2015 Yawgoog Guide

1. Location and Schedule

Troop 28 will be at Camp Yawgoog week 5, Sunday, July 26th through August 2nd.

We will be staying in campsite Scott in Camp Three Point.

On Sunday, we will meet at CCC at 3:00 to load troop gear and scout lockers in the truck to take to the camp site and head down as a group. Those not coming from Providence may choose to meet us at Yawgoog at about 5:00 PM. (Directions are attached.) Once at Yawgoog, the Scout Master and Treasurer go to the Bucklin Lodge to register the troop, make any final payment adjustments, and submit the health forms. When this is done, ~ 5:30, we can occupy our site.

We will arrange a truck to move troop equipment and foot lockers to the camp site. Since only one vehicle is allowed to the site, individual cars are not allowed to go in. It is recommended that all personal gear be placed on the troop truck, otherwise, you and your scout will end up carrying it to the camp, which could be a significant distance depending where you end up parking.

Scouts and adult leaders should arrive at Yawgoog in a class "A" uniform.

Since there is no food service Sunday night, each scout and overnight adult must bring some type of “bag dinner” for the evening meal.

2. Yawgoog Leader’s Guide

For a complete guide to Camp Yawgoog, please download the Yawgoog Leader’s Guide at http://www.yawgoog.org/

3. Cost and Payment

The cost for attending camp is $395.00 dollars, it covers all meals and a troop photograph for each scout. There is a $40 discount for each brother attending camp during the same week.

Total fee must be paid no later than the July 1st. This is important because the troop has to forward the balance due to Council not later than 15 days prior to arrival or we risk losing our campsite for the following year.

4. Health Forms – Please note the change in policy

Scouts: Every scout staying overnight at Yawgoog must have had a physical exam within the past 12 months and must submit a BSA Health Form signed by a physician or physician’s assistant (PA) attesting to that fact. A parent or guardian must also sign the scout’s form. Yawgoog will accept a Health Form signed by a physician or PA within the past 12 months as long as a parent or guardian has updated the rest of the form.

Adult Scouters staying overnight at Yawgoog must have had a physical exam within the past 12 months and must submit a BSA Class 3 Health Form signed by a physician or physician’s assistant (PA) attesting to that fact.

Health Insurance: your Health Insurance Carrier and Policy Number must be included on the Medical Form. If you do not have any, so indicate.

Physician’s Medical Forms may be stapled to the BSA Class 3 Health Form, as long as a parent or guardian (in the case of a scout) signs the BSA Class 3 Health Form and fills out pertinent information.

All Health Forms should be turned in to the Mr.Choiniere by the July 1st. This allows time for reviewing and organizing forms prior to arrival at camp. (Parents are strongly urged to make and keep a copy of their and their scout’s form before submitting it to the troop. One copy of form must be submitted to Yawgoog upon our arrival and will not be returned to troop; we will keep a copy of the form at our campsite and will retain this form for the troop records.

There are no exceptions to this policy – no form, no camp.

5. Medications

All medications must be turned into Scoutmaster Duff on Sunday, July 27th immediately when you arrive at Yawgoog. There will be a log-in of all medications with the Camp Nurse on Sunday afternoon. If the Camp Nurse feels it is practical, the Scoutmaster can then sign for the medications and bring them to camp for dispensing as directed. If the medication is to stay at the Health Lodge, the Scoutmaster will see that the camper reports to the Health Lodge with an adult at specified times to take the medication.

Medications brought to camp must be in original prescription containers with the scouts name thereon. Each scout’s original medication containers should be placed in a zip-lock bag and be labeled as follows:

Name of the scout

Name of the medications

“Troop 28 Providence, Scoutmaster: Brian Duff”

6. Other Health Information

The Yawgoog Health Lodge provides daily access to routine medical care and 24-hour assistance for emergencies.

Are there any special medical conditions or requirements for your Scout that we need to know? (Or any other health-related issues?)

Are there any special menus or diets that we need to make arrangements for? Let Bert Choiniere know as soon as possible; there is a special form that needs to be completed and turned in on July 10th so the kitchen staff can have time to respond.)

All information will be held in strict confidence, but the more we know in advance about your Scout’s state of body and mind, the better our chances are of helping him to have the great week he deserves.

7. Scout Behavior

Parents, please ensure that your Scout understands the need to behave responsibly while at camp. Sometimes living in close proximity for a week with other boys can cause some nerves to become frayed. Camp living provides an opportunity for a boy's behavior patterns to mature while adapting to various circumstances. We carefully describe acceptable behavior patterns the first night in camp, and inform all the boys that continuous misbehavior will result in a phone call to his parents to come pick him up -- regardless of the time of day, or night. We do not anticipate any problems; we just want parents to be aware of the possibility and to discuss behavior with their Scouts prior to departure for camp.

8. Gear

There is a list of what each boy must bring, may want to bring, and should not bring as an attachment at the end of this guide. Please note the following highlights from the list:

Footlocker - Gear should be packed in a footlocker. If locked, the footlocker should be locked with a combination. Write you son’s lock combination on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope with his name on the outside; give the envelope to DR. Duff immediately when you arrive on Sunday at Yawgoog.

Class “A” Uniform - Each Scout and Adult Scouter must have a complete Class “A” uniform (see attached uniform standards) for camp. This uniform is worn to evening meals, to the dress parade on Sunday, and for the troop photo on Monday morning.

Class “B” Uniform - (a Hawaiian print shirt) is worn during the daytime and outside of evening meals, the Scouts can wear more informal attire. Tee-shirts (and sweatshirts on those cool evenings, should there be any – and there always are) are acceptable. (No controversial messages on tee-shirts and no muscle shirts.)

