Exhibit Hall will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 8, 2016
□ Yes, I would like to reserve an exhibit space at the Conference.
During lunch each Exhibitor will be given an opportunity to highlight their Company’s products.
Company/Organization: ______
(Please print or type exactly as name should appear in program and signage)
Contact Person: ______Title: ______
Name of Person attending Conference: ______ Title: ______
(Please print or type exactly as name and title should appear on badge)
Phone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Brief description of products/services to be displayed at your booth:
Fee $500 Number of spacesrequested ______Total $______
Company name and logo on group signage at each venue site
Exhibit space to include a standard 6 foot skirted table, two chairs and signage
A copy of the mailing list of all attendees
One complimentary ticket to the three day conference which includes opening session, exhibit hall luncheon, Sunday Carpe P.M. Early Arrivals Reception, Monday Opening Reception, and educational sessions
Exhibitor Agreement
1.Payment for space at the Florida Main Street 2016 Annual Conference must be made in full, before space assignment can be made. Space cannot be reserved without payment.
2.Space will be assigned on a first-paid basis with priority given to contributing sponsors.
3.Exhibitors are not permitted to assign, sublet or share with others any part of
the exhibit space allotted to them.
4.All materials used for decorating must be flameproof.
5.No construction will be allowed at the sides or above the table that may obstruct the view of any adjacent tables.
6.By signing this form you agree that Florida Main Street, Department of State, MainStreet DeLand Association, the City of DeLand, Volusia County, and the exhibit hall site shall not be held liable for damage to or destruction of any exhibit or property contained in or about the exhibit area.
7. Set-up time is Sunday, August 7, 2016, from 12 Noon-5:00 pm.
8.All exhibits must be completely set up by 7:00 am on Monday, August 8, 2016.
9. Move-out is on Monday, August 8 by 7:00 pm. Please dispose of all trash.
Your signature below indicates that you understand and agree to the terms above.
Exhibit Space may not be occupied without an organization representative’s signature.
Organization Representative SignaturePrint Name
Company NameDate
Note: Upon receipt of this form you will be contacted to confirm your set-up time and requirements.
PAYMENT (Please Check One)
Check Enclosed in the amount of $______(Checks payable to MainStreet DeLand Association)
Credit Card: ______VISA MASTERCARD
Card # ______Exp. Date ______
Cardholder’s Signature ____ Print Name ______
Wayne Carter
MainStreet Deland Association
100 N. Woodland Blvd. Suite 4
DeLand, FL 32730
For additional information, please email Wayne Carter at
with detailed question(s) and contact information.
Please put “FMS Exhibitor Question” in the subject field.