Data Sheet – Editing Media Advertisements

Section 00115

2015-04 Media Advertisement

Refer to the attached Data Sheet – Media Advertisement Information. Provide the required information based on the text shown. Alberta Transportation will complete the media advertisement.

Copy the tender number and contract name in the same format as the title and cover pages.

Identify the location of the project including Section, Township, Range, and Meridian, when appropriate. Provide the distance and direction from a nearby community, when, as most often the case, the site of the contract is located outside a town or city.

Describe the work in general terms, and list the important bid items and quantities (5 maximum) to provide prospective bidders with a general understanding of the type of work, and the cost-range. Do not use low information content words like “and all related work”. Do not list minor items. It is important to describe the work in broad terms so Internet key-work searching will attract appropriate contactors.

Specify a pre-bid meeting when access to the Site requires coordination by the Minister, or due to the nature of the Work, entertaining questions from bidders at the Site is deemed necessary. Specify the day, month (name of), date and time. Specify a mandatory pre-bid meeting only if the Alberta Transportation Project Manager has agreed to its need.


CWMS Civil Works Master Specification

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Master Specification System

Data Sheet – Sample Media Advertisements

Section 00115

2015-04 Media Advertisement


CWMS Civil Works Master Specification

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Master Specification System

Data Sheet – Media Advertisement Information

Section 00115

2015-04 Media Advertisement

Tender No.: [xxxx/xx indicating the 4 digit Tender number and the 2 digit year tendered]

[ project name in upper case ]

[ contract name in title case ]

LOCATION: [ ], Alberta



[qtyunit material]

[qtyunit material]

[qtyunit material]

Bidding Inquiries: [ ( ) Telephone No.] [City ] [ name of contact person ] [ consultant firm name ],

[PreBid Meeting and Site Inspection will be held [insert day, month (name of), date, year] at [10:30] am local time, commencing at the [Provincial Building insert municipal location] [Site] [Station 5+100] [], Alberta.]


A Mandatory PreBid Meeting will be held [insert day, month (name of), date, year] at [10:30] am local time, at the [Provincial Building insert municipal location] [Site] [Station 5+100] [Glenwood Community Hall in the town of Glenwood] [], Alberta. Attendance is mandatory for all Bidders. Form 00250A must be signed at the meeting by the Minister's and Bidder's representatives and be included with the bid submission.

A list of known parties taking Bid Documents can be found at Click on “Search Opportunities” and insert the Tender Number. Click on the opportunity name followed by the button “View Interested Venders (Bidders)”.


CWMS Civil Works Master Specification

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Master Specification System

Data Sheet – List of GSINS

Section 00115

2015-04 Media Advertisement

GSINS are used by the Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC), the province’s official electronic tendering system for Alberta’s public sector. GSIN is a commodity coding system initiated by the Government of Canada. National contractors and major sub-contractors use Merx and this Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN) to find appropriate contracts through electronic notification services. Although GSINs are not well suited to all work types used by the department, the combined work description used in the media advertisement, and the GSINs should attract appropriate contractors and subcontractors.

Provide to Alberta Transportation appropriate GSINS, from the following list, that should be used for the advertisement of the Contract.

511 Pre-erection Work at Construction Sites

512 Construction Works for Buildings

513 Construction Work for Civil Engineering

514 Assembly and Erection of Prefabricated Components

515 Special Trade Construction Work

516 Installation Work

National contractors and major sub-contractors also use keywords to find appropriate contracts through COOLNet and the Alberta Purchasing Connection (APC). Provide to Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation one or more keywords by circling any of the following words for the Contract being advertised or suggest other keywords:

511 Pre-erection work at construction sites

5111 Site Investigation Work

5112B Demolition work

5113 Site Formation and Clearance Work

5114  Excavating and Earthmoving Work

5114BA Earthmoving, Excavating and Bulldozing Services

5114A Dredging Services

512 Construction works for buildings

513 Construction work for civil engineering

5131A Construction

5131 Highways (Except Elevated Highways), Streets, Roads, Railways and Airfield Runways

5132 Bridges, Elevated Highways, Tunnels, Subways and Railroads

5133B Irrigation and Flood Control

5133C Waterways, Harbours, Dams and Other Water Works

5134 Long Distance Pipelines, Communications and Power Lines (Cables)

5135A Local Pipelines and Cables and Ancillary Works

5138 Dredging Services

514 Assembly and erection of prefabricated components

515 Special trade construction work

5151A Foundation Work

5152 Water Well Drilling

5154A Concrete Work

5154AD Cast-in-Place Concrete

5155 Steel Bending and Erection (Including Welding)

5159B Other Special Trade Construction Work

5159A Rock, Stone Crushing Services

516 Installation work

5166 Fencing and Railing Construction Work


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Master Specification System