Read the guidelines document before embarking on the accreditation application.
Only fill in the non-shaded areas on this form. The shaded areas and QA checklists will be used during the evaluation of your application and during site visits. Please ensure that your application meets the criteria specified in the QA checklists.
Please ensure that all the annexures are completed. You are allowed to include additional annexures if you want to provide more information on your organisation. Please refer to such additional annexures in the application form.
FassetQA Training Provider App October 2014.doc
(Select one only)
Tick / Complete the following sectionsAccreditation* / Delivery site only / A, B, C, D, E, F1, G, H (submit only information on training staff and training material)
Assessment site only / A, B, C, D, F, G, H (Submit only assessor and moderator information and assessment guides)
Delivery and assessment site / A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
Approved provider** / A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
* Apply for accreditation if you intend to deliver training and/or assessment services against full qualifications and/or unit standards that are registered on the NQF.
** Apply to become an approved provider if you intend to deliver short courses that address only selected outcomes of unit standards that are registered on the NQF.
Qualification/US ID / Qualification/US Name / QAL Comments1
FassetQA Training Provider App October 2014.doc
A.1Organisation details
A.2Contact details
A.3Registration as legal entity
A.4SARS registration and income tax
A.5Registration with the Department of Education
A.6Professional registration
A.7Vision, mission and primary focus of organisation
A.7.1Vision and mission statements
A.7.2Primary Focus
A.8Undertaking not to seek other accreditation
A.9Organisation structure
B.1Recruitment and selection
B.2Performance management
B.3Disciplinary procedure
B.4Grievance procedure
B.5Skills development of internal human resources
B.6Employee records
C.1Own training facilities
C.2External training facilities
D.1Financial system
D.2Financial policies
D.3Financial viability
E.1Administrative capacity
E.1.1Marketing and communication
E.1.2Application and registration procedures
E.1.3Learner administration policy and/or procedures
E.1.4Learner administration system
E.1.5Reporting procedures – learner achievements
E.2Learner support
E.2.1Learner induction
E.2.2Learner code of conduct and discipline
E.2.3Learner grievances
E.2.4Other learner support programmes
E.3Own educational infrastructure and physical resources
E.4External education and training infrastructure
E.5Academic staff
E.6Formal education and training delivery
E.7Workplace/off-site learning procedures
E.8Practical skills training
F.1Programme/course design and delivery
F.2Assessment policy
F.3Moderation policy
F.4Recognition of prior learning policy
H.1Qualification/course summary
H.2Specific qualifications and unit standards
FassetQA Training Provider App October 2014.doc
section Aorganisation information
A.1Organisation details
QA commentsA.1.1 / Organisation's name
A.1.2 / Trading name
(If different from above)
A.1.3 / Physical address
A1.4 / GPS Coordinates
(in minutes, degrees and seconds)
A.1.5 / Postal address
A.1.6 / Telephone number
A.1.7 / Fax number
A.1.8 / The nature of your business
A.1.9 / Business classification
(Please select the subsector that best describes the business activities of your organisation. If your organisation does not fall within one of the subsectors on the list, please select “other”) / Education and training
Investment entities and trusts and company secretary services
Stockbroking and financial markets
Development organisations
Accounting, bookkeeping , auditing and tax services
Debt collection
Business and management consulting services
Activities auxiliary to financial services
SARS and government departments
A.1.9 / Geographical distribution
(Please indicate the number of branches or training sites in each province. Include only those training sites where the programmes included in this application will be offered. / Province / Number of branches/
training sites / QA Comments
Eastern Cape
Free State
North WestProvince
Northern Cape
Western Cape
Attach as Annexure A.1.9 the names, physical addresses and telephone numbers of all the branches or training sites included in this application. (Only applicable if details differ from those specified in 1.1 to 1.6)
A.2Contact details
Please provide details of the person(s) directly responsible for the accreditation application of the organisation.
