Meeting Minutes
November 8th, 2012
Items Voted on
Jared Helms, Joseph Saxon, and Dominique Davis approved as senators.
DI Gosties passed as a chartered club.
Not Passed: None
It is the mission of the ASGSWOCC to improve and enhance the lives of students that attend SWOCC by advocating and informing the students through the education of students rights, campus policies and procedures; the encouragement of social expression, cultural awareness, and community outreach; the promotion of civic engagement; and by representing the Student Body to the community, administration, faculty, and the staff, in order to better serve the body and sub-organizations under the governance of the ASGSWOCC.

Associated Student Government

Meeting Minutes

I.  Call to order at 4:03pm.

In attendance: Scylise, Frank, Tim, Jazmine, Ethan, Justin, Carrie, Dale, Sandra, Sam and Gina.

Non-members: Joe Saxon, Jared Helms, Dominique Davis, Cheryl Davis, James Fitz, Courtney Love, and Naomi Dickenson.

Absences: Karina

II.  Agenda/meeting minutes

·  Amendments to past minutes. November 1st – spelled Dominique’s name wrong. October 25th – forgot to put Dominique into meeting attendance.

·  Frank motions/Tim seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

III.  Open forum/presenters

A.  Cheryl Davies - More library hours for students. How does ASG feel about this? What can we do for help?

B.  Courtney Love and Naomi Dickenson – DI Gosties need to be chartered. Tim motions/Justin seconds. Ethan, Scylise, and Jazmine abstained. Motion passes.

C.  James Fritz – Achieving the Dream committee. Wants ASG representatives at meeting.

IV.  New Business

A.  Funds Requests: NONE

V.  Team Member Reports

A.  President

Color Coalition Conference next weekend. Very excited.

B.  Vice President

Board meetings are during the conference next weekend if anyone is interested in going.

C.  Secretary

D.  Activities Director

Open Mic Night, Am in the PM, Spirit Week.

E.  Clubs Director

DI Gosties Club is approved.

F.  Communications Director

Going to work on Laker Loo’s.

G.  Curry Director

Resigning for personal reasons.

H.  Sustainability Director

Make $42 on cans.

I.  Volunteer Service Director

Bus Jam December 1st.

J.  Senators

Sandra motions/Jazmine seconds Jared Helms as a senator. Motion passes unanimously.

Carrie motions/ Sandra seconds Joe Saxon.

Sandra motions/Jazmine seconds Dominique Davis.

K.  Advisor Report

Achieving the Dream and Faculty and Staff in-service on January 3rd. Need 6-8 who are willing to discuss their story and what they struggle with in college. Thank you for a very successful SOCSLS.

VI.  Old Business

VII.  Team Photos: Need senators photos.

VIII.  Open Discussion

IX.  Adjournment: 5:50pm