March 19 & 20, 20101305 Buckley Road

Ramada InnSyracuse, NY


Christine Choi / Kim Lemieux / Mary Gere-Penna
Kathleen DeKalb / Mark Albin / Carol Kozin
Joanne Ryan / Marin Grzan / Tracy Farrell
Stephen Stengel / Phyllis Mattson
Ida Marra / Billie Downs
Walter Zeznick / Susan Siuta
Scott Greene / Tim Ahle


Jon Greenwalt / Donna Shepardson / Joe Illig
Marsha Iverson / Marla Berlin / Margaret Kuhn
Ana Tuzzolino / Julie Keenan


1.Welcome and Updates

The meeting was called to order by Christine C. at 6:33pm.

  • Introductions – Christine started the meeting by having everyone introduce themselves and report on how everything is going in their region related to jobs.
  • Jackie McAllister resigned as Region 2 director.

2.Report of the Secretary

  • January 2010 Meeting Minutes were approved.

3. State Education Department Update

Christine C. reported on behalf of Jon Greenwalt.

  • 2014 Technology Test – one part of the exam is on information literacy and BTA needs to emphasize this to Administrators.
  • HOUSSE certified in core areas.
  • Have work-based learning certification

4.Report of the Treasurer

Walter Z. made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Scott G Seconded. Motion carried.

Steve S. reported that as of the end of this meeting we are operating in the red. Joanne is concerned about the upcoming conference cost. Steve suggested that we raise our dues. As of right now membership dues does not cover the cost of executive board meetings. Tim suggested that we do a conference call type meeting in January instead of meeting in person. Steve S. made a motion to raise dues to $45 and keeping all other dues (students and retires) the same as of July 1st. Walter Z seconded. Motioned carried.

5.Report of the President

Christine C. reported on the following:

  • AP Accounting Training Update – 18 people have registered for the course as per Marsha. The maximum is 60 people.
  • NBEA Conference in San Diego
  • Silent Auction Donation – see Christine’s report.
  • National Policy Seminar Report – Christine attended. She met with mostly aides. See her report.
  • ACTE Region 1 Conference – Scott is attending the conference in Maine.
  • Alice Summer Training Update – registration training has been sent out. Second notice will go out next month.
  • SUPA Economics – Faculty that are part of SUPA Economics have contacted the Commissioner. As a result, SED is now looking at a Regents exam in Economics.
  • NYSCEA – see Christine’s report.
  • Christine also distributed the ACTE report.

6.Report of the President-Elect

See Joanne’s Report. Joanne has been assisting Sue Siuta as a new regional director.

7.Report of the Conference Director – See Ida’s Report Below

  • 2011 Locations – Kathie sent out a conference map. Kathie suggested that maybe we should consider the Albany area and Turning Stone.
  • 2012 Locations - Buffalo. Another Casino!!!!!!
  • 2010 Conference Planning: - Tarrytown
  • Local Arrangements – May 1st
  • Draft of Budget
  • Keynote Speaker - TBA
  • Registration (Online Registration) - TBA
  • Conference Registration Fee
  • Hospitality – Tim asked what the hospitality chairperson should be getting for the conference registration bags. The following was suggested: recycling bags, stress balls, highlighters, pencils, candy, commuter mugs, jump drives, chap stick, flash lights, bottle openers, key chains, office novelty, Post its.Tim asked ifIda had a sample request letter. Other agencies to ask for assistance are the local Visitors Bureau and Chambers of Commerce as sources for door prizes for Thursday night. Cengage Learning will provide the conference bags this year.
  • EMC – has agreed to donate $1,500 towards the Thursday night reception.
  • Glencoe – would also like to sponsor something at the conference.
  • Public Relations - TBA
  • Facilities/Meals - TBA
  • Properties - TBA
  • Conference Educational Sessions/Program Grid
  • Thursday Pre-Conference Activities
  • Vendors/Exhibits–Tracy F. – Online registration only; will send out an email prospectus in lieu of mailing it out to save postage fees.
  • Gifts for Presenters/Attendees - Kathie D. Presenters – free membership renewal if paid current dues otherwise will receive a gift. Attendees –Green grocery bags with BTA logo.