Primary contact / QA commentsA.2.1 / Title
A.2.2 / First name
A.2.3 / Middle name
A.2.4 / Surname
A.2.5 / Initials
A.2.6 / Position
A.2.7 / Postal address
A.2.8 / Physical address
A.2.9 / Telephone number
A.2.10 / Cell phone number
A.2.11 / Fax number
A.2.12 / E-mail address
A.2.13 / Preferred method of communication
Secondary contact / QA comments
A.2.14 / Title
A.2.15 / First Name
A.2.16 / Surname
A.2.17 / Initials
A.2.18 / Position
A.2.19 / Telephone number
A.2.20 / Cell phone number
A.2.21 / Fax number
A.2.22 / E-mail address
A.3Registration as legal entity
Information satisfactory / Annexures complete / QA commentsA.3.1 / Legal nature of entity (Pty; cc, etc.)
A.3.2 / Registration number
(where applicable)
A.3.3 / Registration year
(where applicable)
A.3.4 / Years trading
Please supply documentary proof of your organisation’s legal status as Annexure A3.
The following are the types of documents that are required:
- Letter of authority (trust)
- CK1 or CK2 (for a Closed Corporation)
- Certificate of confirmation (for a company)
A.4SARS registration and income tax
Information satisfactory / Annexures complete / QA commentsA.4.1 / Income tax registration number
A.4.2 / VAT registration number
A.4.3 / SDL number
Please attach as Annexure A4 a valid tax clearance certificate.
If you are a new company and cannot provide tax clearance certificate, please attach documentary proof of
- Registration for income tax
- Registration for VAT (if applicable)
- Registration for SDL (if applicable)
A.5Registration with the Department of Higher Education and Training
Is your organisation registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training?
(Please refer to the guidelines document)
Tick / Informationsatisfactory / Annexures
complete / QA comments
Yes, as an HET provider
Yes, as a FET provider
If YES please provide documentary proof of your registration as Annexure A5.
*Please note that this application does not lead to registration with the Department of Higher Education and Training
A.6Professional registration
Is your organisation registered with any other professional council or association?
(Please refer to the guidelines document)
Tick / Informationsatisfactory / Annexures
complete / QA comments
No, registration is not required
No, although registration is required
If you are registered or required to register, with which council or professional body/bodies?
If you are registered, please provide documentary proof of your registration as Annexure A6.
A.7Vision, mission and primary focus of organisation
A.7.1Vision and mission statements
Please provide the vision and mission statements of your organisation in the space below.
QA commentsA.7.2Primary Focus
What is your primary focus as a training provider? Please provide a short description
QA commentsWith which of FassetQA’s focus areas is your organisation aligned?
Tick / Annexure satisfactory / Alignmentsatisfactory / QA comments
Financial markets
Management consulting
Debt recovery
Please provide in Annexure A.7.2 proof of the use of vision and mission statements and of your primary focus using the following:
- A letter introducing your organisation and what it does
- A brochure/advertisement stating who you are and what you do
A.8Undertaking not to seek other accreditation
You need to undertake NOT to seek accreditation with another QAL whilst accredited by FassetQa. Please complete and sign Annexure A.8 (available at the end of this application form).
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsUndertaking completed and signed
A.9Organisation structure
Please attach in Annexure A9 an organogram/organisational flowchart of your organisation specifically indicating the following roles and responsibilities (Please also indicate if you outsource any of the functions and attach a contract/agreement if you do):
- Ownership
- General management
- Trainers/facilitators
- Assessors/moderators
- Mentors
- Administration
- Financial management
- Maintenance
QA Checklist / Tick / QA comments
Organisation size is clear
Ownership is clearly identified
General management is identified
Trainers/facilitators are identified
Assessors and moderators are identified
Mentors are identified (if applicable)
Administration units are identified
Responsibility of financial management is identified
Maintenance functions are identified (if applicable)
Contracts are attached (if applicable)
section Bhuman resources practices
B.1Recruitment and selection
Attach as Annexure B1 your organisation’s recruitment and selection policy.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsPolicy ensures that recruitment and selection procedures are fair and transparent
Policy ensures that selection procedures are in line with Labour Relations Act (e.g. use of psychometric testing and medical examinations)
Policy ensures that staff meet the minimum educational requirements of qualifications/courses offered
Policy has an owner (person responsible to ensure implementation)
Policy has an expiry date and mechanism for review
B.2Performance management
Please provide in the space below a short description of the key elements of your performance management system. Attach as Annexure B2 supporting documentation e.g. examples of job descriptions, key performance areas.
