Tender documentation JN-B0397
Purchase of ASI/IP convertersfor DVB-T network
2.1Contracting Authority of the public Tender
2.2Legal ground
2.3Basic rules of operation
3.4Warranty maintenancE
3.5Spare parts
3.6.1Extension of warranty
3.6.2Management system
3.7.1Factory acceptance test (FAT)
3.7.2Quantity acceptance of equipment at the Contracting Authority’s site
3.7.3Final acceptance of the equipment at the Contracting Authority’s site
3.9.1Subject of tender - general offer
3.9.2General technical requirements
3.9.4GPO interface
3.9.5Management and control
3.9.6Date and time
3.9.7Signalling and alerting
3.9.8Redundant mode of operation
3.9.9Other technical specifications
3.9.10Management system - optional offer
4.1General conditions for making bid documentation
4.1.1Clarification to the tender documentation
4.1.4Contents of a bid
4.1.5Alternative bids and variant bids
4.1.6Validity of the bids
4.2Documents in the bids
4.2.1Data on Bidder and Bid
4.2.2Contents of the bid documentation
4.2.3Form »Declaration on acceptance of the public tender conditions«
4.2.4Form of an OFFER that has to contain:
4.2.5Pro-forma Invoice
4.2.6Bidder's “Statement regarding penal acts accord. to Art. 42 of ZJN-2B” – for the Company
4.2.7Bidder's “Statement regarding penal acts accord. to Art. 42 of ZJN-2B” – for the authorized person
4.2.8Form “Bidder’s statements, given under penal and material responsibility”
4.2.9Bank Certificate of solvency
4.2.10Warranty conditions of the Bidder
4.2.11Extended warranty
4.2.12Declaration of the Bidder regarding the spare parts
4.2.13Declaration of the Bidder - all the offered equipment is factory-new
4.2.14Declaration of the Bidder regarding the software upgrades
4.2.15Statement of the manufacturer or principal
4.2.16Sample of the Contract
4.2.17Guarantee for the seriousness of the bid
4.2.18Declaration, stating the Bidder shall provide a Performance guarantee
4.2.19Declaration, stating the Bidder shall provide a Warranty Guarantee
4.2.20Reference Statements
4.2.21Technical documentation
5.4Two bids with equal BEST eVALUATION RESULT
6.1Legal base and terms for submission
6.2Method of submitting the review claim
Declaration of Bidder’s acceptance of Public Procurement conditions
Form OFFER - page 1
Form OFFER - page 2
Form OFFER - page 3
Proforma Invoice
Bidder’s Statement regarding penal acts accord. to Art. 42 of ZJN-2B
Bidder’s Statement regarding penal acts accord. to Art. 42 of ZJN-2B
Bidder's Statements given under penal and material responsibility
Declaration of the Bidder regarding the spare parts
Declaration of the Bidder – all the offered equipment is factory new
Declaration of the BIdder regarding the software upgrades
Sample Contract
Guarantee for the seriousness of Bid No......
STATEMENT regarding the Performance Guarantee
Explanation of the Tender documentation No. JN-B0397
Radiotelevizija Slovenija, Javni zavod, is in compliance with 1. passage (item 1) of Article 24 of the Public Procurement Act (ZJN-2B), inviting the Bidders to submit their bids to tender in accordance with the open procedure for:
Purchase of ASI/IP converters for DVB-T network
Bids in two copies (one original and one copy) must be sent in sealed envelopes to the address:
“Javni zavod RTV SLOVENIJA, KOLODVORSKA 2,VLOŽIŠČE, 1000 LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA”, with the postscript: "DO NOT OPEN - FOR TENDER - BID FOR TENDER NO. JN-B0397– "ASI/IP converters“. The full address of the Bidder is to be written on the envelope.
The term for acceptance of bids is until 08.00 a.m. on 30 June, 2010. Bids received after that time limit will not be counted and will be returned unopened to the Bidders.
Public opening of bids will be on 30 June, 2010 at 09.00 a.m. on the premises of Commercial Department of Javni Zavod RTV Slovenija, at Komenskega Street 7 in Ljubljana.
Before the public opening of the bids the present participants of the Bidders have to hand over written authorizations for participation on the public opening.
Ljubljana, 20 May, 2010 Commercial Department of
RTV Slovenija
2.1Contracting Authority of the public Tender
Radiotelevizija Slovenija, Javni zavod, Kolodvorska 2, SI - 1550 Ljubljana
VAT No.: SI29865174; Corporate registry No.: 5056497
Bids will be appraised by the General Manager appointed professional commission. The Decision on the award of a Contract will be issued by the General Manager of Javni Zavod RTV Slovenija. In the evaluation of the tender the commission will take account of the criteria that are the constituent part of the tender documentation.
The chosen Bidder must enter into a signed Contract within 8 days after receiving the “Decision on the Award of a Contract”. In the case of a Bidder not entering into a signed Contract, the Contracting Authority will validate the guarantee on the seriousness of the bid.
The Contracting Authority reserves the right of changing from the published values and quantities when selecting bids, subject to available financial resources and actual needs.
