Precious Blood Convocation 2010

Who will speak the word to rouse them?

I can, I must, I will. Will you?

Pre-Convocation Preparation

Individual Reflection

Theme: Who will speak the word to rouse them? I can, I must, I will. Will you?

Read: John 4: 4 – 41Dialogue of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Reflect and journal on the following questions in light of the story:

  • What words in this story speak to my thirst?
  • In light of my spirituality, which is rooted in the Precious Blood, how does this story invite me to:

-a change of heart or a change of perspective?

-speak my truth to others?

-be reconciled with another or with my past?

-preach what I have come to believe?

-utter a prophetic word?

  • The resources suggested below give further insight into the story of the Samaritan Woman. Perhaps you might wish to read them in anticipation of the Precious Blood Convocation and offer your reflection about what roused you in the readings.

-Bouchard, Charles. “From Pulpit to Pew: The Art of Good Preaching.” Liguorian (September 2003) pp. 18 – 21. (provided)

-Bouchard, Charles. “Text or Topic? Doing or Being? The Challenge of Preaching on Morality.” In The Grace and Task of Preaching, ed. Michael Monshau (Dublin, Dominican Publications, 2006) pp. 270 – 294. (provided)

-Radcliffe, O.P., Timothy. What is the Point of Being a Christian? (New York, NY, Burns & Oates, 2005) pp. 164 – 193. (provided)

-Untener, Bishop Ken. The Practical Prophet: Pastoral Writings. (Paulist Press, 2007) pp.192 – 204. (provided)

-The Synod on the Word can be accessed at:


-Bible Commentaries:

Perkins, Pheme. “The Gospel According to John.” In The New Jerome Biblical

Commentary, ed. Raymond E. Brown, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, and Roland E.

Murphy, 956-958. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1990.

Smith, D. Moody. “John.” In The HarperCollins Bible Commentary, ed. James L. Mays, 964-965. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 1988.

-The following book provides distinguished scholarship and a study guide which enhances theological understanding and provides profound spiritual insight into the study of the Gospel of John.

Schneiders, Sandra M. Written That You May Believe: Encountering Jesus in the Fourth Gospel. New York, NY: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 2003.

Including particular references to the Samaritan Woman:

As disciple / pages 45,104, 137-144
Identity and role of / pages 137-144, 236-237, 251-253
Link to Man Born Blind / page 149
Mission / pages 136-137
As representative figure / pages 33, 35, 155
Story of / pages 24, 51, 68, 86, 88, 93-94, 96, 99, 101-104,132, 134-138, 248
As symbolic character / pages 74-75, 138
As textual alter ego of evangelist / pages 251-253
Theological focus of / pages 136-137

Precious Blood Convocation 2010

Who will speak the word to rouse them?

I can, I must, I will. Will you?

Pre-Convocation Preparation

Small Group Reflection(60 minute timeframe suggested)

Theme:Who will speak the word to rouse them? I can, I must, I will. Will you?

Purpose:To offer a small group reflection process for the 2010 Precious Blood Convocation

Setup:Arrange chairs in a circle. Provide ambiance, e.g. a jar or clear glass pitcher of water and a Bible on a low table in the center of the circle.

Welcome and Introduction:Leader welcomes all. If there are persons who do not know each other, providetime for introductions. Leader continues with a brief centering prayer before the opening song.

Opening Song:Who Will Speak A Word To Rouse Them?Ralph C. Verdi, C.PP.S.

Refrain:Who will speak the word to rouse them? I can, I must, I will. Will you?

Gospel Reading:John 4: 4 – 41 (Quiet reflection)

Sharing:Leader invites participants to speak in groups of two or in small groups so that everyone has the opportunity to address each of the following questions.

  • In light of my spirituality, which is rooted in the Precious Blood, how does this story invite me to:

-a change of heart or a change of perspective?

-speak my truth to others?

-be reconciled with another or with my past?

-preach what I have come to know?

-utter a prophetic word?

  • As you have listened to others and offered your truth, who has spoken a word to rouse you? What is the word that has roused you? Invite each person to speak one word or phrase that has “roused” him or her.

Closing prayer:Precious Blood 2010 Convocation Prayer

(prayed in unison)

Eternal God, we offer you the Precious Blood of Jesus, for oursisters and brothers who gather for our Precious Blood Convocation.

Accept us as disciples of your son, Jesus. Deepen ourunderstanding of the theology of the cross and resurrection, which shapes us as your children and brings us life.

Move us to witness to our faith in the Precious Blood of Jesus, by actions which lift up reconciliation, center on the poor and displaced of our world, provide for the immigrant, counsel the sorrowful and bring your Church the unity and courage it needs to live in our world today.

Help us to embrace the anguish of our world and our Church with the redeeming love of Christ, which conquers all things, even despair and death.

Let us join with our ancestors, with Maria De Mattias, Gaspar del Bufalo, Maria Anna Brunner, Theresa Weber and Francis Pfanner, in proclaiming the Precious Blood of Jesus to a world in need of redemption. Our communities are places of friendship and support, of prayer and study, of action and witness. Send your grace to all our Precious Blood congregations. May the Holy Spirit rouse us to be your witnesses, set our direction, lighten our burdens, refresh us with your presence, and empower us to proclaim your Reign on earth.

Bless our Convocation with joy and energy, with purpose and wisdom, and with hope and promise. May it be a moment of grace for our Church and our congregations.

We can be your disciples today.

We must proclaim the Precious Blood to our neighbors.

We will sacrifice our lives for the sake of your Reign.


Precious Blood Convocation 2010 Pre-Convocation Reflection