State College Softball Booster Club
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday September 29, 2017
Board Officers Attending: Pat Hawbaker, President
Tracie Shannon, Treasurer
Karen Brannon, Secretary
Other Attendants: Mark Wasikonis, Morgan Wasikonis, Stu Thomas, Shawn Herncane, Stacey Brennan, Candee Lamb, Rich Wolfe and Jim Schaper
Meeting Start Time: 6:00
The meeting was intended to kick off the newyear and establish board members as well as volunteers for the functions held by the boosters club throughout the year.
Treasury Update
- Tracie Shannon updated the financials and distributed a YTD vs Actual summary balance sheet. We reviewed some of the over budgeted items as well as where we fell short on some of the income items. The hoagie sales, media guide and discount cards fell a little short of planned resulting in less income. The spirit gear, away meals and year end banquet came in a little over budget, but all in all we are still doing good to start the new year.
Coach Update
- Members mentioned that maybe we upgrade our field with some of our Boosters money this year. Members asked if we could consider getting a tarp to cover the field so not indoors so much with inclement weather. Jim mentioned we had a full tarp a few years ago but maintenance removed it and it hasn’t been seen since. It was mentioned to possibly just get a tarp to cover the pitcher’s mound as well as the batter’s box. Rich estimated the Little League cost for those two items was under $1000. Jim will mention it to the Athletic Director and see if the school could cover this since baseball also has one. Jim also wants to redo the infield and outfield.
- Jim would like the girls to get new bags. He can salvage enough of the old ones and pass them on to the middle school since some are still in good condition.
- Jim expects to know the schedule Mid October. It was mentioned that maybe we can add some more local games, Bellefonte, Bald Eagle or Penns Valley. He would like to, but some of them do not have both Varsity and JV and that makes it harder on us. Jim plans non league games to be added as usual.
- Jim mentioned updates to the sheds. He would like to get rid of the old shed and replace with a new larger building that the school “shop” students could design and build. He also would like the back of the dugout to be painted with a logo, including the state and district titles listed. He has mentioned it to the art department for some designs. He was interested also in putting together a Wall of Fame that can display any players who excelled.
- Equipment needs: Jim mentioned the middle school would benefit from a light flight machine.
- Jim would like to have two middle school teams but does not think there is enough interest and they will probably have one team this year.
- Jim will meet with Chris Weakland, the new Athletic Director (AD), to discuss budget and schedule. Maybe the new President can join them to know what to expect in the upcoming year.
- Mark Bowman volunteered to continue to manage the school softball website with schedules and changes pictures etc. Being a senior parent, Mark mention it would be a good time for someone to consider taking over this task and shadowing him. This would make the transition easier next year. If interested, please let us know.
Discount Cards
- Discount cards will still be a fundraiser this year. We will still hand out 10 per player for high school and middle school players. We will again try to plan a “Blitz” after the picture day (weather pending), that allows the girls to mass sell the cards. And we plan to get some store fronts to continue selling the cards so that we better reach our goal this year.
- Again, this is an item that we need to think of sponsors for the discount card and approach them before the year ends, so to have the cards firmed up, printed, etc. before the first pitch social.
- MyMy Chicken was a new restaurant that said they would like to be added to our discount card. We will certainly accept their discount for the card.
- We would like all members to continue thinking of any stores/restaurants that would be good candidates for the card.
- Karen Brannon and Tracie Shannon volunteered to manage this task
Hoagie Sales
- Rich and Heather Wolfe volunteered to run the DelGrosso Hoagie sale again this year. Rich will typically hand out the order forms at one of the winter open gyms first week of January (2nd wk since this year since school is planning to be off), with the forms being returned by first of February and delivery soon after. Again he ask for student and parent volunteers when the items are delivered to help separate and distribute everything smoothly!
Other Fundraisers
- Reviewed last years other fundraisers. The only successful one was Five Guys. Any new ideas are welcomed. We will consider doing another season kickoff with Five Guys again this year.
