being offered, improvements that have been made or could be made).

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Location Details and Development Suitability

Provide a brief description of the location – access to transportation, businesses and existing infrastructure, highlighting positive attributes. Describe the type of development that the property is suited for, as well as the overall condition of the parcel (e.g. undeveloped, not requiring remediation, fully serviced).

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Your land marketing brochure should include high resolution images – ideally three:

·  A photo that captures the essence of the region (e.g. a shot of a mountain, lake, port, forest, industrial site, town landscape),

·  A photo featuring an aspect of the property (or an aerial photo of the entire land parcel), and

·  A map identifying the parcel’s location (with the nearest major centre identified as well).

SECTION TWO: Property Details

This section provides the factual listing of information related to the property.

Fill out all fields as relevant/available. Typically one or two words will suffice, but provide more qualifying/contextual detail where appropriate:

General Information

Legal Description: [property title ID, and/or GPS co-ordinates] Click to insert text

Address: Click to insert text

Region: Click to insert text

Opportunity Type: industrial, commercial, residential, etc. [with further details as required] Click to insert text

Financial Information

Ownership: [current] Click to insert text

Terms: [lease, sale, sale or lease, investment] Click to insert text

Municipal Taxes: Click to insert text

Asking Price: Click to insert text

Land Information

Zoning: Click to insert text

Land Area: [use metric system if targeting international investors] Click to insert text

Developed Land: Click to insert text

Land Available for Expansion: Click to insert text

Land Use History: [current structures/use; relevant past use that may be related to remediation] Click to insert text

Site Services

Water: Click to insert text

Sewer and Wastewater: [yes/no, type and description of wastewater capacity] Click to insert text

Electricity: Click to insert text

Heating Fuel: Click to insert text

Telecommunications: [cable, telephone and internet availability, as well as type] Click to insert text

Agricultural Information: [irrigation yes/no, irrigated area description, hay area, grain area] Click to insert text

Other Notes about Site Services: Click to insert text

Proximity and Transportation

Highway: [proximity, type] Click to insert text

Railway: [proximity, carriers] Click to insert text

Airport: [proximity, type of service (i.e., domestic or international, size), carriers] Click to insert text

City/Town Access: [proximity to centre of closest city/town/built up area; could also provide second closest] Click to insert text

Port: [proximity, type of service/brief description, by what mode] Click to insert text

US Border: [proximity, by what mode] Click to insert text

Contact Information

Name: [municipal contact and position] Click to insert text

Phone: Click to insert text

Email: Click to insert text

Realtor Information: [if applicable] Click to insert text

Created by the B.C. Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training

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