Standard Special Provision Update
June 10, 2010
2006 SSPs used with 2006 Standard Plans:
SSPNo / Effective Date / Description / UpdateSN-005 / C06-10-10 / Special Notice / This special notice is cancelled. The special notice to alert contractors of the revision to the Subcontractor List form is no longer needed.
SN-007 / A06-10-10 / Special Notice / New special notice to alert contractors of new Water Pollution Control requirements.
SN-015 / C06-10-10 / Special Notice / This special notice is cancelled. Special Notice to alert contractors of a new Section 8 amendment is no longer needed.
SN-230 / C06-10-10 / Special Notice / This special notice is cancelled. The Special Notice to alert contractor of new DBE requirements is no longer needed.
S1-020H / A06-10-10 / Amendments to the May 2006 Standards Specifications / Section 5-1.055, Subcontracting, is changed to add a clause that encourages prime contractors to include a dispute resolution process in their subcontracts.
Section 90-6.02 and 90-6.03 were revised to allow the addition of water to concrete in the field.
S4-003 / A06-10-10 / Section 4. Beginning of Work, Time of Completion, And Liquidated Damages / Revised to clarify the requirements in paragraphs 2, 3, and 4.
S5-630 / A06-10-10 / Relations With California Regional Water Quality Control Board / Revisions include reference the new Construction General Permit. It also references the Caltrans MS4 permit for all jobs.
S5-230 / A06-10-10 / Payment Adjustments for Price Index Fluctuations / This revision corrects the formula in paragraph 18.
07-340 / A06-10-10 / Water Pollution Control / Changes include new legal requirements under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Added provisions for projects that qualify for an EPA Small Construction Erosivity Waiver.
07-345 / A06-10-10 / Water Pollution Control / Changes include new legal requirements under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, updates requirements under the new Construction General Permit, and the following new requirements were added:
1. Prepare Storm Water Annual Report is a pay item. It is a non-adjustable item paid at $2,000 per report. To ensure performance, there is a $10,000 withhold. This follows the same method as the Solid Waste Disposal and Recycling Report.
2. Rain Event Action Plan is a pay item. It is a non-adjustable item paid at $500 per REAP submitted. Estimation is by annual averages of days that produce 0.10 inches of rain.
3. Storm Water Sampling (Lab Analysis) is an extra work pay item. We expect lab analysis of storm water samples to be rare so are willing to pay for these through supplemental funds. All other sampling is done in the field using calibrated, portable devices (turbidity, pH).
07-346 / A06-10-10 / Construction Site Management / All training requirements moved to 07-345 or 07-340. More conditions were added to "Sweeping."
20-049 / A06-10-10 / Erosion Control (Dry Seed) / Revise term (Seeding) to (Dry Seed). Revise BEES item Code 203006 and 203007 from (Seeding) to (Dry Seed).