Chapter Leaders e-News

March 2013 (please note we did not publish a February edition)

To: All ONS chapter elected officers and chapter board members

(Chapter Presidents: please let us know if everyone on your chapter board is receiving the e-news. If not, please provide us with their email address and we’ll add them to our distribution)

Greetings from ONS Chapter Relations!

Update on Chapter Membership Model Transition

As you know, staff has been working with an external vendor to prepare for the upcoming transition to the new universal membership model. An updated Frequently Asked Questions document has been uploaded to the Chapter Virtual Community. At this point we expect that the transition to begin in the late spring, and should be completed by July 1. Chapters should discontinue the collection of local dues by May 1. In the coming weeks, you’ll be contacted with more detailed information about your chapter’s new membership roster, the process for rebating the chapter dues, and more. In the meantime, please direct any specific questions to you may have to .

Mark Your Calendars for the July 26-28, 2013 Chapter Leadership Workshop (CLW)!

Last week we sent out the official Chapter Leadership Workshop (formerly called ‘Mentorship Weekend’) invitation letter to all chapter presidents and presidents-elect, along with complete details of the workshop, new online registration process, and travel information. If you are a chapter president or president-elect and you did not receive our email invitation, please contact and we’ll resend it to you.

Last summer’s Chapter Leadership Workshop was the largest ever, with nearly 300 chapter leaders in attendance. And because attendance is expected to top 300 this year, ONS is moving the location of the CLW to the Sheraton Station Square Hotel, in beautiful downtown Pittsburgh! We are instituting many additional changes to the program to make it a more rewarding experience for you, including:

·  NEW! Attendees will earn valuable CNE contact hours for their participation in the CLW;

·  This year’s program follows a new and improved format, providing for a more productive learning experience and more networking time for attendees; and

·  Saturday evening will be an “open night” for you to explore our beautiful city on the rivers and discover unique dining experiences!

Registration is now open and please mark your calendar to have your chapter’s registration form completed and submitted no later than June 10!

Volunteers Connections at Congress

Planning to attend Congress next month? If so, be sure to stop by the Volunteer Connections Center (VCC). The VCC is an area dedicated for volunteer leaders at all levels - national, chapter, and SIG - to meet with one another, to meet with staff, in a quiet and comfortable setting. This will also be a place where aspiring volunteer leaders can come to learn more about available opportunities and ways to get involved. Refreshments and Wi-Fi access will be available. Check your Conference Guide for the exact location and hours. We hope to see you there!

Do You Enjoy Writing and Reporting? Apply to Serve as an ONS Connect Contributing Editor

ONS Connect is seeking a contributing editor (CE) to serve on its editorial board. CEs work closely on many aspects of ONS Connect production, including writing and editing articles and determining publication goals, policies, and content.

Qualified applicants will have a strong background in oncology nursing; experience with newsletter or magazine writing and production; strong reporting, writing, and editing skills; daily access to email; the ability to consistently meet strict production deadlines; and the organizational, planning, and interpersonal skills necessary to learn the role and work independently. The volunteer position requires a consistent two-​​year time commitment, which includes regular writing assignments, travel to one planning meeting per year (with expenses paid by ONS), and participation in monthly conference calls. Applicants must be ONS members who are RNs.

Applicants should submit a letter of interest; current curriculum vitae; appropriate supporting materials, including writing samples; and the names of two references by April 20 to Editor Debra M. Wujcik, RN, PhD, AOCN®, via email at ONSConnectEditor@​ons.​org or fax at +1-615-341-4309.

Chapter Virtual Communities

And finally – and perhaps one of best recommendations we can make – add our Chapter Virtual Communities website to your ‘Favorites’ site on your PC, iPad, or smart phone! This is the home page for ‘all-things’ chapters. Just about every chapter document, form, policy manual, guideline, staff contact information, you name it - is housed on this site. It’s your one-stop-shop for chapter operations and management resources!

That’s all for this month – as always, if we can be of any assistance, don’t hesitate to call (412) 859-6320, or email us at !