Native Plant Sale – May 14-15 – Monroe County Conservation District
Bartonsville, PA
(plants we HOPE to have available for the sale)
Allegheny serviceberryAmelanchier laevisShrub
Black chokeberryAronia melanocarpaShrub
Black hawViburnum prunifoliumShrub
Cranberry bushViburnum trilobumShrub
NinebarkPhysocarpus opulifoliusShrub
Northern bayberryMyrica pensylvanicaShrub
SteeplebushSpiraea tomentosaShrub
Swamp azaleaRhododendron viscosum Shrub
Sweet pepperbushClethra alnifoliaShrub
WinterberryIlex verticillataShrub
Beards tonguePenstemon digitalusPerennial
Bee balmMonarda didyma Perennial
Bee blossomGaura lindheimeriPerennial
Black eyed SusanRudbeckia fulgidaPerennial
*Blazing star Liatris spicataPerennial
Blue cohoshCaulophyllum thalictroidesPerennial
Blue wood asterAster cordifoliusPerennial
Blue mistflowerEupatorium coelestinumPerennial
BonesetEupatorium perfoliatumPerennial
Cardinal flowerLobelia cardinalisPerennial
Evening primroseOenothera pilosellaPerennial
Foam flowerTiarella cordifoliaPerennial
*GoldenstarChrysogonum virginianumPerennial
*Harry petuniaRuellia humilisPerennial
HoneysuckleLonicera sempervirensPerennial
Jack in the pulpitArisaema triphyllumPerennial
New England AsterAster nova-angliae "Purple Dome"Perennial
Purple ConeflowerEchinacea purpureaPerennial
Swamp mallowHibuscus moscheutosPerennial
Wake robinTrillium sessilePerennial
White trilliumTrillium grandiflorumPerennial
White wood asterAster divaricatusPerennial
Wild columbineAquilegia CanadensisPerennial
Wild geraniumGeranium maculatumPerennial
Wild gingerAsarum CanadensisPerennial
* these are new, replacing butterfly weed, Blue flag iris, roundlobe hepatica, and great blue lobelia
Flowering dogwoodCornus floridaTree
Black willowSalix nigraTree
Red-osier dogwoodCornus sericeaTree
Sugar mapleAcer saccharumTree
TuliptreeLiriodendron tulipiferaTree
Cinnamon fernOsmunda cinnamomeaFern
Hay scented fernDennstaedtia punctilobulaFern
Royal fernOsmunda regalisFern
Sensitive fernOnoclea sensibilisFern
Northern sea oatsChasmanthium latifoliumGrass
Pennsylvania sedgeCarex pensylvanicaGrass
SwitchgrassPanicum virgatumGrass
Tussock sedgeCarex strictaGrass
Wavy hairgrassDeschampsia flexuosaGrass
Virgins bowerClematis virginianaVine
About the Sale
The Brodhead Watershed Association (BWA) annual native plant sale will be a two-day event on May 14 and 15 with an expanded list of plants, food vendors and educational programming in partnership with Monroe County Conservation District’s EnvironmentalEducationCenter in Bartonsville.
More than a 1,000 plants will be available for sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Some new plants will be on hand, as well as some of the old favorites. The sale will again offer an array of plants native to the Pocono region. It will include hundreds of shade and sun perennials including ferns and grasses, and an assortment of shrubs and trees. All plants are provided to the customer with growth and habitat information to aid their transition into the garden.
Prices range from $4.50 to $18.00. The smallest plants will be in one quart pots; the largest trees in two gallon pots. Perennials average $6; ferns and grasses, $8, and trees $15.
In addition to the Saturday sale, there will be a BWA members-only sale on Friday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., May 14. BWA memberships can be acquired that evening or prior to the event.
Gardeners and homeowners can come and learn about a variety of native plants and buy what is suitable for their landscaping environment. There will be native plants available for a variety of habitats in the Poconos, from sun to shade, alkaline to acidic soils, wetlands to dry.
The plants offered will provide a local resource for gardeners ready to participate in sustainable use of residential land. By growing native plants people are directly participating in the environmental health of the planet. Native plant use protects the species that belong here, and will help contain groundwater runoff and protect groundwater supplies.
From Stroudsburg (or Exit 302B from I-80) go north on Rt. 611 to the traffic light in Bartonsville, and turn left onto Rimrock Drive. Follow Rimrock Drive for 0.4 mile, bear right onto N. Easton-Belmont Pike, go 0.2 mile, then bear right onto Running Valley Road. MCCD is 0.7 mile on left. Website:
Visit for more information on native plants.