In case of receiving incomplete bids, the Contracting Authority shall annul the tender. The Contracting Authority reserves the right not to choose any of the bids (according to Art. 80 of ZJN-2B).
Entire Tender documentation is written in the Slovenian and in English language. In case of any doubt or misunderstanding, the Slovenian version should therefore be considered final.
2.2Legal ground
The Public Procurement of Javni Zavod RTV Slovenija (hereinafter referred to as: Contracting Authority) is carried out in accordance with the valid Public Procurement Act (ZJN-2B) and by-laws applicable and in accordance with the legislation being valid on the field of public finances and on the field that is the subject of this public tender.
2.3Basic rules of operation
Every Bidder’s attempt to affect the treatment of the Contracting Authority or decision on the selection shall result in rejection of his Tender. The same applies to all attempts related to the work and decision of the Evaluation Committee.
In the period from the publication until the conclusion of the Contract the Bidder shall be not allowed to commence and perform any actions, which might prior determine the selection of a defined bid. In the period from the selection of a Bid until the Contract comes into force the Bidder shall be not allowed to commence any actions, which might cause the Contract to become void and unfulfilled. In case the procedure is stayed the Bidder shall not commence or perform any procedures, which might aggravate the invalidation or objectivity of the Review Commission.
Subject of public procurement (tender) is the purchase of ASI/IP converters for SFN DVB-T network extension.
ASI/IP converters are used for bidirectional mapping between MPEG-2 (ISO/IEC 13818-1) transport packets from DVB ASI (EN50083-9) interfaces and IP data packets from Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) interfaces. Converted transport packets are transmitted between locations of existing core network and end locations by the usage of:
-multicasting in direction from the centre towards end locations and
-unicasting backwards from distant locations.
The DVBT MPEG-2 transport packets, arranged into megaframes, towards transmitters, carries the content for the SFN DVBT multiplex. The ASI/IP converters shall not corrupt this mux signal or influence it in such a way that this results in improper operation of the network.
Detailed technical descriptions and requirements are contained in section 3.9 Technical requirements and specifications.
All the offered equipment with full requested functionality must be part of the Manufacturer’s product line, what has to be proven with the official documentation, published before the date of the tender publishing. The proving documents must be accessible to the Contracting Authority.
The Bidder must offer and carry out a factory/educational training with use of the equipment, which has the same characteristics and same functionality as the offered equipment. The educational training shall be made before equipment delivery. The exact timing will the bidders and the Contracting Authority define at the time of signing the contract.
The training agenda must be accompanied by tender documentation. Each section must be evaluated by duration in hours.
The educational training and the training material must be in Slovenian or English.
The Bidder must offer and carry out the educational training at the Contracting Authority’s site for at least 3 days (8 hours per day) for 8 participants of the Contracting Authority.
The Bidder must submit at least four pieces of equipment: three ASI/IP converters and one managed IP switch. At least one ASI/IP converter must be able to operate at transmit side and two of them on the receiving side of data communication. The managed IP switch must support virtual networks (VLAN). The Contracting Authority shall provide the facilities and computers to carry out the educational training.
The Bidder is responsible for all other expenses for educational training (i.e. all costs relating to education, literature and accessories for the implementation of education, as well as the cost of travel and accommodation of bidder’s expert).
The training must include the following:
-a quick refresh of IP communications fundamentals with an emphasis on virtual networks (VLAN) and multicasting,
-explanation of FEC protection mechanism at video over IP communications,
-a brief explanation of MPEG-2 transport stream (ISO / IEC 13818-1) and its transmission over IP,
-explanation of the operation and settings of the equipment with practical work of the participants,
-explanation and measurements of the MPEG-2 and IP transport layer with practical examples (the measurement equipment shall be agreed with the Contracting Authority),
-instructions and recommendations for faults debugging and restarting the equipment with practical work of the participants,
-additional explanations and practical examples of the manufacturer,
-examination of the participants at the end of training and 'certificate' them for the competence of the configuration, management and control of the device.
3.4Warranty maintenancE
The Bidder is required during the warranty period and in the case of the extended warranty period to inform the Contracting Authority about the existence of new software or hardware upgrades. All bug fixing upgrades (software and/or hardware) must be for the Contracting Authority during the warranty period available free of charge. The Bidder is responsible for all expenses in case of necessary hardware upgrades for bug fixing.
Required minimum warranty period for all equipment is 24 months.
The warranty period starts from the date of final acceptance at the Contracting Authority premises.
The Bidder must submit detailed information about warranty maintenance of the equipment and description of the faulty equipment returning procedure. The submitted data must include:
-Repair service mail address,
-contact person or department,
-phone number., fax, e-mail of contact,
-response time,
-period within which the fault will be corrected or the Bidder will provide replacement equipment to the Contracting Authority.
During the warranty period the Bidder must provide 24 hours response time. Response time is the time during which the Bidder must contact the Contracting Authority by mail or by telephone. The Bidder has to take over the faulty device, repair it and return it to the address of the Contracting Authority of RTV Slovenia in Ljubljana. The Bidder has to pay all the costs for transport of the faulty units in both directions as well costs of the transport of replacement equipment. The Bidder has to repair, eliminate the fault/error or deliver the replacement equipment within ten working days after receipt of Contracting Authority’s notification by fax or e-mail.