T-shirts was brought up as a possible gift. Then it was suggested that we should sell these shirts.

  • Awards - Margaret K. There seems to be some confusion about who puts the awards info on the web. Christine will talk to the Margaret. Christine asked who picks the award. Kathie said the president, past president, and some one else judges.

Phyllis said she would be interested in the BMHS and awards chairperson. She just has questions about accountability.

Scott said he would also be interested in the BMHS since he has the membership information.

Christine and Mary will take over BMHS. Awards will be taken over by Phyllis.

  • IDA’sConference Planning Report
  • Save the Date mailing will go out on May 1
  • Program will be available June 1 – on-line
  • We have 13 calls for presenters forms – missing some of the call for presenter forms.
  • Julie– Bringing financial literacy to life.
  • Mitchell Franklin - Student Transition from High School to Syracuse.
  • Tech yes Gen Y – using eclipse media in the classroom
  • Christine – Junior apprentice
  • Department of the Year
  • Automated Accounting
  • Virtual Enterprise
  • High School Prom Fashion Show

Meeting adjourned at 10:22pm for Friday. Meeting was called to order at 8:06 am on Saturday.

  • Ida’s Report Continued.
  • Westchester Marriot is $149 a room. Cut off date for the hotel is September 23rd
  • Kathie D. has a follow-up on the call to presenter’s forms for additional information
  • Kim L. made some suggestions on the “save the date flyer”

Kathie brought up the waived membership fee for presenters. Since this was published on the website we must honor this offer. Kathie made the motion beginning with the 2011 conference; we will go back to the conference presenter gift in lieu of the free membership to conference presenters. Scott G. seconded. Motion carried.

8.Report of the Past Presidents - Kathie DeKalb/Stephen Stengel

  • Vacant Positions: Public Relations, Curriculum Planning, Region 5E Director, Educational Policies, Newsletter, NBEA Membership Director
  • Job Descriptions Development Update
  • Executive Directory changes – forward to Steve
  • Constitution changes (Publishing Representative Changes?)Same thing that was talked about in January. Changing article 4 of const. Bylaws – article 7 (two thirds vote) and 2 (director of conference and curriculum appointed at fall meeting)
  • Potential ballot for Conference 2010

Steve asked the following members if they were planning on staying on in their current positions.

Webmaster - Kim L Yes

Region 3 - Marin G. – Yes

Region 6 – Phyllis M. – Yes

Secretary –Tim A. – Yes

Collegiate Liaison – Marsha I. – Yes

Conference Planning - Ida M. – Yes

Region 2- open

Treasurer –open

Directorships need to fill as well – see Steve’s report.

Christine has asked should the constitution reflect the publishing representatives. The question is what type of member should hey be. The by-law should reflect this. It was suggested that they should be “Members Ex-officio”. These representatives should also pay membership dues.

Kathie D. made a motion to amend constitution to change language to allow publishing reps become non-voting members(ex-officio) and pay the current membership dues. Walter Z. seconded. Motion Carried.

Steve made a motion to add to the bylaws the following “Article III Section 8 – book publishers (i.e. EMC, Publishing, Glencoe, Cengage, etc.) representatives are encouraged to attend BTANYS Executive Board meeting in an ex officio capacity and abstains from voting. Representatives must be a current member of BTANYS. Walter Z. Seconded. Motion carried.

9.Report of the Legislation Director - Walt Zeznick

  • Legislation Day in Albany – attended the legislation day on March 2nd. He went around with youth groups. He talked about financial literacy and Perkins Funding.

