09 March 2017 doc: 18-17/0064r00

IEEE 802.18

Radio Regulatory-TAG

Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group Minutes
Date: 09 March 2017
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Jay Holcomb,
Vice Chair, RR-TAG / Itron / Liberty Lake, WA / +1(509) 891-3281 /
Officer presiding:
Rich Kennedy,
Chair, RR-TAG / HP Enterprise / Austin, TX / +1(737) 202-7014 /


Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference.

These are the Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference, Thursday, 09 March 2017.

Attendees: 7 voters:

Ecclesine Peter Self

Holcomb Jay Itron Inc.

Kennedy Richard Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Nejatian Alireza Ericsson AB

Yaghoobi Hassan Intel Corporation

Notor John Notor Research

Lepp James BlackBerry

With teleconferences announced on 10nov16, a quorum has been met.

1 other:

Kenney John Toyota, ITC

1.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 14:34 ET.

2.  Chair presents 802.18-17/0040r01as the meeting plan and agenda. The proposed agenda:

a.  Review and approve the agenda

b.  Approve minutes from the last teleconference.

c.  Discussion items

i.  Regulatory work in progress

ii. Status of completed work

d.  Actions required

i.  Ofcom 5.8 GHz statement

ii. ISED (Canada) consultation

e.  AOB and Adjourn

3.  Chair reviews and asks for any agenda changes?

a.  Hearing none, Chair asks if any objections to approve proposed agenda?

b.  Hearing none, 18-17/0040r01 teleconference plan and agenda (slide 2) is approved by unanimous consent.

4.  Chair presents slides 3, 4 and 5; IEEE 802 meeting and participant’s guidelines.

5.  Chair presents slide 6, approval of last teleconference minutes.

a.  18-17-0036-00-0000_minutes_teleconference16feb17.doc, 17-Feb-2017 10:12:32 ET

b.  Chair asks if any objections to approving by unanimous consent.

c.  Nothing hear, minutes approved.

6.  Chair presents slide 7, Discussion Items:

a.  ETSI BRAN and ERM TG11 updates

b.  Ofcom 5.8 GHz decision

7.  Chair presents slide 8, ETSI updates

a.  EN 300 328 (2.4 GHz)

b.  V2.1.1 approved in ENAP; will be published 13-Jan-17

i.  V2.2.1 in process

ii. V2.2.1 in process

c.  EN 301 893 (5 GHz)

i.  Approved in BRAN

ii. Completed Public Enquiry period with 5 commenting NBs

iii.  ETSI BRAN #92 (March 6-10)

d.  EN 302 567 (60 GHz)

i.  Ready was approved by BRAN at December meeting (BRAN#91)

e.  EN 301 598 (TVWS)

i.  Completed RED changes; was approved in December BRAN meeting

8.  Chair presents slide 8, IEEE 802 positions for WRC-19

a.  Regulators in developing countries are interested in the IEEE 802 positions, to help them formulate their inputs

b.  Applicable agenda items

i.  1.12 ITS – assigned to:

ii. 1.13 IMT – assigned to:

iii.  1.14 HAPS – assigned to:

iv.  1.15 275 GHz – assigned to: Thomas

v. 1.16 5 GHz – assigned to:

vi.  Issue 9.1.5 – assigned to:

c.  Formal “Position Paper”

d.  Do we want to submit as a sector member?

9.  Chair presents slide 10, Actions Required

a.  Amtrak Waiver Request

b.  ISED (Canada) Consultation

10.  Chair presents slide 11,12, ISED (Canada) Consultation

a.  https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0029-00-0000-ised-consultation-on-5150-5250.pdf

b.  Comments due March 29, 2017

c.  “… whether to modify the current technical and policy framework for radio local area network (RLAN) devices operating in the 5150-5250 MHz frequency band.”

d.  Draft response assigned to: Hassan Y.

e.  https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/17/18-17-0039-00-0000-proposed-ieee-802-response-to-canada-ised-consultation.docx

f.  A few notes from the discussion.

i.  Spell out HPOD, high power outdoor.

ii. Point to add UNII-I not UNII-III

iii.  11ax is a project yet, need to format reference appropriately.

iv.  Some discussion on the suggestion of exclusion zone for downlink in Ottawa, in summary more study maybe needed, on satellite antenna characterises and maybe small to no exclusion zone is needed.

g.  Will update and have ready for next week’s meeting and EC approval.

11.  Chair presents slide 12, Ofcom 5.8 GHz Decision

a.  May 2016 consultation: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0037/79777/improving-spectrum-access-consumers-5ghz.pdf

i.  In Mentor: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/16/18-16-0032-00-0000-ofcom-5-ghz-consultation.pdf

b.  Statement: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0032/98159/5p8-Regs.pdf

c.  Comments due April 11, 2017

d.  Looked at the original Ofcom consultation from earlier in 2016.

e.  A few notes from the discussion.

i.  Discussed limit of the 200mW EIRP.

ii. Difference of indoor only and fixed outdoor use, how do we understand that.

iii.  A car is not considered indoor.

12.  Chair presents slide 14, AOB

a.  Next meeting: March, 14, 2017 at the Vancouver Plenary

13.  Chair asks is there any other business?

a.  Hearing none, Chair asks is there any objections to adjourning?

b.  Hearing none, we are adjourned at 15:18 ET

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