Beware of companies that solicit you through the mail to pay for their services to “find” scholarships for you. There is never any need to spend your own money to get scholarship money. These companies have stationery that looks and sounds very official, but they are just trying to make you pay for information that you can get for free from the web & from LAUSD College Counselors. If you receive an invitation to a meeting, check this list or as your college counselor before you go or sign anything! Below is a partial list of companies that have sent solicitations to our students:
Academic Financial Program
Academic Scholarship Resources
Achieving Success, Inc.
AIM (Academic Investment Money)
American Scholarships
California Scholarship Foundation
Career Assistance Planning, Inc.
College Advantage
College Aid
College Admissions & Planning Advisory System (C.A.P.A.)
College Assistance Services, Inc.
College Financial Aid Services of America; College Financial Aid Services Inc.
College Fund, The
College Funding Group
College Partnership, The
College Planning Center, L.P., The
College Resource Management, Inc.
College Scholarship Services, Inc.
CorRich Enterprises
DECO Consulting
Easley National Scholarship Program
Educational Communications Scholarship Foundation
Educational Assistance Council
Fame Marketing and Associates (The real FAFSA website is
Graduate Fund, The
Graduate Financial Assistance Plan
Miss Teen of America Program
National Academy of American Scholars
National Alliance for Scholastic Achievement
National College Registration Board
National Research Center for College and University Admissions
National Scholarship Foundation
National Scholarship Survey
National Society of High School Scholars
National Student Financial Aid
NIEP College Focus
Olin L. Livesay Scholarship Fund
Orphans International
Paragon Foundation of California
P.T.A. Services
Student Financial Advisory
Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanium
United States Achievement Academy
REMEMBER: Free scholarship resources are available on the internet!
(check out , go to “counseling” then to “college counselor” for a scholarship list.)
These may say you’ve been “selected” for their book or list, but colleges are NOT impressed:
The National Honor Roll,The National Society of High School Scholars
Registered Inventory of College and High School Excellent Students (Minority Access)
Who’s Who in American Teenagers and Who’s Who Among American High School Students