Whittier Elementary School Family Weekly Newsletter
Wisconsin PBIS School of Merit
November 3-7, 2014
“Excellence: Success is a direct reflection of the effort, pride,
and passion with which a person lives”
For the 2014-2015 school year, excellence is our motto.
Our staff and students are committed to setting and exceeding challenging goals.
Whittier Elementary Sets High Expectations for 2014-2015
Week of October 27-October 31 – 98.12% OUR BEST SO FAR! Reached goal! Great Job!
Week of October 20-October 24 – 96.76% (Closer!)
Week of October 13-October 17 – 96.45% (So Close!)
Week of October 6-October 10 – 95.96%
Week of September 29-October 3 – 96.35%
Week of September 22-26 – 97.48% Reached Goal!
Week of September 15-19 – 97.59% Reached Goal!
Week of September 8-12 – 97% Reached Goal!
Summary - First Quarter Average: 96.96% (00.04% away from our goal)
The CHALLENGE: Can Whittier students meet the 97% Attendance Goal
for Second Quarter?
Attendance Incentive #2
Whittier will be competing in the second District-wide Attendance Incentive. The grade-level with the best attendance percentage from November 3-December 3 will participate in “Operation Kingfish.” The winning grade level will receive a visit from the Kingfish mascot and Elvis Crew; along with Kookies from Festival Foods! Good Luck to all grade levels.
Students Exceed First Quarter PBIS ATTA-PAW Goal Met!
The students were challenged to earn 500 Atta-paws for the first quarter. On Thursday, October 30, we had a total of 609 Atta-paws! Congratulations to all of the students for their responsible, respectful, and safe behaviors. The Second Quarter Goal is 641. If the students earn 641 Atta-paws for the second quarter, the total for first semester will be 1, 250! WOW! If we reach our second quarter goal, all students will receive a small surprise.
Wednesday, December 10th, 4:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.
Barnes & Noble in Racine
2710 S. Green Bay Rd. Racine, WI 53406
(More information will be sent home soon.)
PTA Pie Fundraiser
We are offering the pie sale again this year to raise money for our PTA.Orders are due to school by Wednesday, November 12. Please send checks or money orders only. No cash, please. (You can also order online at www.marketday.com.) The pies are delicious, and it's a great way to support our programs! Any questions: contact Donna at . We also need a few parent volunteers to help at pick up on November 19 from 4:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M. Please e-mail Donna if you can help. Thanks!
Thank you and Congratulations!
· Thank you to our Lunch Supervisors and Cook: Ms. Anita Palmer, Ms. Vangie Bennage, Ms. Barb Ancona, Ms. Melanie Tetrick, and Ms. Donna Grotthuss! We appreciate all that you do for our children! You are the best!
· Thank you to all of the Whittier parents and families who helped with the Explorer Family Fall Exploration Day: Ms. Jolly, Ms. Street, Ms. Beiser, Ms. Coen, Ms. Garcia, Mr. and Mrs. Lawler, Ms. McMillan, Ms. Pollard, Ms. Senica,Ms. Hernandez, Ms. Preble, Ms. Markiewicz. Ms. Stevens, Ms. Voight, Ms. Karmann, Ms. Hernandez and son, and Ms. Keisner! And, thank you to anyone we might have accidentally missed. What an unbelievable amount of helpers! YOU are awesome!!
· Thank you, Deputy Ray Rowe, for presenting to our Kindergarten and First Grade Classes on “911 and Seatbelt/Bus Safety.” We are always appreciative of your time and efforts to help ensure the safety of our children.
Monday, November 3
Tuesday, November 4
· 2:30 P.M.-3:45 P.M. - After School Bible Club
· 2:30 P.M.-3:30 P.M. – Chess Club
Wednesday, November 5
Thursday, November 6
· 2:30 P.M. - 4th Grade Intramurals
Friday, November 7
· 9:35 A.M. -10:35 A.M. - Minute to Win It Assembly for the 5th grade students for best attendance percentage. The assembly will be in multi-purpose room. I recommend that the 5th grade students go directly to the multi-purpose room from electives.
· 11:15 A.M. - 5th Grade Intramurals
· 11:15 A.M. - Art Club starts for 4th and 5th grades students who have signed up.
Upcoming Dates (Any changes are in red.)
November 11: PTA Meeting, starting at 6:30 P.M. Free Childcare provided.
November 11: Grade 3 Field Trip to Discovery Museum 8:30 A.M.-2:00 P.M.
November 12: Officer Rowe presents Eddie Eagle Gun Safety
1:00 P.M. Grades K-2 and 1:35 P.M. Grades 3-5
November 13: Grade 2 (Mrs. Vasarella and Mrs. Cornell) Field Trip to Pringle Nature Center 8:30 A.M.-11:30 A.M.
November 19: Market Day
November 26: Dismissal at 11:15 A.M.
November 27-28: No School
Have a great week and stay warm!