Purchase and installation of Interactive Flat Panels

The Saugus Union School District (SUSD) requests a Proposal/Statement of Qualifications from vendors interested in providing technology equipment in an effort to provide a 21st century learning environment at all of the District Elementary Schools.

Background: The Saugus Union School District serves roughly 10,000 K-6 stendents at 15 school sites, District Office and Maintenance & Operations in the City of Santa Clarita and in uncorporated areas in the county. Voters in the District have overwhelmingly supported modernization/reconstruction of the District’s schools. The District is currently engaged in the planning and pre-design phase of work on the major renovation/reconstruction of various sites as a part of the recently passed Measure EE.

The District’s goal is to level the playing field for all students and give them the tools to access content across subject and grade levels - anytime, anywhere by pushing learning beyond the confines of the school building. The District seeks a vendor to install new Interactive Flat Panels into our classrooms. We have three (3) different configurations that should be quoted. We are looking at a complete package price and an individual component price. Local and minority firms are encouraged to apply. All firms, even if currently under contract and working in the District, must provide a Proposal/Statement of Qualifications in order to be considered for projects under the new Measure EE Bond Program.

Interested firms must submit a Proposal/Statement of Qualifications (“RFP/SOQ”) to the District by
3:00pm on Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Proposal/Statement of Qualifications must contain all requested information about the products/firm and must be in the required format. All RFP/SOQ's will be reviewed and evaluated by the District’s Selection Committee.


Firms wishing to submit a Proposal/Statement of Qualifications must be licensed and insured. Insurance requirements will include standard forms and limits of General and Auto Liability, Workers Compensation, and Professional Errors and Omissions Insurance. Firms selected for demo/interview will be asked to provide Insurance Certificates reflecting current firm limits.

Firms wishing to submit a Proposal/Statement of Qualifications are informed that the Saugus Union School District's Contract for such Services contains language requiring the firm to indemnify the District to the fullest extent allowable under California law. Firms selected for demo/interview will also be provided with copies of the complete District Contract for the required Services and will be required to provide general acceptance of the contract terms.


Evaluation of firm Proposal/Statement of Qualifications and selection of firms for demo/interview will be based upon the following criteria:

1.  Firm/Team Experience - Directly related experience on comparable California public projects. Teams without directly comparable public project experience will not be considered.

2.  Project Team Experience - In-house and sub-consultant team composition and relevant technical experience. Experience of the team members on comparable California public projects. History of successful public projects with members of the proposed team.

3.  Small/Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Participation - Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise participation in the project team at the ownership and sub-consultant level.

4.  Adherence to Budget - Ability to meet established budgets “see project information”

5.  Adherence to Schedule - Ability of vendor to meet installation and startup schedules “see project information”

6.  Adherence to district goal - Ability of the vendor to provide a 21st century learning environment multiple options/choices.

7.  School Educational Expertise - Firms should indicate their understanding of current issues in providing service on an occupied campus.

8.  Firm’s History of Claims, Lawsuits and Investigations.


Provide an introduction to your firm/team indicating the unique background and qualities of the team.

Present the following information, and other supplementary materials, in your firm's Proposal/Statement of Qualifications to directly address the criteria for selection noted above.

Provide a list of similar California public projects, completed by the firm, for the last five years. Include description and location of projects, dates, cost, and description of services provided. For each project referenced, provide an owner reference, and project manager reference.

Submission of the Proposal/Statement of Qualifications

All inquiries relative to this Proposal/Statement of Qualifications must be directed to the following individual

Michael Leathers

Director of Information Services and Educational Technology

Saugus Union School District

24930 Avenue Stanford

Santa Clarita, CA 91355

661-294-5300, x-5762

Proposals/Statement of Qualifications Submittal Deadline

3:00pm on July 5, 2016

Respondents must submit four (4) bound copies and one electronic copy

(The electronic copy may include videos of your solution)

Location for Delivery of Statement of Qualifications

Saugus Union School District

24930 Avenue Stanford

Santa Clarita, CA 91355

Attn. Michael Leathers

Technical Requirements

The above numbers are for estimating purposes and could change. For each of the different scenarios, please provide pricing for the complete package, and if you are willing to sell individual pieces. (ie. just the flat panel, or just the cart include that pricing as well). We understand that the package pricing for your solution will probably be lower than the sum of the pieces due to economies of scale.

Description of each scenario

Tabletop cart with 65

This option will allow the IFP to be used in a table like setting giving the ability for more access in a smaller group session. The height in the lowest table top position must be no taller than 2’6”. This will also have the ability to be upright.

UP and down cart with 75

This option will allow the IFP to adjust in height depending on the student’s height. It will also allow for the flexibility to be used in other locations.

Up and down wall mounted with 75

This option will allow the IFP to adjust in height depending on the student’s height.

The following list has the requirements for the IFP and the mounting hardware we would like to purchase. Please in your response identify how your solution meets these requirements.

Hardware Features

·  Interactive Flat Panel (IFP) 4K displays with an active screen size (diagonal) of 65”, 75” respectfully for each scenario.

·  A low-glare screen surface.

·  Allow for installation with various options as indicated above.

·  On-board integrated i5 computer or better with 8GB ram w/built in wireless.

·  5-year warranty (minimum).

·  Auto registration of warranty by vendor upon installation.

·  2-hour (minimum) onsite initial training with designated staff (may be scheduled at a later date at the discretion of the school’s administration).

·  Must be compatible with Smart Software suite

Software Features

·  Allow for wired or wireless connection via USB or Bluetooth, respectively.

·  Remote management of entire fleet of IFP from one site.

·  An on-screen toolbar or menu bar which includes the following options:

o  Ability to add software programs frequently used onto the toolbar for instant access.

o  Focus option to highlight a specific screen area or information and darken the rest.

·  Conceal and reveal information (window shade).

·  Zoom in/out capability.

·  On-screen Keyboard to type text, numbers or symbols into any application directly from the screen surface.

·  Allows for edit, move, lock, flip and screen capture of objects, images and text shown and/or written on the screen surface for pasting in other documents.

·  Presentation system allows 4 or more users to interact with the device at the same time.

·  Provides handwriting recognition technology to convert handwritten images into text format.

·  Support multimedia files (audio and video) playback compatibility.

·  Import and export multiple file formats into standard District MS Office applications (MS PowerPoint, MS Word, MS Excel, etc.).

·  Software must be compatible in both Windows and Mac environment.

Cart/Mounting information

There are three types of mounting stands that we are looking at implementing. (Table top, up and down cart, and up and down wall mount) Please describe how each of your three stands meet these requirements.

·  5 year warranty on the Cart/Stand

·  Shall be compatible with the associated IFP.

·  Must be able to safely support the weight for each model of IFP.

·  Carts must have sturdy locking casters and stabilizing safety guards.

·  Stabilizing safety guards must include an anti-tipping mechanism.

Required Services

·  Delivery of equipment to each of the sites when needed for installation

·  Unpacking, removal and cleanup of packing materials

·  Assembly of carts/wall mounting bracket as applicable

·  Set up and installation of the IFP (the installation included in this scope of work will be the set-up of the IFP, on the appropriate stand or wall bracket).

·  Imaging of the Onboard Computer

·  Testing of the complete system including all hardware and software

·  Testing of field mount integrity

Saugus Union School District