Monday October 23rd, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.

DIB Meeting Room

413 Harrison Avenue

  1. Call to order: Nick Beninate, Liane Harding, Jane Lindsey, Kim Syfrett, Sarah O’Brennan- Not present- Dave Dyell, Pam Armstrong
  2. Chairman’s Report – no report
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. September 21, 2017 (Workshop) - The top goal, Residential Development should be added under #5. Also, the misspelling of the word goals. Motion to approve amended minutes made by Liane Harding-approved unanimously.
  5. September 25, 2017-motion to approve minutes made by Kim Syfrett - approved unanimously
  6. Financial Statement –Sara O’Brennan stated that she needs to get details about monies that were set aside, and available CRA monies that maybe a possible for the DIB to access.
  7. Public Participation – Clay Keels curious about why is there a push to get a director without a defined job description. Liane Harding stated that the board has a clear description that was made from the previous meeting. She stated that there was a high number of qualified applicants resumes that were submitted. Nick Beninate stated that the job description was the same as last time, except that the priorities were refocused with an emphasis on Residential Development, beautification and events. Bryan Taylor with the United Way invited the board to an Open House, at 602 Harrison Avenue on Thursday, November 19th from 3-6 pm, and also encouraged everyone to go to the city commission meeting on tomorrow, if you have an interest in the street ordinance in St. Andrews.
  8. New Business
  9. MainStreet and Visit Florida Membership – There are invoices pending for annual payment for both. Nick Beninate stated that it was discussed last year about whether or not to keep going with the Main Street program. He wants to know what the board would like to do with the program. Discussion about how involved the DIB was in the Main Street program. Kim Syfrett volunteered to check into the status and benefits of the program and the Visit Florida membership as well. The Visit Florida invoice is $149.00. A motion was made by Jane Lindsey for Kim Syfrett to go forward in getting information about the Main Street program and the Visit Florida membership. Information about Visit Florida and Main Street was given later in the meeting by Jennifer Vigil. There is a membership invoice for the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce. Nick Beninate asked the board if they would like to make a motion to go approve paying invoice for membership. No motion made. This item has been dropped. Jennifer Vigil stated that the DIB and Main Street has always been a part of the Visit Florida program; in which Main Street programs in Florida get a discounted rate. There were recent changes to the Visit Florida program partners and requirements. Some requirements are: you have to be completely transparent in regard to staffing, salaries and job descriptions and it be listed on the organization’s website. A grant was filled out last year for Visit Florida that would help with the Festival of Nations and Haunted Walking Tour. The benefits are discounted marketing, co-ops, free business listings and material in the Florida Visitor’s Center. The grants are going to be announced the first of the year, 2018. The DIB is eligible for the CHURN and Small Business Marketing Grantbecause of the budget requirements. She went on to state that the Main Street program will need time and dedication to turn the program around.
  10. Oktoberfest update– Nick Beninate stated that there was good attendance and ticket sales were over $6,000.00. Sara O’Brennan stated that plans should start now for next year’s Oktoberfest. Discussion went on about events and how Oktoberfest should be next year and the budget for next year. More discussion will be done once a director is on board.
  11. Temporary spending authority – Nick Beninate stated that there were questions about who has the spending authority; being that there is no director. He also said, there should be a formal motion to clarify who can make purchases for normal expenses. Liane Harding made the motion to approve direct DIB purchases to be made by the following authorized persons: Nick Beninate, Dave Dyell and Sarah O’Brennan to make purchases on behalf of the DIB not to exceed $1000.00-motion approved-with one opposed.
  12. Board Committee update –(Events) Sara O’Brennan stated that movies will be put on by Merchant’s Association. She would like to pay the permit fee of $100.00. Sara asked about how much it would be to add events on to the DIB’s liability insurance. She also asked for money to get Santa in Gateway Park for $250.00. Liane Harding made a motion to approve for Sara to hire Santa-motion approved unanimously. (Beautification) Liane Harding stated that she has a committee and they have planted flowers in the planters at 6th Street and Harrison. She has spoken with Culligan Water about the fountain repair. She would like to get an approval to get quotes for a landscaper to clean up Gateway Park. A motion was made by Sara O’Brennan for Liane Harding to hire a landscaper for $500.00 or less. If it is more than $500.00, get three bids up to the amount of $1000.00 for board approval-motion approved. Nick Beninate stated that the spending policy needs to be double-checked. (Marketing) Sara O'Brennan stated that Pam Armstrong has negotiated a lower price for the Carpe Diem calendars. She also asked about getting a new domain name for the website and will check with Curiosity.
  13. Executive Director search update–Liane Harding stated there are three or four strong resumes that have been submitted so far. A workshop time has been set for Monday, October 30th at 8:30 am to review resumes and schedule interviews for the 1st week of November. The board members are to bring their top five choices.
  14. Administrative update – The truck has been sold and the buyer will pick it up on Wednesday.
  15. Reminders / Calls to Action – Last HIOH of the year, Friday, November 3rd2017
  16. Meeting adjourned