Teacher: Mr. Obispo Assistant: Mrs. Eisenberg

Subject: 7th Grade World History Med/Mod.

Period: 1 Room: 115

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the exciting and adventurous world of 7th grade World History. My name is Mr. Obispo and I will be the teacher for the next 10 months. It is my hope that students will learn not only facts of the past, but important ideas and events that relate to our current world today. I will use various instructional strategies to assist students in memorizing and analyzing a variety of topics covered in our class.

I am here to provide students with a framework for the practical use of World History and the skills (writing, discussion, speaking, research, and critical thinking) that will help prepare students for higher level work as well as for higher level grades. Over the next 40 weeks we will be following and trying to master 7th grade standards as well as trying to improve the skills of students as mentioned in their IEPs. We will also incorporate California Content instructional strategies in order that our students may acquire the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in college and in their chosen careers. These California Content Standards provide opportunity to improve access to rigorous academic content standards for students with disabilities. To try to help students meet these standards and curriculum for 7th grade World History, we will use various instructional strategies and supplementary materials as well as accommodations and supports noted in their individual IEPs. Our instructional strategies include teaching skills that students need in order to succeed in their future career paths, skills such as listening and following directions, being on time, following rules, hard work and perseverance, organization, working with a variety of people, focus, and taking responsibility. I will require hard work and dedication from my students and I as well as my paraprofessionals will assist our students and offer them any support that they might need.

Overview of the Subject:

The study of world history and geography continues this year with an examination of social, cultural, and technological changes during the period of A.D. 500-1789. A preview of the topics covered will begin with the study of cultures throughout the world and how it relates to past and present civilizations and events. After this preview, the class will then begin with the Rise & Fall of the Roman Empire, this study will then move to the rise of Islam as a religion, culture, empire, and its impact in the world (past and present) ; crosses the Atlantic to observe the rise of the Mayan, Incan, and Aztec civilizations; the class will analyze the sub-Saharan civilizations and cultures of Ghana and Mali during Medieval Africa; we will move eastward to compare civilizations of China and Japan during the Middle Ages; the class will return to a comparative study of Europe during the Middle Ages; the class will conclude with age of the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution that ushered in the Enlightenment, Age of Reason, and Age of Explorations. Students will also be developing world maps and time lines in order to locate these cultures in time and place, compare events that were developing concurrently in the world, and observe the transmission of ideas, beliefs, scientific developments and economic trade throughout this important period of history.

The class also utilizes current event news from Channel 1 programming as well as CNN Student News and other videos that relate to the culture that the class is studying as well as keep the students up to date concerning about world issues and events and student related topics.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the school at 818-678-4100 and leave a message at the counseling office for me and I will return your call as soon as I can. You may also communicate with me via school email. My school email address at school is .

Individual Marking Practices for English and History classes:

  • Tests, quizzes, classwork, homework, and cooperation are based on points. Each student has the opportunity to earn points. The points are inputted into the computer. The computer will tabulate all their points and give out an average on all their grades in the class. The percentage value of the assignments are as follows:
  • Grades are also based on teacher and staff evaluation of student work habits and behavior. Students’ grades are negatively affected if they are exhibiting poor work habits or inappropriate behavior, such as not following school/class rules.
  • Tardies and excessive absences can affect a student’s grades: 3 unexcused tardies in a 5 week grading period will result in a U in work habits. 10 or more absences may also negatively affect a student’s grades as they are missing instructional time.
  • 3 incomplete assignments in a 5 week grading period will result in a U in work habits. Students who choose not to complete their classwork or assigned task in class will receive a U in work habits and cooperation. Students who choose not to follow the “student expectations” noted in this letter will receive 2 Us as well, in work habits and cooperation. These will result in the lowering of their academic grades as well as negatively affecting their eligibility.
  • Grades are also based on the student’s individual academic ability or abilities according to his or her IEP goals and objectives as well as the teacher’s/staff’s observations, assessments, and knowledge of the student’s ability or skills.
  • NOTE: “Make-up” work is only given to students who usually complete their work 90-100% of the time. NO “make-up” work is given to students who usually get unsatisfactory grades in their homework or classwork or who have excessive absences or tardies.
  • Tests or quizzes are on a grading scale of:

A=100-90% B=89-80% C=79-70% D=69-56% F=55-0%

Work Habits and Cooperation are on a grading scale of:

E=Excellent (work done in a complete manner and 100% of the directions were followed)

S=Satisfactory (work done in an average manner and 90-70% of the directions were followed)

U=Unsatisfactory (work not completed and/or 60-0% of the directions were followed)

Class Rules(applies to all my classes)

Come to class on time and be prepared…

must be in your seats and bring your school supplies.

Stay in your seats at all times…

get teacher’s or adult’s permission to leave your seat.

You may only speak with the teacher’s or adult’s permission…

raise your hand without speaking or yelling.

No food or drinks in class…need teacher’s or adult’s permission.

Respect all teachers, adults, and each other…

NO talking back, complaining, making fun of others, and making inappropriate comments.

Follow the teacher’s and adult’s directions at all times. Obey school and class rules at all times.


Consequences To Breaking Class Rules

A) Being given class standards to write, which must be signed by parent/guardian.

B) Being sent to another class to do the classwork.

C) Calling your parent/s and/or guardian depending on the severity of the offense.

D) Being sent to the dean’s or counseling office…depending on the severity of the offense.

E) Given paper pick-up during nutrition or lunch OR given lunch or afterschool detention.

F) Will affect your Academic, Work Habit, and Cooperation grade.

G) Up to the teacher to decide which consequence will be given.

H) If the teacher or staff sees a student looking at their cell phone, it will be taken away by the teacher and will be returned to the student at the end of the day. If it becomes habitual, the cell phone will then be given to the dean. If the cell phone rings or vibrates while in the backpack, the teacher and/or staff will tell the student to turn-off the cell phone…it will not be taken away unless this situation also becomes habitual to a particular student.

I) O U T Policy: Usually for inappropriate behaviors, such as: talking, making inappropriate comments in class, throwing things/materials in class, eating or drinking, getting out of seat without permission, making noises or singing, and/or not following teacher’s and staff’s directions.

O = 1st warning; Satisfactory grade for cooperation (S)

U = 2nd warning; If a student receives 3-5 “2nd warnings” in a weeks worth of classes may result in an Unsatisfactory grade for cooperation (U)

T = 3rd warning; Unsatisfactory grade in cooperation (U) and will result in a student being sent to another class to do the classwork. If a student is sent out of class 3 times within a week, a teacher-parent phone call will be made by the teacher to discuss the student’s behavior and/or a parent-teacher conference will be requested.

The teacher will decide the consequence given to the student.