Spending Money - About $20-30 should be plenty of spending money for the Trading Post. Troop Leaders will not operate a “troop bank” at Yawgoog; the boys will be responsible for keeping their own money with them or locked up in their footlockers. On the subject of Trading Posts, please encourage your son to go easy on the “junk” food. Remember the words of the Boy Scout oath; we need to support healthy eating habits. Chipmunks and other local critters (some smellier than others) may also be a problem for us in the campsite, so too much food in non-air tight containers will invite trouble. Please note that some activities at Camp require money (craft merit badges and shooting activities), which will require extra money on the order of $10 to $15 each badge or activity.

Bug Control - Each scout may bring mosquito netting to camp. (Send bug spray in plastic pump bottles, not spray cans, or rub-on lotions for use during the day.)

9. Parents in Camp

Parents who bring their sons to Yawgoog on Sunday are encouraged to come to the campsite to help them settle in – and to settle any concerns you may have, as well.

All parents are invited to stay overnight for a part of the week or to visit camp during the day. Parents staying overnight at camp must have completed Youth Protection Training. Contact Chris Sanzo about this training, he can be reach at . Remember: everyone staying overnight must have Class 3 health form signed by MD/PA.

Parents may visit our campsite anytime during the week for the day; but we would like to know in advance that you are coming. This is because we will have room for adults in the dining hall, but need to know who is visiting, since there may be as many as nine adults staying in camp already. (If you come out to stay or visit, remember to sign in at the Bucklin Lodge before coming to campsite.)

Beyond the Sunday drop off, there are two other times during the week when parents and siblings are invited (and do not have to sign in): The Saturday night show and the Sunday dress parade just before we leave. The Saturday night show is a vaudeville-style show in the J. Harold Williams Amphitheater, located behind the Bucklin Lodge. The show is at 8 PM, so if you are coming, plan on arriving not later than 7:15. Wear plenty of bug spray. (A word of caution, though. The troop, and all other troops in camp, will be marching to the show and march back to our campsite as soon as the show is over. This means you may not get much more than a wave from your son as he goes by.)

On Sunday, the dress parade will be held on the Tim O’Neil Field, located just inside the Yawgoog gate. It starts at 12:30 PM, and you should plan to be there early to park on the field, and find a shady spot. (There are not many, so sun screen and wide-brimmed hats are suggested.) The troop generally does a brief award ceremony at campsite Scott prior to lunch. All parents and family are urged to attend this ceremony. We begin at 10:30. Since Scott is the farthest campsite in Three Point we suggest that you plan on arriving at Yawgoog by 10:00, leaving plenty of time to hike to the site.

Unfortunately, Sunday is the closing of the mess hall as well and there will be no be room at lunch for any guests that day. So please pack yourself a bag lunch.

10. Adult Leader Training in Camp

The following training is available at Camp Yawgoog during our week at camp (please refer to www.yawgoog.org for additional information)

Youth Protection Training -

Outdoor Leader Skills –

Scoutmaster / Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training (three sessions required)

Scoutmaster/SPL Leadership

Also offered are Basic New Leader Essentials


11. Communications

The phone number for Yawgoog is (401) 539-2311. Scouts are not allowed to use the camp phone except in emergency, so don’t expect a call. Please do not send your Scout to camp with a cell phone or a pager.

Please be aware that mobile service is historically poor at Yawgoog and calls may not go through.

Each Scout is required to write home Tuesday night, so please make sure your Scout has an envelope with your address and a stamp on it before he leaves home. (Postcards and postage are available in camp, sometimes but not always. Better to be prepared.) If you want him to receive a letter while he is in camp, here is the address (it is recommended that letters or packages be mailed not later than Tuesday, July 14th to ensure they arrive before we leave – better still, mail them on Thursday or Friday of the week before we go to camp.)

Scout Name

Troop 28 Providence

Campsite Scott /Three Point /Week 5

61 Camp Yawgoog Road

Rockville, RI 02873

12. Required Attendance

Unless otherwise approved in advance by the Scoutmaster, it is expected that all Scouts attending Yawgoog will attend the Sunday dress parade on the last day of camp and be at CCC on both Sundays to load and unload the Troop gear. These activities are an integral and important part of the scout program and Camp Yawgoog program.

13. Departing Camp

We are assuming your son will remain at camp the entire week unless you inform us otherwise. We need to know in advance if your son needs to leave camp temporarily (for example, to attend a sporting event, family function, etc.) or early due to family commitments. Once we are settled in camp, any boy leaving camp must check out/in at the Three Point Dining Hall, and the adult providing transportation must have authorization (if not the parent) and a picture ID.

On Sunday, the dress parade, held on the field just inside the Yawgoog gate is the closing ceremony of the camp week. Once completed scouts are free to leave. Similar to arrival, cars are not permitted into the camp site on Sunday. To remove troop and scouts’ belongings the troop will arrange for a truck to collect the gear early Sunday morning and bring them to the field. Following our campsite award ceremony the scouts and leaders will have the closing lunch in the mess hall. The troops march directly from the mess hall to the dress parade. Please take an opportunity during lunch to locate your Scout’s gear and transfer them to your vehicle. Collect your Scout by Bucklin as the troops disband. Parents are responsible for transporting their Scout back to Providence. If you are unable to be at Yawgoog to get your Scout, please contact one of the leaders in advance to make arrangements for his return to Providence.

14. Questions

If you have any questions about anything in this memo or any other aspect of Yawgoog, please contact: Mr. Choiniere by email at or cell 617-590-9507.

15. THE LIST Attached is a list of things your son should, AND SHOULD NOT, bring to camp. Please ensure that your boy packs appropriately.