Description: Performance management systemQA Checklist / Tick / QA comments
The organisation has mechanisms for the timeous identification of under-performance
The performance management system allows for timeous identification and communication of underperformance and for remedial action
The performance management mechanisms are clearly communicated to staff and are utilized on a regular basis
B.3Disciplinary procedure
Attach as Annexure B3 a copy of your organisations disciplinary procedure.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsThe organisation has a disciplinary procedure
The organisation has clear and fair mechanisms to deal with disciplinary issues
Disciplinary procedure is communicated to staff
Disciplinary procedure has an expiry date and mechanism for review
B.4Grievance procedure
Attach as Annexure B4 a copy of your organisations grievance procedure
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsThe organisation has a grievance procedure
The organisation has clear and fair mechanisms to deal with grievances
Grievance procedure is communicated to staff
Grievance procedure has an expiry date and mechanism for review
B.5Skills development of internal human resources
Does your organisation have an approved Workplace Skills Plan for the current year?Yes
Don’t pay SDL
If you have submitted a Workplace Skills Plan to anySETA, please attach the letter from the SETA confirming approval in Annexure B.5.
In the event that you have not completed a Workplace Skills Plan but are paying the Skills Development Levy, please submit the relevant Workplace Skills Plan to Fasset or the relevant SETA as soon as possible as it is a requirement to demonstrate an approved Workplace Skills Plan before the accreditation process may be finalised. Please attach a copy of the letter confirming submission of the Workplace Skills Plan in Annexure B.5, and consequently please submit a letter from the SETA/Fasset confirming approval of the Workplace Skills Plan as soon as possible to Fasset's QAL department.
If your organisation is exempt from paying the Skills Development Levy, please provide in Annexure B.5 a letter from SARS confirming your exemption and describe how you train and develop your staff. Attach your description also in Annexure B.5.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA comments
The organisation has submitted a WSP
The WSP has been approved by the relevant SETA
If the organisation is exempt from the SDL, a SARS letter of confirmation is attached and it has a staff development plan
B.6Employee records
Attach as Annexure B.6 examples of the documents kept on employee records.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsEmployee record keeping system is in place and is kept up-to-date
Employee record keeping system includes
Letter of appointment
Conditions of service
Leave applications and approvals/records
Performance evaluations
Job description/key performance areas
Other relevant documentation
section Coccupational health and safety
C.1Own training facilities
In Annexure C.1 please provide proof that your organisation and training facilities comply with health and safety legislation and regulations.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsOrganisation has provided one or more of the following:
- Health and safety certificate
- Health and safety policy
- Proof of appointment of health and safety representatives
- Proof of functioning of health and safety committee
- Health and safety checklist
- Other
C.2External training facilities
In Annexure C.2 please provide proof of the mechanisms that your organisation uses to ensure that all third party training facilities used comply with health and safety legislation and regulations.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsOrganisation has provided one or more of the following:
Health and safety certificate
Health and safety policy
Health and safety checklist
D.1Financial system
Provide a brief description of the financial system used by your organisation.
DescriptionQA Checklist / Tick / QA comments
The financial system is adequate for the size of the provider’s operation
D.2Financial policies
Insert as Annexure D.2 your organisation’s financial policies and procedures pertaining to all aspects relevant to the training function.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsFinancial policies provide for:
- Determination of learner fees
- Timeous communication of changes in learners fees to all relevant stakeholders
- Extension of credit (if applicable)
- Collection of learner fees
Policies have expiry date and review mechanism
Financial procedures are in place
D.3Financial viability
Attach as Annexure D.3 a copy of your last financial year’s statements (for companies audited statements are required) as well as your budget for the current financial year. Organisations that are not primarily education and training organisations can only submit the budget for their training division.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsThe organisation is financially viable
Audits have been done as required (if applicable)
E.1Administrative capacity
E.1.1Marketing and communication
Please describe how your organisation markets its courses and programmes (e.g. which media are used). Attach as Annexure E1.1 examples of your marketing material.
