Shuttleworth College  Burnley Road Padiham BB12 8ST

Headteacher Mrs R England BA Hons NPQH

tel 01282 682300 fax 01282 682312



23rd January 2018

Dear parent/carer,

In our continued drive to accelerate student progress and improve achievement, we are running a revision holiday school during February half term. Details regarding subjects and times are attached to this letter. Your child will be given a personalised timetable within the next couple of weeks which will outline the exact sessions that they will need to attend.

There will also be a quiet study area available every day for your child to come in to college and spend the day revising, if they wish to do so and have not been invited to a formal revision session on that day.

A free hot drink will be provided on arrival. Hot breakfasts can be ordered and paid for by your child if they arrive on time and these will be delivered mid-morning. Free break-time refreshments will be provided, however, if your child will be attending a full day please ensure they have lunch provided or money to buy lunch off-site. They do not need to wear school uniform.

Much work is going on in college to support your child, with targeted intervention sessions running after-school every night of the week. However, if you feel we could help your child in another way, please let us know.

Should you require any more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

L Pennington

Miss L Pennington

Associate Assistant Headteacher

Curriculum Leader Performance Arts & Intervention Lead


Deputy Headteachers: Sally Sagar●Deborah Allen

Shuttleworth College  Burnley Road Padiham BB12 8ST

Headteacher Mrs R England BA Hons NPQH

tel 01282 682300 fax 01282 682312



Day of the week / Morning (9 – 12) / Afternoon (12:30-3:30)
Saturday 10th February / Drama / Drama
Monday 12th February / iMedia
Chemistry / Languages
Tuesday 13th February / PE
Biology / PE
Wednesday 14th February / Art
Maths (a band)
English (b band)
Physics / Art
English (a band)
Thursday 15th February / Graphics
Maths (b band)
History / Graphics
Friday 16th February / Geography
iMedia / Geography

Morning sessions 9am – 12 pm

Lunch 12pm – 12:30pm

Afternoon sessions 12:30pm – 3:30pm


Deputy Headteachers: Sally Sagar●Deborah Allen