Vergas Jr. Royalty 2016

We are currently seeking young tikes between the ages of 4 and 7 to compete for the title of Vergas Jr. Royalty. Your child must be 4 years old by Sept. 1st, 2016, and have not reached their 8th birthday by Sept. 1st, 2016. The Jr. Royalty Program will be held in conjunction with the Miss Vergas/Princess Altona Pageant on
Thursday, August 11th, 2016 at the Vergas Event Center at 7:00pm.

There will be two practices. The first one will be held on Sunday, August 7th, 2016 at the Vergas Event Center at 4pm. The second will be held at 5:00pm on Wednesday, August 10th at the Vergas Event Center. We will be taking a group photo this year. Wagoner Portrait Studios will be hand and offers great packages of $20 or less.
You are not required to purchase a package.

Please contact Melissa Bunkowske at 218-234-1175 or to confirm your child will be a participant in the Vergas Jr. Royalty Program.

Deadline to register is Friday, July 15th, 2016.

All tickets for the pageant are $10 and can be purchased through any Miss Vergas/Princess Altona Contestant, Melissa Bunkowske, or at the door.
Please fill out the information below and email it to
Information will be used in the program and on-stage for the pageant.
Please submit a head & shoulder picture of just your son or daughter in jpeg form to the above email. These pictures will be used in publicity and in the program.
Deadline: July 15th, 2016 Pageant Date: Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Vergas Jr. Royalty Registration Form

Name of Contestant:


Birth Date:

Names of Parents/Guardians (How you want it listed in the program)


Cell #


Please email a picture of your child to Melissa Bunkowske by Friday, July 15th, 2016. This picture will be used in the program. Email picture to