August 2011doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1117r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

802.11 TGafteleconference August2nd2011 Minutes
Date: 2011-08-02
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / Email
Rich Kennedy / Research In Motion Corporation / 7305 Napiet Trail
Austin, TX 78729 / +1-972-207-3554 /
Peter Ecclesine / Cisco Systems / 170 W. Tasman Dr., San Jose, CA 95134-1706 / +1-408-527-0815 /
Zhou Lan / NICT / 3-4, Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, 239-0847, Japan / +81-46-847-5097 /

August2nd, 2011 PM 21:00-23:00 ET,7 in attendance (Happy 8.02.11 WiFi day)

Agenda refer to

  1. Richard Kennedy (RIM) is the chair of the group. Peter Ecclesine (Cisco) is the vice-chair of the group. Chair called meeting to order: 21:00ET.
  1. Agenda of the teleconference in 11-11-0915-02-00af-august-2nd-teleconference-plan-and-agenda.pptis reviewed and approved by unanimous consent.
  1. Introduction
  2. Chair welcomed participants to the Task Groupteleconference.
  3. Chair introduced the officers of the group.
  4. Chair: Rich Kennedy (Research In Motion)
  5. Vice-chair, Technical Editor and Webex Facilitator: Peter Ecclesine (Cisco)
  6. Recording Secretary: Zhou Lan (NICT)
  7. Chair reminded participants to record their attendance by sending mails to , and .
  1. Administrative items
  2. Chair presented the links for the documents related with the administrative items.
  3. Chair reviewed the patent policy and meeting guideline slides. Is there anyone who is not familiar with the IEEE Patent Policy? None.
  4. Chair asked: Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard? None.
  5. Chair reviewed other guidelines for IEEE WG meetings.
  6. Chair reviewed the TG chair function.
  1. Peter Ecclesine reviewed the progress with San Francisco meeting minutes 802.11-11/1106r0.
  2. Draft D1.02 and comment spreadsheet 11-11/277r14 approved
  3. Held a meeting with TGac PHY experts (Thursday AM1) to discuss how we adopt their PHY
  4. Resolved 151 comments, only 41% MAC + PHY (553) comments are still open.
  5. Yongho Seok asked members who plan to attend the ad hoc meeting write to him to declare the attendance.
  6. Yongho Seok asked to remove the “fails with” and “passes with” from the straw poll results (68.1 and 68.2)of document 11-11/1106r0.
  1. Yongho Seok (LGE) presented document 802.11-11/1102r0 for CPM element related comment resolution.
  2. Zhou Lan (NICT) asked if the table is removed, how to switch on/off the two optional fields.
  3. Yongho Seok responded these two fields will not be optional any more, and functionality of CPM will be divided.
  4. Peter Ecclesine commented there should be no change on the behaviour of CPM, it should support changing the occupied bandwidth, center frequency and power simultaneously or any combination.
  1. Yongho Seok (LGE) presented document 802.11-11/1103r0 for CPM element length and capabilities related comment resolution.
  2. Peter suggested to keep the two octet maximum transmission power field and change the unit to 0.1 dBm.
  3. Yongho Seok will contact TGac and feedback on the length and unit of this field to align with another contribution in TGac.
  1. Chair asked if there is any other business, hearing none, we are adjourned at 22:50 amET.


Name (affiliation) [email]

Richard Kennedy, chair (RIM) [

Peter Ecclesine, Vice-chair (Cisco Systems) [

Zhou Lan, Secretary (NICT) [

Chen Sun(NICT) [

Yohannes Alemseged(NICT) [

Yongho Seok (LGE) [

Tom Kolze (Broadcom) [

Minutespage 1Zhou Lan (NICT)