Welcome to Mrs. Spangler and Mrs. Vierra’s Class!

Welcome to our 6th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies class! We are so excited to be your teachers and watch you learn and grow as a student. This year promises to be challenging, eye-opening, and fun! Mrs. Vierra will be teaching Mondays-Thursdays and Mrs. Spangler will be teaching Fridays. As 6th grade students, you will be expected to conduct yourself in a more mature manner than was expected of you in 5th grade. You will be expected to organize your materials, turn in all of your assigned work, and take responsibility for your own learning. Our job is to point you in the right direction, while providing opportunities for you to learn and excel. It is your responsibility to do the learning. Therefore, you are required to not just do your assigned work, but to learn from it! We believe that each of our students are able to succeed and we will do our best to foster your personal and academic growth. We will show you respect and will expect the same in return.


Ongoing homework will be given with vocabulary and reading for AR goals. Other various homework assignments will be given throughout the week. If you are absent, the assignment that was due needs to be turned in the day you return. You may check the school website under our names for the weekly agenda and homework. It is your responsibility to find out what classwork and/or homework you missed if you are absent. Homework assignments are due at the beginning of the period unless stated otherwise. All work submitted must be neat, include proper headings, and be legible. Headings must include first and last name, date, assignment, and block.

Teacher Availability:

Please check with the front office for school wide tutoring availability. Mrs. Vierra is available Monday-Thursday and Mrs. Spangler is available Friday. We are available by appointment or if you see us in our room, feel free to come by. No guarantees we will be available unless you make an appointment.


3 –ring binder Pens (blue or black ink)

Binder paper Section dividers

Pencil pouch for the binder Highlighter (any color)

Pencils (if mechanical, have extra lead or if regular have a pencil sharpener)

2 Spiral notebooks Glue stick

Scissors Colored pencils

Planner: Buljan Middle School requires each student to possess and use a daily planner. You may purchase a planner from the front office for $6.00.

AVID Fundraiser: AVID will be selling school supply packages that cover what is needed. Packages range from $20-$30. Please see Mrs. Dosen for purchases or questions. Thank you.

We are so excited to have you in our class and look forward to an amazing year! Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Spangler

Mrs. Vierra

Student Name (please print)______

Student Signature ______

Parent Name (please print)______

Parent Signature______