SEPTEMBER 18, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Band Booster President, Brenda Hardeman, at 7:50 p.m. A motion was made by Rich Garcia to approve the minutes from the August 7, 2012 meeting and the motion was seconded by Michelle Singleton. The minutes were approved. Sign-up sheets from various committee chairpersons were passed around. All band members are requested to donate at least one case of water as we are in desperate need for water for football games and competitions.
Treasurer’s Report: (Cathy Schneider)The fifth band fee collection is happening tonight and tomorrow night. The 6th payment will be due on October 24. Please check your email address in the Charms system because she has had 24 emails returned for incorrect email addresses.
Unfinished Business:
Audit Committee Report (Kim Killough) – The Audit was completed on July 28 and everything appeared to be in order. Beginning balance on 7/1/2011 was $16,907.66, receipts totaled $250,809.57, disbursements totaled $196,690.74 and the ending balance as of 6/30/2012 was $54,118.83.
Committee Business:
- Passbooks – If you need more, please contact Sandy or Sherrie. The deadline to turn in all passbooks is October 30.
- Spirit Wear – The show shirts are being designed. The missing items from the pre-season flyer have arrived, as well as the garment bags. We are now able to take credit cards for payment – please add a $1.00 processing fee for all credit card sales.
- HEB Marching Contest (Karen Stanfield) – Thank you to all who helped at the Drumline competition. There were 22 bands that attended and preliminary income receipts are approximately $4,500. For the marching competition on 10/6, a lot of help and donations are needed – sign-up sheets were passed around. Right now we have 13 bands signed up with a possibility of a couple more. Program ads are available and the forms to sign up the businesses can be found on the band website. Parents are also welcome to purchase an ad for their student, or for their student’s section. Prices run from $10-$150. The deadline for the program ads is 9/26.
- March-a-thon (Michelle Singleton) – Will be held on 9/29, starting and ending at Hurst Junior High. Sign-up sheets are going around – donations of food, water and Gatorade and volunteers are needed. The packet can be downloaded and printed from the band website.
- Pizza Pheast/Silent Auction – Will be held on Monday, 10/1 and a lot of silent auction items are needed to have a successful auction. Donations of baked goods are also requested. If you can help, please contact Jodi James or Terri Litton.
- Group Ticket Buys – If you would like to participate in the group ticket buys for BOA St. Louis and/or San Antonio competition, please fill out the forms and return them with payment to Jodi James – deadline for St. Louis is 10/2 and for San Antonio is 10/16.
- Parent Busses to Competitions – If anyone is interested in looking into what it would cost to charter parent busses to any of the competitions this fall, please contact Brenda.
- Hospitality – We are going to need a lot of snack foods, breakfast bars, water and Gatorade donated for our upcoming contests. We are also in need of copy boxes to store them in. Thank you for your help.
- Uniforms – Every Friday before the football games, a parent will be selling gloves for those who need an extra pair. All band members will receive a new pair before BOA St. Louis.
- Chaperones – A sign-up sheet was passed around for volunteers for chaperoning the football game busses and for the away trip busses. For those parents who drive themselves to the competitions, assistance is always needed braiding hair, helping with uniforms, etc. at the competitions.
- Flag Sewing – Began last night and volunteers are always needed. No experience is necessary. Watch the website for further dates and times.
- Photography – There will be a short meeting for all photographers after the booster meeting.
- Photo Fundraiser – David Jennings is taking photos all band season and will have them available for sale on a DVD that will contain between 2,500 – 3,500 photos. The suggested donation is $30 and all proceeds will be donated back to the band.
- Restaurant Night – Fuzzy’s Taco Shop in Euless will donate a portion of sales every 4th weekend of the month to those who eat at the restaurant and mention the L.D. Bell Band. The next weekend will be September 28-30.
- Scholarship – A scholarship fund was set up in memory of former L.D. Bell band member, Brian Isbell, and contributions have been wonderful. Mrs. Isbell talked to the boosters and expressed her appreciation for the program and all that it did for Brian.
- Tailgate Parties – We will have tailgate parties before each home game. They will be held in the east parking lot of Pennington, directly across from McDonald’s.
Mr. Maughmer: Thank you to everyone who helped in making the Drumline Competition so successful.
Mr. Holt – Communication is important. Check the website often and if you’re not receiving the band emails, please let Mr. Holt know. Thank you to Mr. Fife for all the hard work with our new band website. The web address is still the same, but the content has changed. Our website has had almost 3,000,000 hits since 2004. There are some new features, such as a live calendar when linked with Google, but the emails will still go out as they have been with information and updated calendar for the time being. Enjoy the new website!
Mr. Alstrin – Fundraisers are happening often and while it seems like they are happening all the time, they are an important part of the process and help keep the fees as low as possible. All expenditures are scrutinized to best utilize the available funds. Remind your students to keep hydrating, eating properly and getting enough rest. We have a tentative date for the Golf Tournament set for April 6 at Texas Star.
Mr. Mathews – The L.D. Bell Band Boosters are a very large and powerful organization and the band directors were approached by the administration of L.D. Bell High School for assistance in helping with the Black & Blue Showdown. This event will benefit 6 Stones and will involve collecting donations of canned goods from October 1 through October 17. The next band booster meeting is October 2 so that would be a wonderful time to bring donations of canned goods. They can be dropped off in the band hall any time. The band directors have been checking the grades for all band members since the 3rd six weeks to help those students work through ways to remain eligible. The goal is to have 100% of the band members eligible at the end of the 1st six weeks. Please check your student’s grades through PIV and help them be successful by completing their work.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.