10.Report of the Membership Director - Scott Greene

Scott sent out the reports. He included January numbers to see if there was a bump with the Video gaming course. There have been many emails about membership.

Kathie asked about the lifetime members number in the report. Lifetime members should only be Past Presidents, Clinton Reed and Friend of Business recipients. Scott will double check this.

Scott also brought up that many school districts are asking for proof of attendance at the conference. Need to address at our next meeting.

11.Report of the Collegiate Teacher Education Director (Liaison) - Marsha Iverson

As per Christine – 18 people are registered for AP conference. She is speaking at LIBEC.

12.Report of Communications - Web Page Director - Kim Lemieux

See report – Lesson plans link has been updated. She wants to know how often she should post on Facebook. Kim should use her own discretion. Once again we need to encourage our members to submit lessons to be posted on the BTA website. All lesson plans should be forwarded to Christine C.

13.Report of Communications – Newsletter Director -vacant

Phyllis is doing a great job as a fill-in.

14.Report of Educational Policies Director - vacant

15.Report of Public Relations Director - vacant

16.Report of Curriculum Planning Director - vacant

17.Reports of Regional Directors – see individual reports.

Region 1 - Mark Albin/Ana Tuzzolino

Region 2 - vacant

Region 3 - Marin Grzan - Alice Training – on July 15th.

Region 4 - Tracy Farrell

Region 5E - vacant

Region 5W - Carol Kozin

Region 6 - Phyllis Mattson

Region 7 - Marla Berlin

Region 8E -Julie Keenan/Mary Gere-Penna

Region 8W - Billie Downs

Region 9 - Ida Marra

Region 10 - Susan Siuta

Joanne Ryan thinks everyone should look at Career Pathways. There is grant money available for this program.

18.Old Business

  • Financial Literacy Bill (K. DeKalb)

Meet with Assembly Reilly (see Kathie’s report)

  • Financial Literacy Meeting (T. Farrell) Tracy has a connection with one of the Board of Regents who was one of her former professors. Kathie suggested that we need to follow the lead of Assembly Reilly. No letter campaign yet.

19.New Business

  • Summer Curriculum Writing (NEFE and SED) – Write the pre and post test for NEFE.
  • BTANYS (video) message for Larraine on her retirement from teaching – Roast for Larraine week of June 17th in the Albany area. BMEA is honoring her on May 6th.
  • NBEA Membership Director – NBEA is still looking for a NBEA membership director for New York State. Director should attend training and conference each year. The question is who should pay for conference? Christine will talk to NBEA and express some of her own concerns.
  • Next curriculum – We should survey our members.

Leadership for PIG credit course. Course already in existence. It was decided that maybe this might be a conference workshop. Joanne will take this curriculum and put it into the BTA curriculum template.

Flash, Photoshop, Dreamweaver


Accounting – how is accounting addressing some of the STEM initiatives.

Curriculum Mapping

  • Austerity budget – we still have $30K in reserve. The board members should consider cutting expenses by car pooling, renting cars, etc.
  • EMC – Joe will provide $60 per summer Alice training. Cengage is providing the book.

Christine made the motion to adjourn the General Meeting at 11:12 am for working session.

20. Adjournment for Working Sessions

  • Working Session

Regional Directors:

Those that need help with their web pages, please work with Kim

Those that do not need help with their web pages either join a group below or work on updating your web pages

Stephen and Ida – work on RegOnline for the conference registration

Job Descriptions – Joanne volunteered to help this group (originally were Stephen and Kathie) – this did not get worked on

Kathie needed help with developing a financial literacy survey that she plans to use with the NYSCEA group– survey was developed and sent out

Editing of letters – Christine, Sue and Mary – letters are written, just need to proof and/or rework (three letters as follows: 1. Overview of Business Ed. (send to feds, state, regents, commissioner, superintendents); this is completed 2. Letter to Commissioner about priorities and how we can play a role; this is completed 3. Financial literacy letter (send to feds and state); still working on this