Present:Mr G Tunnicliffe, Mr. A Kilsby, Mr I Jones, Mrs A Emery.

In Attendance:J Winslow (Clerk), Cllr Jennings, Cllr J Weatherstone, 6 parishioners

Apologies: None

Election of Chairman & Vice Chair: The Clerk opened the meeting and invited Councillors to consider the election of Chairman and Vice Chair for this year.

Mr Tunnicliffe was re-elected as Chairman (proposed Mr Jones, second Mr Kilsby). Mr Jones was elected as Vice Chair (proposed Mr Tunnicliffe, second Mr Kilsby).

Signing of office/ Register of Interests: Mr Tuniccliffe signed acceptance of officer form for Chairman 2013/14. No changes advised to Register of Interests.

Minutes of Meeting held 9th April 013: Were read out by the Chairman and signed as a true record of the Meeting.

Matters Arising:

728. Some work on clearing the gullies had been carried out but only one side of the street. The Council had been contacted on this oversight and remaining work should be done in June.

729. Play Area.Mr Kilsby had commenced work on replacing the seats on the Sputnik roundabout and would fit the new seats on the swings. It was suggested that a further work party to clean up the area be organised for Sunday 26th May. Mr Kilsby to check paint stocks for repainting equipment.

The playing field itself needed the attention of a Mole Catcher. The contractor used two years ago was not contactable and there were none listed in the phone directory. Mr Parker offered his experience of removing moles from his garden. It was agreed that the Council would re-imberse Mr Parker with the cost of traps needed for the Park. (NOTE: Mr Parker has caught 4 moles)

730. Crematorium Proposal. Cllr Jennings had recently been able to provide information from the County Council about their considerations on the siting of a crematorium along the A5199 between Kilby and Arnsby. The need for a crematorium for South Leics. had been established and a number of sites suggested. Other proposals had been rejected and this site was now the Counties preferred option. No details are yet available and no plans will be considered before marketing the proposal with cremation companies. There may well be other options for providing a service elsewhere for the south side of the County.

Mr Jones offered to act a representative of the Council in discussions with the County.

731. On advice of BlabyDC an advertisement for the vacant seat on Kilby PC had been placed in the Notice Board. No response had been received to date. Blaby’s advise was that if no applications received by the end of the month then the Council can consider co-opting a replacement.


Chq No 378N Freeman£629.09 Groundworks

380Kilby URC£20.00 May meeting

381Came & Co£265.00 Annual Insurance

382LCC£60.00 Website service

383Wicksteed£240.00 Swing seats

384St Mary PCC£350.00 Sec 137 grant

732. The Clerk showed the balanced account books for 2012/13. These were signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. Details and the Annual Audit Return had been received and are required to be sent before the 30 June.


733. The Playing Field Assoc. were conducting a play inspection course for parish councilors. Members to advise Clerk if wishing to attend.

Any Other Business:

734. The problem of fly tipping at the Kilby Turn lay byes was brought up by Mrs Emery. A number of incidents had been noted recently and reported to the waste authority. Mrs Emery was thanked for her efforts in getting the verges cut along the A5199.

735. Mr Jones wished to advise that the Kilby Woodland Trust AGM would be held on 28th May.

736. Cllr Jennings was congratulated on his recent re-election to the County Council.

Date of Next Meeting:Tuesday 9th July.

Meeting closed 8.50pm