Farmers Watershed Management and Water, Soil and Flora and Fauna Practices (Goal 1, Obj 1,2,3,4) [developed by Peace Corps Bolivia]

Name of the individual or Target Group......

Date...... Community’s Name......

Item / (Place number 1 for each farrmer in box if fully true. Place number ½ of total farmers in box if partially true)
Date 1: / Date 2: / Date 3:
Understanding of Watershed and Environmental Management Concepts
1 / Farmer (s) can explain the relationship between vegetation and water resources
2 / Farmer(s) can describe the processes of:
a) Soil Erosion, b) Deforestation, c) Soil Loss, d) Soil Contamination, e) Landslides, f) Overflows, g) Flooding, h) Aquifer Recharge
3 / Farmer(s) can describe the concepts of:
a) Water Management, b) Water resource retention, c)Water quality, d) Water Sources
Water Conservation and Management Practices
4 / Farmer(s) can Identify Water Sources in the watershed/community
5 / Farmer(s) Determine the water quality in a watershed using different testing methods
6 / Farmer(s) protect water sources
7 / Farmer(s) use Irrigation Systems efficiently, taking into account appropriate water conservation measures
Land Conservation Practices
8 / Farmer(s) Implement Contouring Curves using the A-level or a Hose
9 / Farmer(s) Construct infiltration ditches, Zanjas de Infiltración
10 / Farmer(s) utilizesmall-scalewatercaptationsystems (such as watercatchmentbasins, atajados) constructedontheirland
11 / Farmer(s) ImplementErosion Control Practices
12 / Farmer(s) Construct Terraces with rocks or other materials
13 / Farmer(s) Implement Live/ dead earth barriers
14 / Farmer(s) Implement Cover Crops, wind breaks, and live fences
Sustainable flora and fauna conservation and management practices
15 / Farmer(s) have established or regularly contributed to community nurseries, agro-forestry systems, or community woodlots (within the last year)
16 / Farmer(s) have established or strengthened (within the last year), or regularly contribute to seed banks
17 / Farmer(s) Establish Seed banks
18 / Farmer(s) Manage Protected Areas
19 / Farmer(s) Develop or Contribute to Reforestation Projects (within last year)
Note: If a change (date 2 or date 3) is noted that is NOT attributable to Volunteer support / training, please make note in right hand column, and do not include that item in this total.