Board of Directors AGENDA
10/18/2016 /
Location: Country Cupboard– 9:00 Meeting Start

Attendance: Aimee Bowersox, Maureen Pugh, Andy Delong, Juliann Brow, Nancy Foster, Edie Moyer, Karen Nogle, Bob Leitzel, Shirley Brough, Pattie Tamecki, Rita Pollard

Absent: Marcia Cooney, Kristi Cellitti, Debra Thomas

New Business

  • CLIF is due to SHRM by December 1, 2016.
  • Nancy will be confirming current contact information for all board members.
  • The PA SHRM website has been revised with enhanced features. Barry Frey has offered assistance and advice for us in updating our website. However, we will need to consider costs associated with changes. SHRM’s format and restrictions if implemented will limit our ability to adapt so we need to consider what platform we can use. Maureen suggested that we consider purchasing a service to maintain the website. Juliann reminded the board that that by keeping the SHRM website may allow us to retain a single email address. It may also better support extracting data for the CLIF.
  • Important Dates for SHRM
  • November 17 – 19, 2017, Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.

Kristi representing SHRMA.

  • January/February – TBD – State Council Conference call
  • April 21 – 22, 2017, SHRM Student Case Competition – Philadelphia
  • May 4, 2017, In person State Council meeting – Harrisburg
  • May 5, 2017, PA Legislative and Legal Conference – Harrisburg
  • June 18 – June 22, 2017, National SHRM Conference – New Orleans
  • Late July/Early August – TBD – PA Leadership Conference – Gettysburg
  • September 20, 2017, In person State Council meeting – State College
  • September 21-22, 2017, PA SHRM State Conference – State College
  • SHRM Chapter Charter (Map) – There was a lawsuit in California regarding chapters who were reaching beyond their boundaries to recruit members. This is not an issue in our area. We can recruit at large members but not those who have a designated chapter.
  • July Leadership Conference, Gettysburg – Any and all Board members are welcome to attend. Shirley confirmed the value of attending this event.
  • PA SHRM has partnered with the SHRM Foundation for its scholarship program. The State council has revised their scholarship program to purchase a package of two scholarships at a highly discounted price. In so doing, this allows PA SHRM to have the benefits of a scholarship program for its members while the Foundation will manage the program. Two scholarships – one in the fall and one in the spring - in the amount of $750 each will be awarded towards professional certification. The State Council will evaluate the success of the changes after several years.
  • PA SHRM Important Dates – CLIF , SHAPE and upcoming conferences.
  • We have been discussing transition of duties. With Kristi stepping up to the presidency and Pattie taking over membership, we need someone to chair and coordinate workforce readiness. Nancy asked the board to personally consider taking on this role as well as thinking of other members who may be suited for this. The initiative only requires a short term commitment but the work is intense during that time. Shikellamy has asked us to interview 27 Technical Writing students. We have volunteers to do the interviews, but need someone to coordinate the effort. Dave Scarr is interested in rejoining the board and was mentioned as a possible person to do this and there is a vacancy with Loretta’s departure from the board. Pattie agreed to approach Dave about taking on this role. Pattie also suggested that at least two people be involved in this committee to successfully manage it and suggested a co-chair or committee. Two of our members Jamie and Sandy of Central Susquehanna Opportunities do have a partnership with Shikellamy so they may be interested in being part of a committee if we had a chair. Should Dave choose to do this, he could determine what structure would best work.
  • The ballot for the board election is due out next month. Only director at large seats are open. An announcement will be made at the next meeting soliciting persons interested in being on the board.
  • With Pattie taking on membership with Loretta’s departure, the board applauded Lisa’s assistance in the transition of membership duties.


  • Secretary (Pollard)–Maureen moved to accept the minutes, Shirley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
  • Treasurer (Long) – The written report will be provided next month. Andy reported only the typical transactions. Andy recommended that we consider a Treasurer in training as she plans for retirement in a few years. We can add a notice to our ballot and also note this in other forums to solicit potential interested persons.
  • Membership(Tamecki) – One new member submitted an application, Annie Higgins, HR manager at JDK management. She is a SCP and SHRM National Member. Juliann moved to accept her as a member, Rita seconded and all approved without further discussion or dissent.
  • Program Committee (Cooney) – No report
  • Seminar/ Education Committee (Bowersox) – A brochure was made available at the door for a Diversity Conference. There is also an upcoming Labor and Legislative Conference in State College as well as the Harrisburg chapter annual conference.
  • Public Relations Committee (Pugh) – Maureen has begun to review the website to evaluate what we will want to update.
  • Labor/Legislative (Nogle) – No report
  • Scholarship (Bowersox) – The scholarship committee will roll into the Seminar/Education committee going forward. The change to the scholarship program was announced at today’s meeting as were the winners of the fall scholarships. We will continue to gather attendance data and pull names in January for the spring scholarship – attendance at the PA SHRM Legislative/Legal conference.
  • Workforce Readiness (Tamecki/Cellitti) – Report provided in new business.
  • Diversity (Brough) – A Diversity workshop is being offered in November. Brochures were available at the door.

Old Business

  • Certification recognition - Deb had sent out the final choices for gifts to recognize folks newly receiving their certification. The board sent their votes so the process will continue moving forward with costing and purchase.
  • Pinnacle Survey replacement RFP – No update at this time (continue).
  • Changing the name – It was noted that changing our name to minimize the confusion between SHRM and SHRMA is a large project due to legal requirements and the need to get approval through SHRM. Our legal name is the fully spelled out version. It was suggested that we could retain the current name and spell it out, or just spell out the Susquehanna part to differentiate us from SHRM. This would also differentiate our email. Another suggestion was to change the color of the “Susquehanna” on our logo to highlight it. We could structure the logo a little differently on our publications and products as opposed to our website as there would be less concern with differentiating our chapter from SHRM.
  • It is again time to send out letters for membership renewal and annual payment. Typically, this has been the role of membership. Lisa can provide the letter template although the letter may need to be updated and can be sent via email from the website. There is no change to pricing or procedure. It was suggested that we announce the membership renewal at the next meeting.
Next Board Meeting

11/15/2016 - 9:00 – 10:00 AM (regular board meeting)

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 10:02 on a motion from Shirley with a second from Aimee.