After each equipment repair the Bidder must issue a written report on the work and replaced functional parts or components.
Within the warranty period the Bidder must provide for all the equipment free of charge support for servicing, free of charge repair and free of charge spare parts.
Support for servicing is meant to be support for error elimination. It can be done by phone, remotely or by e-mail.
3.5Spare parts
The bidder must provide spare parts at least 7 years after final acceptance of the equipment. During warranty maintenance period and in case of extended warranty all the spare parts must be provided free of charge for Contract Authority.
3.6.1Extension of warranty
The Bidder must provide an optional offer for the extension of warranty.
The Bidder must for that purpose submit detailed information about extended warranty of the equipment. The submitted data must include:
-repair service mail address,
-contact person or department,
-phone number., fax, e-mail of contact,
-response time,
-period within which the fault will be corrected or the Bidder will provide replacement equipment to the Contracting Authority.
During the extended warranty period the Bidder must provide 24 hours response time. Response time is the time during which the Bidder must contact the Contracting Authority by mail or by telephone. The Bidder has to take over the device, repair it and return it to the address of the Contracting Authority of RTV Slovenia in Ljubljana. The Bidder has to pay all the costs for transport of the faulty units in both directions as well costs of the transport of replacement equipment. The Bidder has to repair, eliminate the fault/error or deliver the replacement equipment within ten working days after receipt of Contracting Authority’s notification by fax or e-mail.
After each equipment repair the Bidder must issue a written report on the work and replaced functional parts or components.
Within the extended warranty period the Bidder must provide for all the equipment free of charge support for servicing, free of charge repair and free of charge spare parts.
Support for servicing is meant to be support for error elimination. It can be done by phone, remotely or by e-mail.
3.6.2Management system
The Bidder must provide an optional offerfor the management system of the equipment, which must fulfil technical requirements from 3.9.10 Management system - optional offer.
The Bidder must separately specify the prices in the form Optional offer for hardware and software part of the management system.
The Contracting Authority will carry out the Factory Acceptance Test of equipment at the manufacturer facility or its supporting/distribution centre.
Quantity acceptance is to be made by Contracting Authority after the equipment was delivered to the Contracting Authority’s location. Contracting Authority will do the mechanical installation.
Final acceptance is to be made by Contracting Authority after installation, configuration and system start-up.
3.7.1Factory acceptance test (FAT)
The Contracting Authority will carry out the Factory Acceptance Test of equipment at the manufacturer facility or its supporting/distribution centre by three experts of Contracting Authority within the duration of at least 2 days.
The FAT is to be made before the supply of equipment.
Costs of transport and accommodation for experts of the Contracting Authority must be included in the pro-forma invoice but clearly stated under separated item.
A FAT protocol example shall be included in the Bidder's documentation. The protocol shall include all necessary measurements and inspections of individual functionalities of the equipment.
Subject of the factory acceptance test is the offered equipment.
The Factory acceptance test shall include acceptance measurements of randomly selected individual equipment configured to operate in multicasting over virtual network (VLAN).
Also the DVB ASI timing resynchronization functionality shall be checked by the usage of external GPS receiver.
The factory acceptance test report is to be made. The Bidder must provide measuring equipment needed during the acceptance measuring procedure.
Any irregularities detected between factory acceptance test must be removed by the Bidder within 14 days. After this period, on 15th day from signed FAT report, the whole factory acceptance procedure must be repeated.
In the case when factory acceptance procedure must be repeated, the Contracting Authority has the right to cash-in the Performance Guarantee and the Bidder must submit a new Performance Guarantee.
In the case when the repeated factory acceptance is not fulfilled, the Contracting Authority has the right to terminate the Contract and is entitled to claim the penalty in the amount of the contractual value.
3.7.2Quantity acceptance of equipment at the Contracting Authority’s site
Quantity acceptance of the received equipment is to be made by Contracting Authority no later than 5 working days after equipment was delivered to the Contracting Authority’s location.
3.7.3Final acceptance of the equipment at the Contracting Authority’s site
Final acceptance of the received equipment is to be made by Contracting Authority no later than 30 working days after quantity acceptance of all equipment.
The Bidder has to provide at least one SFN DVB-T reference network in Europe, which operates at least from 1. 8. 2009 and use the equipment with the same technical and functional characteristics as the offered one.
The Bidders must provide a statement from the owner of the reference network on the usage of the offered equipment types and to get the permission for Contracting Authority to check that reference on site.
Only originally signed reference statements will be accepted.
The Bidder must submit at least one such statement, otherwise his bid will be excluded from further public procurement process.
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to check the reference network on its owner locations. The subject of visit will be checking of operation and transmitted data stream for the SFN DVB-T network.
The Bidder shall organize and carry out the reference visit after notifications from Contracting Authority.
References will be accepted only in cases of SFN DVBT networks.
3.9.1Subject of tender - general offer
The Bidder must provide passive ASI splitters.