Independent Reading Project #2– English 10


The next book you will read this year will be another that you pick on your own. I will provide you with some criteria for books you may choose. Unlike last time, for this project you may choose from the fiction or biography/ autobiography section. On the final due date, you need to bring in the book that you have read, and you will be required to do some in-class writing about your book and a creative project concerning your book. The grade for your novel project will not only be based on your understanding of the book but also your ability to discuss the elements of it. These elements include character, plot, setting, theme, irony, foreshadowing, symbolism, etc. You will be allowed to use your book on the day of the in-class writing. If you are not buying your own copy of the book, you should write down any information you think will be helpful for the assessment on your sticky notes to put inside the book. Only notes taken as you read and on sticky notes may be used on the in-class writing. No other outside notes will be allowed.

Important Dates

ü  February 18th: The project will be introduced in class, and we will visit the library to choose books during your block.

ü  February 22nd: You must physically bring in a copy of the book you wish to read for your project – I will officially check everyone’s book on this day (even if you showed me before in the library). After this date, you may NOT change your book title. All books must be approved by me!

ü  February 22nd–March 8th: Bring your book to class every block for some in-class reading time… this counts as part of your homework!!!

ü  March 10th: Final Due Date!! This is the day when you must have your book completely read! Do not forget to bring in the book on this date.

Helpful Hints

ü  DO NOT attempt to read this book the night before the due date! Divide up your reading so that you have a manageable amount of reading to do each night.

ü  It will be beneficial to you to use sticky notes to take notes on your book as you go: important characters, events, themes, etc… You can use these notes on the test. You may NOT use notes taken on a separate sheet of paper.

ü  As you read, pay careful attention to all of the literary elements you have studied. You will want to make a note whenever you see these items, so you will be able to find them quickly for the writing. The more evidence from the book you can use to show where you see these literary elements, the higher your grade will be!

ü  Before your due date, take some time to look back over the following literary terms: static/ dynamic character, point of view, irony (the 3 types), theme, parts of plot, symbols, foreshadowing, etc... Using literature-based vocabulary will enhance your writing, thus enhancing your grade!

Criteria for choosing books

ü  a book you have never read (I’m taking your word on this. If I find out differently, you will be in violation of the honor code…)

ü  a minimum of 175 pages

ü  a single piece of writing (not a collection of stories)

ü  writing of literary value

ü  approved by me in advance