MGMT 523 Potential Test Questions
- Explain the labor contract ratification process.
- Describe the four arbitration options available when an impasse is reached during the labor negotiation process.
- Explain the reinstatement rights of strikers and how they differ for unfair labor strikes and economic strikes.
- Briefly describe the Wheeler model of union formation.
- Unions can come to represent a group of employees through a variety of methods. Briefly describe the three methods unions have for gaining the right to represent a group of employees.
- Explain the NLRB secret election process.
- Several factors make it more likely that the union will be successful in a secret ballot election. Identify and describe four of the success factors.
- Define the bargaining range. What are the major components of the bargaining range?
- Some negotiators are more effective than others. Describe five attributes of successful negotiators.
- Some subjects of a labor negotiation are voluntary while others are mandatory. Briefly explain three mandatory and two voluntary negotiation subjects.
- During a labor negotiation, both management and the union can commit unfair labor practices. Explain three unfair labor practices that management might commit during a labor negotiation.
- There are several options available for determining the appropriate wage structure for a group of employees. List and explain any three of those options.
- When negotiating a multi-year contract, negotiators may opt to either vary the wage increases over the life of the contract or keep them constant. Explain three options available to negotiators who wish to vary the wage increases throughout the term of the contract.
- How does technology affect job security for union members? What can the union do to lessen the impact?
- What is the difference between jurisdictional disputes and work relocation? In the case of the UAW and GM contract negotiations, is the awarding of new model manufacturing more closely related to work relocation or jurisdictional disputes? Why?