Enoch Cobb Early Learning Center
549 West Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601
T: (508)790-6493
Dear Families,Happy Spring! Time is flying by and believe it or not the end of the school year is near, but learning is still going strong! Spring classroom themes include community helpers, weather, Dr. Suess, birds and eggs, life cycles, ponds, and summer. Teachers are beginning to plan end-of-year special events for families, so please be sure to read your weekly classroom newsletters for more information. We hope you are pleased with your child’s educational experience this year and welcome feedback.
- Principal Caucci
Stay Informed
Like and follow us on facebook. You can also sign up for reminders with the Remind App by dialing 81010 then texting the message:@sy1617e
Classroom Placement for Next Year
We are beginning to think about classes for next year. If your child will be returning to our program in the Fall, he or she will be offered the same or increased number of school sessions. Teacher assignments cannot be guaranteed. If you have a specific schedule need, please let us know no later than May 1st. Parents and guardians will be notified of next year’s placement by “backpack mail” during the last week of school.
Parent Advisory Committee (ECELC PAC)
Our efforts to begin a parent-teacher organization (PTO) have resulted in the formation of a slightly less formal Parent Advisory Committee. The purpose of our PAC is the same is the PTO except it will not involve any fundraising. The PAC aims to enhance and support the educational experience at the Enoch Cobb Early Learning Center, develop a closer connection between school and home, and build connections among ECELC families. If you are interested in getting involved, please email us at
Student Progress
We thought you might like to know, classroom teachers have been using the Teaching Strategies Gold assessment system to track student progress toward preschool standards and individual student goals since the beginning of the school year. All of this data allows us to accurately report how we are doing! The following chart reflects student growth from our baseline assessment in early Fall to our Winter “checkpoint” in January. Percentages reflect the total number of students meeting or exceeding widely held expectations (typical development) across the program and includes all students. We are very pleased with this progress and hope to meet our goal of 80% meeting or exceeding expectations by June.
School-wide Behavior Expectations
Direct teaching of social skills, emotion management and positive behavior is a large part of preschool learning. The ECELC teachers and School Psychologist have developed a common set of rules and expectations so that students in any room, working with any staff will get the same positive messages. We are teaching the students the words safe, respectful, and responsible as these are words they will hear in Kindergarten. We have posted simple pictures in each classroom reminding students of how to be safe, respectful and responsible in each setting; classroom, hallway, playground and on the bus. Specific school rules will be coming home in backpacks!
Student Absences
Please be sure to call us if your child will be absent for any reason. Should you forget to call, Nurse Patty will be calling home to check in on your child if he/she has been absent without notification for 2 consecutive sessions.
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