August 2011doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1117r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2011-08-02
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / Email
Rich Kennedy / Research In Motion Corporation / 7305 Napiet Trail
Austin, TX 78729 / +1-972-207-3554 /
Peter Ecclesine / Cisco Systems / 170 W. Tasman Dr., San Jose, CA 95134-1706 / +1-408-527-0815 /
Zhou Lan / NICT / 3-4, Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, 239-0847, Japan / +81-46-847-5097 /
August2nd, 2011 PM 21:00-23:00 ET,7 in attendance (Happy 8.02.11 WiFi day)
Agenda refer to
- Richard Kennedy (RIM) is the chair of the group. Peter Ecclesine (Cisco) is the vice-chair of the group. Chair called meeting to order: 21:00ET.
- Agenda of the teleconference in 11-11-0915-02-00af-august-2nd-teleconference-plan-and-agenda.pptis reviewed and approved by unanimous consent.
- Introduction
- Chair welcomed participants to the Task Groupteleconference.
- Chair introduced the officers of the group.
- Chair: Rich Kennedy (Research In Motion)
- Vice-chair, Technical Editor and Webex Facilitator: Peter Ecclesine (Cisco)
- Recording Secretary: Zhou Lan (NICT)
- Chair reminded participants to record their attendance by sending mails to , and .
- Administrative items
- Chair presented the links for the documents related with the administrative items.
- Chair reviewed the patent policy and meeting guideline slides. Is there anyone who is not familiar with the IEEE Patent Policy? None.
- Chair asked: Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard? None.
- Chair reviewed other guidelines for IEEE WG meetings.
- Chair reviewed the TG chair function.
- Peter Ecclesine reviewed the progress with San Francisco meeting minutes 802.11-11/1106r0.
- Draft D1.02 and comment spreadsheet 11-11/277r14 approved
- Held a meeting with TGac PHY experts (Thursday AM1) to discuss how we adopt their PHY
- Resolved 151 comments, only 41% MAC + PHY (553) comments are still open.
- Yongho Seok asked members who plan to attend the ad hoc meeting write to him to declare the attendance.
- Yongho Seok asked to remove the “fails with” and “passes with” from the straw poll results (68.1 and 68.2)of document 11-11/1106r0.
- Yongho Seok (LGE) presented document 802.11-11/1102r0 for CPM element related comment resolution.
- Zhou Lan (NICT) asked if the table is removed, how to switch on/off the two optional fields.
- Yongho Seok responded these two fields will not be optional any more, and functionality of CPM will be divided.
- Peter Ecclesine commented there should be no change on the behaviour of CPM, it should support changing the occupied bandwidth, center frequency and power simultaneously or any combination.
- Yongho Seok (LGE) presented document 802.11-11/1103r0 for CPM element length and capabilities related comment resolution.
- Peter suggested to keep the two octet maximum transmission power field and change the unit to 0.1 dBm.
- Yongho Seok will contact TGac and feedback on the length and unit of this field to align with another contribution in TGac.
- Chair asked if there is any other business, hearing none, we are adjourned at 22:50 amET.
Name (affiliation) [email]
Richard Kennedy, chair (RIM) [
Peter Ecclesine, Vice-chair (Cisco Systems) [
Zhou Lan, Secretary (NICT) [
Chen Sun(NICT) [
Yohannes Alemseged(NICT) [
Yongho Seok (LGE) [
Tom Kolze (Broadcom) [
Minutespage 1Zhou Lan (NICT)