Projects updates end Sept 3rd October 2017

All of the volunteers have now returned from Malawisafe and well, in some cases have found apersonal belief in what they did not know they were capable of in most difficult surrounds and conditions.

This update will be somewhat longer in terms of pages, several of the projects have now been completed with lots of fine pictures to show you all the magic of what happened in these 8 villages.

Uniform Material Project 2 junior schools £200

Some 350 meters of various uniform colours were purchased in the capital Lilongwi, this in turn was loaded into our already somewhatloaded cars for the journey north.. After cutting up into various lengths for distribution the women’s centres that will now make school uniforms.

This project is now completed


Bumba junior school 18 classrooms renovation project 2017

All 18 classrooms are now completed at last.

This project is now completed

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Bumba Junior School Library

“A crescent school project”

This library project has now been finished at last with some very nice pictures showing the new library

Before After

This project is completed


Rhumpi Hospital Medical equipment project

In amongst the 8 suitcases we carried out, were a variety of medical items, these included 2 new nebuliser machines with enough surplus filters and other associated items to treat up to 16 people for 1 year.

In addition quite a number ofOrthopaedic leg braces and support foot ware was taken out not to mentionsuitcases full of other much needed items for this very rural hospital.

This project is completed

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Bumba Junior school staffroom project

“A Coventry Friday Breakfast Rotary club project”

The building work out side is largely finished just awaiting the new metal window to arrive. The inside is almost completed, we expect the inside & Outside to be completed by mid-October. The furniture for this staff room will follow on once all building work is completed.

New window


This project is funded


Whole class teaching project

The last 4 schools have now received their teaching machines in Sept. Over the last month we have paid a number of visits to these 8 schools to see the machines in action and discuss other matters such as adult education with each of these school communities. Over all there was much joy and smiley faces during our visits with some magical videos of class teachers with these new machines.

Over the next 3 months we will monitor the reports from these 8 schools with a view to the expansion of this project in 2018.

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This project is completed


St Vincent Junior School

Renovation project 2017

“A Crescent SchoolBilton Silver Training Band Project

This project also was visited on a number of occasions. Progress has been slow partly due to the difficult journey one must take to reach this village school.

Having said all this they have got s move on in the last 2 weeks and we expect good news during October about the estimated project completion date.

This project is funded

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Luzi Junior School Renovation Project

“ASoutham 2000 Rotary project”

Over the month of Sept we paid several visits to this school. What was not realised was the age of this school and when the first teaching blocks were built,the head teacher has pointed out each block and the relevant age.

Building progress has commenced a pace, the lead builder says the aim is to complete before the rains in November.

This project is funded

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Luzi junior school library furniture project £387

A Karen & Zack Grieves/ family and friends project.

Once the builders have completed the classrooms they will proceed next with the Luzi library project


After this is what we expect the library to look like

This project is funded


Luzi Junior school new staffroom furniture project £600

This project seeks to provide the 15 teachers at Luzi junior school a table/ chair/ book case & 4 notice boards for each teacher in the new staffroom being made available in LuziSchool.


Afterthis is what we expect the new staffroom to look like.

This project is not funded

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Projects for 2017/2018

Our interim thinking for the coming year 2018 projects will focus in the following areas

A)Toilet blocks for Junior schools estimated

Cost £385 per 3 block toilet.

B More whole class teaching Kits

Provisional kit price £600 (Subject to

a 3 month review of existing 8 machines)

B)Schools renovation projects. All the Grade A Large school poor condition £2500/£3000

Schools have been visited. Each has Grade B Medium size school poor condition £1500/£2000

Been assessed under the following Grade C Small school poor condition £1000/£1400

Project grade/ cost guide line

C) Adult education projects 6 months

Including classroom solar lighting

Fixed cost £600

Charitable Giving via

Through the kind assistance of Southam Rotary 2000, we have been helped in setting up a charitable giving link in our website. Money can be donated via the link contained within our web site. Just go to the page “Want to Help” then click on the link and follow the instructions. Or just click on the link above. Please remember to tick the little box on the left hand side of the first page.

This also means that if you are a UK tax payer we will be able to claim back an additional 25% on top of your original donation. So you can see it could be a better way to raise much more money for the projects.

Our plan is to continue with My- Donate Charitable giving in 2017/18

Tony & Sue Melia October 2017
