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Michigan Technological UniversityDepartment or School Name
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Dear [enter student’s name]:
Congratulations on your acceptance into the [enter type of program, e.g., MEng, MS, MF, PhD] program in [enter name of degree program]. During your graduate studies on campus, you will have the chance to meet and work with students from around the world and be able to complete your education in a safe,beautifulenvironment.
I am pleased to offer you financial support for [enter semester(s)]in the form of a [enter type of support, e.g., teaching or research assistantship]. Financial support from the [enter name of department or school] will extend from [enter start date] through [enter end date]. This offer of support includes stipend and tuition.
- Your stipend will be [enter amount] per semester.
- [Enter department or school]will cover up to[department or school credit cap] credits of graduate tuition and academic fees (e.g., lab fees). You will be responsible for all student activity fees that have been voted on and approved by Michigan Tech students, currently[enter current sum of all fees] for [enter semester], as well as the international surcharge and international graduate student enrollment surcharge (if applicable).
- Continued support is contingent on you making satisfactory academic progress in course work, research and all the duties for which you are receiving support. Satisfactory academic progress includes maintaining full-time enrollment status during the semesters that you receive support, taking all required courses and/or examinations on schedule, and maintaining good academic standing per the Graduate School and your program. Full-time enrollment status is defined as a minimum of nine credits per regular academic-year semester and a minimum of one credit or one course during summer.
Stipend payments will be made biweekly and are subject to payroll deductions. Work expectations will be communicated to you by your department or school in accordance with Graduate School guidelines.
All supported graduate students must either purchase the University-approved health insurance or provide proof of comparable coverage. As a supported student, a percentage (currently[percentage] %) of the annual cost of the University-approved health insurance (total cost is $xxx for academic year 2015/2016) will be covered by Michigan Tech. The remaining [percentage] %will beyour responsibility.
All University graduate students receive access to the Michigan Tech Student Development Complex (SDC) which maintains state-of-the-art sport facilities. Graduate students also receive discounted or free access to facilities and events including but not limited to Mont Ripley Ski Hill, Portage Lake Golf Course, Gates Tennis Center, visual and performing arts events, University hockey games, and intramural sports.
During the time period covered by this offer, the [enter department or school name] may recommend that support be terminated for dereliction of duty, endangerment of students or facilities, failure to make satisfactory academic progress,violation of the Michigan Technological University Student Code of Community Conduct, or misconduct in research, scholarly, or creative endeavors. The Dean of the Graduate School must review and approve all recommendations for mid-contract termination of support before they occur.
Your signature below indicates that you accept this offer and agree to its terms. If, after accepting the offer, you find that you need to request a change in terms (including starting dates) you need to contact the [enter chair or dean] of [enter department or school name] as soon as possible.
Michigan Tech supports the CGS Resolution which states that a graduate student is under no obligation to respond to offers of financial support prior to April 15. Please see the following link for further information:
Please return a signed copy of this letter by [date] to [enter name].
Name and Title
Chair or Dean
______I accept this offer.______I decline this offer.
Student signature: Date: