Rotary Club of DeWitt
PO Box 131 Dewitt, NY 13214
Established 1954
Monday, July 25, 1011 Volume: LVIII, No.3
Rotary Club of DeWitt
PO Box 131 Dewitt, NY 13214
Established 1954
Golf Outing: next Monday, August 1, at The Links at Erie Village, $25 includes a cart. Jim Merithew will be matching the foursomes.
Evening Meeting: August 1, 2011 at 530PM for cash bar and 630PM for dinner, outside at the Traditions at the Links at Erie Village. Spouse and friends are invited.
August 1: no lunch meeting.
resident Pomeroy opened the meeting with the singing of God Bless America , followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation given by Holly Wallace.
Visitors and Guests were introduced by Ed Glassberg: Dash Henderson, guest of John Shepard, and our speakers: Gene Conway of the Dewitt Police Department, and Martha Ryan and Patti Giancola, both from the McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy.
· SU football pool has about 35 spaces left, according to Mel Rubenstein. Cheer for the Orange, grab some green!
· July Birthdays were introduced by Harold Graves: 2nd—Richard Jenkins; 4th—Dan Maffei; 8th—Conrad Janke; 18th—Frank Decker; 22nd—Tom Bezigian; 25th—Dick Humplebee; 30th—Frank Bersani; 31st—Helen Kessler. Happy Birthday everyone!
The The Program was introduced by Leo Eisnor, who was pleased to relate that one of our speakers, Patti Giancola, is the daughter of Past President Don Giancola. McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy serves the community through tireless work and education, and brought to our attention that we are all touched by child abuse. By the age of 18, 1 out of 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys will abused. That startling fact underlies the work that McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy does, in not only helping the victims of abuse, but also through its “High Five” Program for younger children. Martha Ryan told us how her family, steeped in community service, took over an abandoned building to help abused children. Gene Conway of the Dewitt Police Department related how law enforcement is the first to see abuse, and how six agencies are at the Child Advocacy House to help the victims. Patti Giancola showed us the new house at 601 E. Genesee St., and as .....
Capital Campaign Director of the McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy, is raising $3 million; she can be reached at 440-3372, or .
HAPPY DOLLARS were given by
Gay Pomeroy, Ed Glassberg, Leo Eisnor, and Jim Merithew.
The meeting concluded with a recitation of the 4-Way Test.
Respectfully submitted,
by Conrad Janke, pinch hitting for Mike Miller.