Appendix 3

Performance Indicators Relevant to the ‘Race Equality Scheme’ – Community Support Overview Group

Indicator No. / Description of Indicator / Performance 2002/03 / Target for 2003/04 / Position at 30/09/2003 if known / Relevant Benchmarking Information and Commentary
Housing Services / BV74b / Satisfaction with overall service provided by their landlord – black and minority tenants / N/A / Information obtained via Best Value Survey conducted in Autumn 2003
Results will be available in early 2004.
BV75b / Satisfactions with opportunities for participation in management and decision making black and minority ethnic tenants / N/A
BV164 / Does the authority follow the Commission for Racial Equality Code of Practice Standards for social landlords on tackling harassment included in the Code of Practice for Social Landlords Tackling Racial Harassment? / No / No
Community Safety / BV174 / The number of racial incidents recorded by the authority per 100,000 population / 7.23 / 8 / N/A
BV175 / The percentage of racial incidents that resulted in further action / 50% / 75% / N/A
Social Services
Performance Assessment Framework Fair Access / E47 / Ethnicity of older people receiving assessment / 0.50
(Level 2 on scale of 1-5) / 0.20 / N/A / Autumn Delivery and Improvement Statement
E48 / Ethnicity of older people receiving services following an assessment / 1.19
(Level 4 on scale 1-5) / 1.00 / N/A / Autumn Delivery and Improvement Statement

Benefits Service

Performance Standards / 2.119 / Does the LA comply with the statutory obligations of the RR(A)A by:
Monitoring existing policies for impact on race equality?
Assessing and consulting on the impact of proposed policies on race equality?
Publish results of assessments, consultation and monitoring of policies? / No / No / Corporate Policy is being drafted to cover impact assessments, publication and monitoring requirements.
2.120 /

Does the LA have an RES:

a) which actively communicated to
b)Which is supported by a
timetabled, three year action
plan? / No
No / Yes
Yes / To be included in Training in January to March 2004.
Updated RES will include Action Specific for Revenues and Benefits.
2.121 / Does the LA provide general training to all HB/CTB staff on their responsibilities within the RR(A)A? / No / Yes / Training to be undertaken January to March 2004
2.122 / Does the LA provide cultural awareness for all staff aimed at promoting racial equality? / No / Yes / Training to be undertaken January to March 2004
2.123 / Does the LA conduct an annual review of all facilities provided for claimants of key ethnic minority groups in the area? / No / No / To be included in Action Plan 2004/05

Personnel and Employment Issues

/ BVP02 / Level (if any) of Equality Standard for Local Government to which Authority conforms / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 1 / Detailed work in progress on assessing against the new Equality Standard for Local Government using Going For Green process via Managing Diversity Corporate Working Group. Good progress made towards Level 2.
BV11B / The percentage of top 5% of earners from black and minority ethnic communities. / 0.5% / 0%
BV17B / Minority ethnic community staff as percentage of total workforce.
Percentage of economically active minority ethnic community population in the authority area. / 1.03%
1.11% / 1.05%
1.11% / 1.18%
1.11% / Targets set to achieve aim of BoP workforce composition being representative of authority’s community. Improving performance.
BV17B figure calculated from BV3 Figures – satisfaction survey. Census 2001 data implies that this proportion has increased. Targets will be increased when BV3 data is known.