July 2015

Board Position: Public Relations Chair


Represented: Golf Tournament Subcommittee, Community Outreach Subcommittee, Media & Marketing Subcommittee, HR Awards Subcommittee, GSHRM Cares Program

Submitted by: Samantha Smith

1.  Items or Projects for Board Discussion or Approval: N/A

2. Action Item Progress (Board Member or Committee assigned): N/A

3. Updates on Current Projects and Plans (as information – no discussion needed):

Please note the upcoming community activities (see attachment). GSHRM is partnering with the Greenville Literacy Association to offer two volunteer opportunities for members.

·  Donation Pick Up/Delivery (June 1 - July 31): The Greenville Literacy Association is seeking volunteers from GSHRM to pick up books donated for the annual book sale at one or more donation locations once weekly and drop them off once weekly at McAlister Square (in the Pleasantburg and Laurens Road area). The donation locations are most Bi-Lo stores in Greenville County, churches, Starbucks locations and some fitness centers/gyms. Volunteers can choose the location(s) most convenient to their daily routes. Delivery of the donations to McAlister Square is Monday-Friday, 9am to 4pm (help will be available to unload).

·  Book Sale (August 15): GSHRM has partnered with the Greenville Literacy Association to provide volunteers for their annual book sale, The Really Good, Really Big, Really Cheap Book Sale, which will be held on August 14, 15 and 16, 2015, at McAlister Square. Volunteer activities include straightening books and restocking, standing "guard" to watch books shoppers have selected while they continue shopping, and preparing tickets for the cashiers. GSHRM volunteers are needed on Saturday, August 15, to fill shifts from 8:30am to 12:30pm and from 12:30pm to 4:30pm. Volunteers are also needed on Thursday, August 13 to haul books from storage and set up for the sale, and on Sunday, August 16, to take down the event.

4. New Member Contacts Regarding Committee Interest: Kyle Sweat & E. April Bridges

5. GSHRM members involved in your project work:

·  Golf Tournament Subcommittee -- Bob Hunt and Ed Parris are Co-Chairs

·  Community Outreach -- Cathy Rodriguez (Chair), Jackie Jordan

·  Media and Marketing – Bobbie Stewart (Chair), Laura Bogardus, Jo Keah Teague

·  GSHRM Cares – Susan Rector

·  HR Awards Subcommittee -- Gail DePriest