Description: Marketing mechanismsQA Checklist / Tick / QA comments
Marketing material reflects qualifications and courses correctly
Marketing material reflects level of certification correctly
Marketing material reflects accreditation status correctly
Fees/fee structure is correctly reflected
Marketing material is clear on issues relating to learner access e.g.
- Entry requirements
- Languages of instruction
- Provision for learners with disabilities
Possible future changes in fees are communicated timeously
E.1.2Application and registration procedures
Please describe your learner application and registration procedures. Refer specifically to selection procedures (if applicable). Attach as Annexure E.1.2 a copy of your registration form.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsLearner application procedures are in place
Entry-requirements are fair and in line with qualification requirements
Selection criteria and procedures are transparent and fair
Example of application form included
Learner registration procedures are in place
E.1.3Learner administration policy and/or procedures
Attach as Annexure E.1.3 a copy of your learner administration policy and/or procedures.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsPolicy and/or procedures provide for:
Responsibilities regarding learner administration
Confidentiality of learner information
Access to learner records
Learner feedback ( on training material, assessments,etc)
Signing of assessment results in accordance with assessment policy
Database security
Database back-ups
E.1.4Learner administration system
Please provide a description of the learner administration system. Give special attention to:
- The fields in the database
- Mechanisms used to ensure the correctness of data captured in the system
- The provisions made to upload data to the QAL.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA comments
Hardware and software is sufficient
Mechanisms to ensure correctness of data are sufficient
Organisation is ready to provide data in correct formats to the QAL
Individual learner records include:
- Full names
- ID number
- Gender
- Population group
- Socio-economic status
- Nationality/Residency Status
- Home language
- Disabilities
- Geographical area
- Contact details
- Special learning needs
- Formative assessment results
- Summative assessment results
- Assessor details
- Moderator Details
E.1.5Reporting procedures – learner achievements
Please provide a short description of your reporting procedures to learners e.g. how often and how soon after formative and summative assessments do learners receive results, in which format do they receive results etc.
DescriptionQA Checklist / Tick / QA comments
Learners receive reports timeously
Learners have opportunities to query results
E.2Learner support
E.2.1Learner induction
Please provide in Annexure E.2.1 a copy of your learner induction programme and all materials given to learners during the induction programme.
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsInduction programme provides for:
Overview of training organisation
Qualifications and course overview
Assessment procedures including learner appeals procedures
Learner code of conduct and disciplinary procedure
Learner grievance procedure (E.2.2)
Learner withdrawal procedure (E.2.3)
Learner entry requirements
Language of instruction
E.2.2Learner code of conduct and discipline
Attach as Annexure E.2.2 your learner code of conduct and disciplinary procedures
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsCode of conduct is in place and communicated to learners
Disciplinary procedures are in place and communicated to learners
E.2.3Learner grievances
Attach as Annexure E.2.3 your learner grievance procedures
QA Checklist / Tick / QA commentsGrievance procedures are in place and communicated to learners
E.2.4Other learner support programmes
Describe all forms of learner support provided outside the normal curriculum. Learner support may include for example financial support, career guidance, counselling and/or job placement services and special bridging programmes.
Description: learner supportQA Checklist / Tick / QA comments
Career guidance provided
Learner counselling
Other support services
E.3Own educational infrastructure and physical resources
Please provide the following information in respect of each of your organisation’s own training venues or campusesPhysical address (if different from address provided in A3)
Number of training venues
How many learners can be accommodated at a given time?
Number of computers available for use by learners
Internet access for learners?
Library facilities
Other facilities and equipment Please describe
QA Checklist / Tick / QA comments
Buildings/training venues are sufficient for the qualifications that the provider wants to offer
The buildings/training venues sufficient to accommodate the number of learners that the provider intends to accommodate
The buildings/training venues in a state of good repair
E.4External education and training infrastructure
If your organisation uses facilities other than your own, please provide a short description of your arrangements in this regard and the mechanisms that you use to ensure that the premises are sufficient and suitable for the respective training programmes. Attach as Annexure E.4 documentary proof of contractual arrangements with regard to the use of premises other than your own.
Description: arrangements with regard to use of external education and training infrastructureInclude also in Annexure E.4 the following information in respect of each of the external training venues or campuses that you intend to use