Media Guide
- It was mentioned that maybe we consider a banner approach this year to advertising our sponsors. This would be in lieu of the media guide. But some still like the media guide as a keep sake. If the “sponsors” knew they were being advertised on a banner, we may get more sponsors. At either rate, the media guide needs to be ready for distribution the beginning of the season if possible.
- If we do create a banner, it should be ready early in the season, and displayed for all to see, ie. Behind dugout (but not if new logo is put up), under score board or your own polls that hold it or even new shed building. It was suggested made sure it is a windscreen, they don’t fade as fast.
- Candee Lamb, employed at Jostens, suggested an online eSponsor approach. Her company offers this type of setup where you automatically login, design what you want advertised, and epay for it right there. Then a group gathers the advertisements and designs the book. She will follow up with pricing and capabilities. Looks very promising. The guide can also include team pictures, senior pages, schedules, etc.
- Nikki Herncane volunteered to manage the media guide task.
Spirit Gear
- The process of deciding what the Spirit Gear is: each year the senior members of the team get together to decide what they would like their senior year to have as the spirit gear. With their “list”, the Boosters will then raise the funds to cover the cost of the gear.
- We discussed the amount of gear received last year was a little excessive and will review with the seniors to make sure what is necessary
- Stu Thomas volunteered to head up the Spirit Gear Task again this year.
- We reviewed that under normal timing, the seniors will decide the items in the fall. Then the items can be purchased and actually plan to hand them out on picture day. It was discussed that putting players names on the spirit gear might not be necessary since you don’t know them at that point. Therefore the gear would only have their number on their items so they can be on time.
- There will still be a table at First Pitch night for families to order items as well as players to add more items if wanted.
First Pitch Social
- The First Pitch Social will run the same way again this year. We mentioned possibly doing it in the new HS building instead of MNMS. He likes the idea but will get MNMS scheduled as a backup incase the new cafeteria isn’t functional. Since we only need the space and not really the cafeteria, it will probably work out.
- For now, the First Pitch will be as usual, everyone liked writing just one check. There will be some gear on display for family and extended orders. Fundraiser will be displayed and dues will be paid. Jim and the new president will plan to speak.
Senior Game
- Dave Lieb has ran the Senior Day for the past few years. We will get with Dave to see if he is interested again this year. If so, we would like someone to volunteer to shadow Dave so we are ready for the following years to come! Of course if Davedeclines, we will find a volunteer to manage the day.
Year End Banquet.
- This task is typically managed by senior families who can plan the event the way their children would like. It typically has been at the Ramada Inn. A few new places were mentioned as possibilities: Fern Hollow, an outdoor venue with an indoor section, but more open and wooded; Rolling Rail Lodge, newer site at bottom of skytop, very nice but hard to get… At either rate, it is an item that needs addressed soon. We typically have a date/venue selected by end of October.
New Board Members
- We would like to thank Pat Hawbaker and Dave Lieb for all they have done for the Booster Club throughout their years as members. This leaves the President and Vice President positions up for election.
- Rich Wolfe nominated Morgan Wasikonis for President. Morgan was accepted and will be the President. Morgan nominated Rich Wolfe for Vice President and we all accepted.
- Therefore,
- Morgan Wasikonis is the new President.
- Rich Wolfe is the new Vice President.
- Tracie Shannon was nominated to continue on as Treasurer and was accepted.
- Karen Brannon was nominated to continue on as Secretary and was accepted.
- Jeff Byers will still do announcing for the team. We just need to get in touch with him
- Dues are planned to be the same. Will discuss again.
- We would like to include the 8th graders in our distribution list for the boosters to keep the middle school more informed. Karen will get with Alex, the Middle School Coach, and get their name list.
- It was mentioned that there should be a better parent selection process in the middle school to help coordinate the functions needed for the middle school as well as with the high school boosters.
- Uncertain if construction will affect our fields. Wanted to know where softball fields will be in future. Originally they were to be behind new building back where track is now, but not sure if that stayed in the plans. Wil ask at AD meeting.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, October 17, 6:00 at Wegmans Meeting Rm (back corner of eating area)