2012 Tourism Sault Ste. Marie Awards

Nomination Form

This annual Awards gala has been developed to honour the people who have made a significant contribution to grow and strengthen tourism in Sault Ste. Marie.

There are five categories to choose from to nominate an exceptional person or company that has demonstrated the leadership and customer service

that our local tourism thrives upon.

Nomination Process:

1.  Choose the category to submit a name of anyone you know in the tourism industry in Sault Ste. Marie.

2.  Fill out the form with details. Provide as much information as possible. Details are important.

3.  Submit your completed nomination form by one of the following formats: i) Email to (Confirmation receipt will be sent) ii) Fax to (705) 541-7371 ATTN: Tara iii) Drop off nomination to the Tourism SSM Front Desk at the Civic Centre

4.  Nominations must be submitted no later than Friday, October 12th, 2012.

5.  Nominees will be notified in advance with two complimentary dinner tickets, and transportation provided courtesy of Elite Limousine to attend the evening awards gala, at which time the winners will be publicly announced.

6.  Selection of the 2012 Award Winners will be based on the details provided and will be chosen at the discretion of the Nomination Committee.

Award Categories:

1.  Tourism Award of Excellence

2.  Business of the Year Award

3.  Customer Service Award

4.  Tourism Ambassador Award

5.  Tourism Sault Ste. Marie Student Hospitality Management Award - Scholarship $500.00


This award is for an individual who has significantly impacted the development of tourism in Sault Ste. Marie. He or she has provided long-standing and exceptional service; has demonstrated an entrepreneurial spirit, leadership and integrity; as well has established a strong legacy through passing on their experience to others to further benefit the tourism sector.

This individual has gained respect of those in the tourism industry.

Please provide as many details as possible relative to the following criteria:

Nominee Name & Contact Information: (Person being nominated in category)

Include Address, Phone numbers, Employer/Company

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Nominators Name & Email/Contact Information: (Your phone number and email)

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Long Standing and Exceptional Service:

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Entrepreneurial Spirit:

Leadership and Integrity:

Legacy; Passing on their experience to others to further enhance the industry:

Respect of the tourism industry:


This for-profit business in the private sector has demonstrated leadership by investing equally in both staff and customers through staff training or special programs and through value-added undertakings for the customer. The presence of this business leads to the provision of a better total tourism product in Sault Ste. Marie.

Please provide as many details as possible relative to the following criteria:

Nominee Name & Contact Information: (Person being nominated in category)

Include Address, Phone numbers, Employer/Company

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Nominators Name & Email/Contact Information: (Your phone number and email)

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Special tourism related programs/products or staff training to produce a better tourism product:


This award is intended to recognize an individual employed in the tourism industry who has contributed to the betterment of the tourism experience for visitors. He or she exhibits a courteous, friendly manner; is customer service oriented and regularly goes beyond the expected duties and performances of their job responsibilities. Three finalists will be chosen with the winner to be announced on the night of the awards.

Please provide as many details as possible relative to the following criteria:

Nominee Name & Contact Information: (Person being nominated in category)

Include Address, Phone numbers, Employer/Company

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Nominators Name & Email/Contact Information: (Your phone number and email)

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Customer Service Excellence:

Over and beyond expected duties in job responsibilities:

Other important attributes and qualities that makes this person especially important in the Sault Ste. Marie tourism industry:


This award is designed to recognize an individual or group who, while functioning as a volunteer(s), has made a significant contribution towards strengthening our local tourism economy, helping to achieve impressive results. This individual or group has undertaken their work in the capacity of a volunteer and not as part of their regular paid employment.

Please provide as many details as possible relative to the following criteria:

Nominee Name & Contact Information: (Person being nominated in category)

Include Address, Phone numbers, Employer/Company

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Bottom of Form

Nominators Name & Email/Contact Information: (Your phone number and email)

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Volunteer capacity and contribution to the local tourism economy:

Other important attributes and qualities that makes this person especially important in the Sault Ste. Marie tourism industry:


This award is designed to recognize a second year Sault College Student in the Hospitality Management Hotel and Resort Program. This award will be selected by the faculty of Sault College based on academic performance in the first year and the cooperative education work term. In addition, the recipient must have demonstrated a positive contribution to the program and the hospitality industry.

Please provide as many details as possible relative to the following criteria:

Nominee Name & Contact Information: (Person being nominated in category)

Include Address, Phone numbers, Employer/Company

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Nominators Name & Email/Contact Information: (Your phone number and email)

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Student’s positive contribution to the Sault College program:

Student’s positive contribution to the local hospitality/tourism industry:

Other important attributes and qualities that makes this person especially important in the Sault Ste. Marie tourism industry:

Thank you for taking the time to nominate the people that go to great lengths to strengthen tourism in Sault Ste. Marie.

For any additional information please contact:

Tourism Sault Ste. Marie

(705)759-5442 0r (705)541-7076
